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/home/slemaign/softs-local/BioMove3D-git/collision/Kcd/kcd_api.c File Reference

This files contains API functions of KCD. More...

#include "Util-pkg.h"
#include "Collision-pkg.h"


struct  kcd_scene_data


typedef struct kcd_scene_data kcd_scene_data
typedef struct kcd_scene_datakcd_scene_data_p


void kcd_mo_moved (int kcd_obj_id, int is_moved)
 keeps track of status of a movable object since the latest call to KCD collision test
int kcd_get_is_moved (int mo_id)
 returns whether or not the movable object must be tested for collision again (whether or not it moved more recently than the latest collision test)
int kcd_is_initialized ()
 returns the value of kcd_initialized
int kcd_get_nof_mos ()
 Get the number of movable objects known by KCD.
int kcd_get_nof_grps ()
 Get the number of groups.
int kcd_get_nof_sos ()
 Get the number of static objects.
void deconnect_kcd_data ()
 Cleans up KCD and resets the data.
void kcd_remember_scene (int kcd_scene_id)
 Select a scene with the kcd_scene_id.
void kcd_beg_scene (int tot_nof_prims, int nof_st_obj, int nof_mo_grps, int nof_mov_obj)
 Initializes some internal KCD data structures.
int kcd_end_scene ()
 builds remaining internal hierarchies necessary for KCD
void kcd_clean_up ()
 free-s all memory of the internal data structures used by KCD
void kcd_beg_obj (int can_move)
 adding an object
int kcd_end_obj ()
 creates OBB-tree on all single OBBs and on all roots of OBB-trees of the primitives and polyhedrons in the object
int kcd_add_prim (void *primPt)
 creates OBB's on the primitives
int kcd_def_mo_grp (int *arr_kcd_ids, int nof_mo_ids)
 makes group of several given movable objects
void kcd_def_mo_no_grp (void)
 makes a group (-1) with movable object without groups
void kcd_act_mo (int mo_id)
 the given movable object is considered by the collision test
void kcd_deact_mo (int mo_id)
 the given movable object is ignored by the collision test
void kcd_act_grp (int grp_id)
 the group of links of the given robot is considered by the collision test
void kcd_deact_grp (int grp_id)
 the group of links of the given robot is ignored by the collision test
void kcd_act_obst (int ext_obj_id)
void kcd_deact_obst (int ext_obj_id)
int kcd_obst_is_act (int ext_obj_id)
void kcd_act_mo_pair (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id1, int kcd_id2)
 Activate the test of collision and the distance computation between two movable objects.
void kcd_deact_mo_pair (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id1, int kcd_id2)
 Deactivate the test of collision and the distance computation between two movable objects.
void kcd_act_col_mo_pair (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id1, int kcd_id2)
 Activate the test of collision between two movable objects.
void kcd_deact_col_mo_pair (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id1, int kcd_id2)
 Deactivate the test of collision between two movable objects.
void kcd_act_dist_mo_pair (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id1, int kcd_id2)
 Activate the distance computation between two movable objects.
void kcd_deact_dist_mo_pair (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id1, int kcd_id2)
 Deactivate the distance computation between two movable objects.
void kcd_act_mo_env (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id)
 Activate the test of collision and the distance computation between a movable object and the environment..
void kcd_deact_mo_env (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id)
 Deactivate the test of collision and the distance computation between a movable object and the environment..
void kcd_act_col_mo_env (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id)
 Activate the test of collision between a movable object and the environment..
void kcd_deact_col_mo_env (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id)
 Deactivate the test of collision between a movable object and the environment..
void kcd_act_dist_mo_env (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id)
 Activate the distance computation between a movable object and the environment..
void kcd_deact_dist_mo_env (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id)
 Deactivate the distance computation between a movable object and the environment..
void kcd_act_grp_pair (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int grp_id1, int grp_id2)
 Activate the test of collision between two groups of movable object.
void kcd_deact_grp_pair (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int grp_id1, int grp_id2)
 Deactivate the test of collision between two groups of movable object.
void kcd_act_grp_env (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int grp_id)
 Activate the test of collision between a groups of movable object and the environment.
void kcd_deact_grp_env (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int grp_id)
 Deactivate the test of collision between a group of movable object and the environment.
void kcd_deactivate_all_mo (kcd_col_handle *handlePt)
 Deactivate all the test of collision.
int kcd_mo_is_act (int mo_id)
 Returns if given movable object is activated.
int kcd_grp_is_act (int grp_id)
 Returns if given group of movable object is activated.
int kcd_mo_belongs_to_group (int mobj_id)
 see id a mo belongs to a group
int kcd_mo_pair_is_act (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id1, int kcd_id2)
 Returns if there is a test of collision or a distance computation between two movable objects.
int kcd_col_mo_pair_is_act (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id1, int kcd_id2)
 Returns if there is a test of collision between two movable objects.
int kcd_dist_mo_pair_is_act (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id1, int kcd_id2)
 Returns if there is a distance computation between two movable objects.
int kcd_mo_env_is_act (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id)
 Returns if there is a test of collision or a distance computation between a movable object and the environment..
int kcd_col_mo_env_is_act (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id)
 Returns if there is a test of collision between a movable object and the environment..
int kcd_dist_mo_env_is_act (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int kcd_id)
 Returns if there is a distance computation between a movable object and the environment..
int kcd_grp_pair_is_act (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int grp_id1, int grp_id2)
 Returns if there is a test of collision between two groups of movable objects.
int kcd_grp_env_is_act (kcd_col_handle *handlePt, int grp_id)
 Returns if there is a test of collision between a group of movable objects and the environment.
kcd_col_handlekcd_create_handle (void)
 Create and initialize a kcd collision handle.
kcd_col_handlekcd_copy_handle (kcd_col_handle *handlePt)
 Copy a kcd collision handle to a new structure.
void kcd_copy_handle_into (kcd_col_handle *src_handlePt, kcd_col_handle *dest_handlePt)
 Copy a kcd collision handle into an other structure.
void kcd_add_handle_into (kcd_col_handle *src_handlePt, kcd_col_handle *dest_handlePt)
 Merge two kcd collision handle (sum of collision tests)
void kcd_sub_handle_into (kcd_col_handle *src_handlePt, kcd_col_handle *dest_handlePt)
 Merge two kcd collision handle (subtraction of collision tests)
void kcd_deactivate_all_handle (kcd_col_handle *handlePt)
 Deactive all collision test between movable object and the environment.
void kcd_destroy_handle (kcd_col_handle *handlePt)
 Release the memory of the kcd collisions handle.
kcd_col_handlekcd_get_cur_handle (void)
 Get the current collision handle.
void kcd_set_cur_handle (kcd_col_handle *handlePt)
 Put a new collision handle as the current collision handle.
void kcd_set_aabb_on_mo (int kcd_ext_o)
 user calls this function when he/she wants KCD to compute the AABB around (moved) movable object given by kcd_ext_o
int kcd_robot_collides_itself (int robot_number, int with_report, double *min_dist, int *near_obs)
 Group of movable objects tests for autocollision.
int kcd_robot_collides_robot (int robot_number1, int robot_number2, int with_report)
 returns TRUE if given groups of movable objects collide,
int kcd_robot_vs_robot (int robot_number1, int robot_number2, int with_report, double *min_dist_estimate, int *nearest_obstacle)
int kcd_robot_collides (int robot_id, int with_report, double *min_dist_estimate, int *nearest_obstacle)
 looks only for collision between given robot and static objects
int kcd_collision_exists (int with_report, double *min_dist_estimate)
 looks for the existance of collision for any robot or movable object. This is a general function that tests all possible collisions.
int kcd_mo_collides (int mobj_id, int with_report, double *min_dist_estimate, int *nearest_obstacle)
 looks only for collision between given mo and static objects
int kcd_robot_collides_mo (int robot_id, int mo_id)
 returns TRUE if given robot collides with given movable object
int kcd_robot_vs_mo (int robot_id, int mo_id, int with_report, double *min_dist_estimate, int *nearest_obstacle)
 tests a group of movable objects against a movable object
int kcd_mo_collides_mo (int mo1, int mo2)
 tests two movable objects for collision (NO_REPORT), returns TRUE if two movable objects collide, FALSE otherwise
int kcd_mo_vs_mo (int mo1, int mo2, int with_report, double *min_dist_estimate, int *nearest_obstacle)
 tests two movable objects for collision
void kcd_set_tolerance (double epsilon)
 sets tolerance value to epsilon
void kcd_ignore_tolerance ()
 resets tolerance value to zero (does the same as kcd_set_tolerance(0.0))
void kcd_set_relative_error (double value)
 sets the value of kcd_epsilon in kcd, only usefull for exact distances
double kcd_get_relative_error ()
 gets the value of kcd_epsilon in kcd
void kcd_init_min_vol_of_obj_detail (double one_dim)
 sets smallest undividable volume for a bounding box before initialization of OBB(-tree)s and AABB hierarchy (to be called before definition of an environment)
void kcd_set_min_vol_of_obj_detail (double one_dim)
 sets smallest undividable volume for a bounding box (must be larger than the initial value), stores original value used at initalization, uses the smallest undividable volume in collision test functions
void kcd_ignore_min_vol_of_obj_detail ()
 resets smallest undividable volume for a bounding box to original value used at initialization by the user (or to 0.0 by default, when the user didn't specify at initialization)
int kcd_report_get_cor_mo (int kcd_obj_id)
 get for a given kcd_obj_id the corresponding mo_id or so_id
int kcd_robot_collides_something (int i, int with_report, double *min_dist_estimate)
int kcd_robot_collides_something_except_specified_robot (int i, int deviceToIgnore, int with_report, double *min_dist_estimate)
int kcd_nof_obst_to_add ()
void kcd_addObst_beg_scene (int current_scene, int tot_nof_prims, int nof_st_obj)
void kcd_addObst_end_scene ()
void kcd_addObst_beg_obj ()
int kcd_addObst_add_prim (void *primPt)
int kcd_addObst_end_obj ()
int kcd_get_nof_objects ()


kcd_scene_data_p kcd_scene_data_arr = NULL

Detailed Description

This files contains API functions of KCD.

Function Documentation

void deconnect_kcd_data ( )

Cleans up KCD and resets the data.

calls clean_kcd_col_data() and set_kcd_data_null()
void kcd_act_col_mo_env ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id 

Activate the test of collision between a movable object and the environment..

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id,:The index of the movable object.
If the group of this movable object has no test with the environment, then it activate the collision between this group and the environment.
In other case it doesn't change the activation of groups.
void kcd_act_col_mo_pair ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id1,
int  kcd_id2 

Activate the test of collision between two movable objects.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id1,:The index of the first movable object.
kcd_id2,:The index of the second movable object.
If the groups of those two movable objects have no test between them, then it activate the collision between those two groups.
In other case it doesn't change the activation between groups.
void kcd_act_dist_mo_env ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id 

Activate the distance computation between a movable object and the environment..

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id,:The index of the movable object.
If the group of this movable object has no test with the environment, then it activate the collision between this group and the environment.
In other case it doesn't change the activation of groups.
void kcd_act_dist_mo_pair ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id1,
int  kcd_id2 

Activate the distance computation between two movable objects.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id1,:The index of the first movable object.
kcd_id2,:The index of the second movable object.
If the groups of those two movable objects have no test between them, then it activate the collision between those two groups.
In other case it doesn't change the activation between groups.
void kcd_act_grp ( int  grp_id)

the group of links of the given robot is considered by the collision test

grp_id < total number of groups
void kcd_act_grp_env ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  grp_id 

Activate the test of collision between a groups of movable object and the environment.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
grp_id,:The index of the movable objects group.
This function doesn't change the links between movable object. This links could be modified only by kcd_act_mo_env() or kcd_deact_mo_env().
grp_id == -1 activate the set of movable objects without group.
void kcd_act_grp_pair ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  grp_id1,
int  grp_id2 

Activate the test of collision between two groups of movable object.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
grp_id1,:The index of the first movable objects group.
grp_id2,:The index of the second movable objects group.
This function doesn't change the links between movable object. This links could be modified only by kcd_act_mo_pair() or kcd_deact_mo_pair().
If (grp_id1 == grp_id2) then this active the autocollision.
grp_id1 == -1 activate the set of movable objects without group.
void kcd_act_mo_env ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id 

Activate the test of collision and the distance computation between a movable object and the environment..

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id,:The index of the movable object.
If the group of this movable object has no test with the environment, then it activate the collision between this group and the environment.
In other case it doesn't change the activation of groups.
void kcd_act_mo_pair ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id1,
int  kcd_id2 

Activate the test of collision and the distance computation between two movable objects.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id1,:The index of the first movable object.
kcd_id2,:The index of the second movable object.
If the groups of those two movable objects have no test between them, then it activate the collision between those two groups.
In other case it doesn't change the activation between groups.
void kcd_add_handle_into ( kcd_col_handle src_handlePt,
kcd_col_handle dest_handlePt 

Merge two kcd collision handle (sum of collision tests)

Note: It is an "or" opperation between all flags.

The number of movable object must be the same in both handle.
src_handlePt,:The source kcd collision handle.
dest_handlePt,:The kcd collision handle that must store the sum.
int kcd_add_prim ( void *  primPt)

creates OBB's on the primitives

  • creates OBB on sphere, cylinder, box, cube, cone, convex_facet, convex_polyhedron;
  • creates OBB-tree on all OBBs of the convex facets defined in a polyhedron;
  • places the OBB at pos0
  • stores which solids and/or polyhedrons belong to currently defined object
void kcd_beg_obj ( int  can_move)

adding an object

can_moveif can_move is FALSE, the object will be considered as a static obstacle.
will be followed by a number of calls to kcd_add_prim()
void kcd_beg_scene ( int  tot_nof_prims,
int  nof_st_obj,
int  nof_mo_grps,
int  nof_mov_obj 

Initializes some internal KCD data structures.

tot_nof_primsthe number of primitives in the scene (polyhedrons + Solids)
nof_st_objthe number of static objects in data structure of the user
nof_mo_grpsthe number of groups of movable objects the user will define
nof_mov_objthe number of movable objects in data structure of the user
will be followed by a non-zero number of sequences kcd_beg_obj(), kcd_add_prim(), kcd_end_obj()
int kcd_col_mo_env_is_act ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id 

Returns if there is a test of collision between a movable object and the environment..

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id,:The index of the movable object.
TRUE if given pair of movable object and environment exists and is activated, FALSE otherwise
Returns TRUE even if the collision between its group and the environment is deactivate and so even if no collision test is done.
int kcd_col_mo_pair_is_act ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id1,
int  kcd_id2 

Returns if there is a test of collision between two movable objects.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id1,:The index of the first movable object.
kcd_id2,:The index of the second movable object.
TRUE if given pair of movable objects exists and is activated, FALSE otherwise
Returns TRUE even if the collision between their groups are deactivate and so even if no collision test is done.
int kcd_collision_exists ( int  with_report,
double *  min_dist_estimate 

looks for the existance of collision for any robot or movable object. This is a general function that tests all possible collisions.

int kcd_collision_exists(int with_report, double *min_dist_estimate)

with_reportThis parameter determines how the collision checker tests
for collision tests between movable objects (self-collision, collision between two groups or between a group and a mo or between two mo's) only those pairs of group elements are verified for which a collision pair was defined
documentation of the with_report parameter
kcd_col_handle* kcd_copy_handle ( kcd_col_handle handlePt)

Copy a kcd collision handle to a new structure.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle that must be copied.
The kcd collision handle. NULL if there isn't enough memory.
void kcd_copy_handle_into ( kcd_col_handle src_handlePt,
kcd_col_handle dest_handlePt 

Copy a kcd collision handle into an other structure.

The number of movable object must be the same in both handle.
src_handlePt,:The kcd collision handle that must be copied.
dest_handlePt,:The kcd collision handle that must store the copy.
kcd_col_handle* kcd_create_handle ( void  )

Create and initialize a kcd collision handle.

Note: this function deactivate all tesst of collisions.

nof_mos,:The number of movable object.
The kcd collision handle. NULL if there isn't enough memory.
void kcd_deact_col_mo_env ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id 

Deactivate the test of collision between a movable object and the environment..

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id,:The index of the movable object.
If the group of this movable object has no test with the environment, then it deactivate the collision between this group and the environment.
In other case it doesn't change the activation of groups.
void kcd_deact_col_mo_pair ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id1,
int  kcd_id2 

Deactivate the test of collision between two movable objects.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id1,:The index of the first movable object.
kcd_id2,:The index of the second movable object.
If the groups of those two movable objects have no test between them, then it deactivate the collision between those two groups.
In other case it doesn't change the activation between groups.
void kcd_deact_dist_mo_env ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id 

Deactivate the distance computation between a movable object and the environment..

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id,:The index of the movable object.
If the group of this movable object has no test with the environment, then it deactivate the collision between this group and the environment.
In other case it doesn't change the activation of groups.
void kcd_deact_dist_mo_pair ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id1,
int  kcd_id2 

Deactivate the distance computation between two movable objects.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id1,:The index of the first movable object.
kcd_id2,:The index of the second movable object.
If the groups of those two movable objects have no test between them, then it deactivate the collision between those two groups.
In other case it doesn't change the activation between groups.
void kcd_deact_grp ( int  grp_id)

the group of links of the given robot is ignored by the collision test

grp_id < total number of groups
void kcd_deact_grp_env ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  grp_id 

Deactivate the test of collision between a group of movable object and the environment.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
grp_id,:The index of the movable objects group.
This function doesn't change the links between movable object. This links could be modified only by kcd_act_mo_env() or kcd_deact_mo_env(). Then a call to kcd_act_grp_env() restore all those links.
grp_id == -1 deactivate the set of movable objects without group.
void kcd_deact_grp_pair ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  grp_id1,
int  grp_id2 

Deactivate the test of collision between two groups of movable object.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
grp_id1,:The index of the first movable objects group.
grp_id2,:The index of the second movable objects group.
This function doesn't change the links between movable object. This links could be modified only by kcd_act_mo_pair() or kcd_deact_mo_pair(). Then a call to kcd_act_grp_pair() restore all those links.
if (grp_id1 == grp_id2) then this deactive the autocollision.
grp_id1 == -1 deactivate the set of movable objects without group.
void kcd_deact_mo_env ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id 

Deactivate the test of collision and the distance computation between a movable object and the environment..

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id,:The index of the movable object.
If the group of this movable object has no test with the environment, then it deactivate the collision between this group and the environment.
In other case it doesn't change the activation of groups.
void kcd_deact_mo_pair ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id1,
int  kcd_id2 

Deactivate the test of collision and the distance computation between two movable objects.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id1,:The index of the first movable object.
kcd_id2,:The index of the second movable object.
If the groups of those two movable objects have no test between them, then it deactivate the collision between those two groups.
In other case it doesn't change the activation between groups.
void kcd_deactivate_all_handle ( kcd_col_handle handlePt)

Deactive all collision test between movable object and the environment.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
void kcd_deactivate_all_mo ( kcd_col_handle handlePt)

Deactivate all the test of collision.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
int kcd_def_mo_grp ( int *  arr_kcd_ids,
int  nof_mo_ids 

makes group of several given movable objects

arr_mo_idsan array of kcd-ids of objects
nof_mo_idsnumber of entries in array arr_mo_ids
a group-id (e.g. can be seen as a robot-id)
movable objects previously defined and not in other group
void kcd_destroy_handle ( kcd_col_handle handlePt)

Release the memory of the kcd collisions handle.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
This function cannot destroy the default collision handle.
int kcd_dist_mo_env_is_act ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id 

Returns if there is a distance computation between a movable object and the environment..

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id,:The index of the movable object.
TRUE if given pair of movable object and environment exists and is activated, FALSE otherwise
Returns TRUE even if the collision between its group and the environment is deactivate and so even if no collision test is done.
int kcd_dist_mo_pair_is_act ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id1,
int  kcd_id2 

Returns if there is a distance computation between two movable objects.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id1,:The index of the first movable object.
kcd_id2,:The index of the second movable object.
TRUE if given pair of movable objects exists and is activated, FALSE otherwise
Returns TRUE even if the collision between their groups are deactivate and so even if no collision test is done.
int kcd_end_obj ( )

creates OBB-tree on all single OBBs and on all roots of OBB-trees of the primitives and polyhedrons in the object

returns object identifier: unique number for each object (static or movable)
int kcd_end_scene ( )

builds remaining internal hierarchies necessary for KCD

modifies remaining internal hierarchies necessary for KCD

Builds AABB hierarchy, and constructs OBB-trees
kcd_scene_id an identifier of the scene
Modifies AABB hierarchy, and connects OBB-trees to new AABBs
kcd_col_handle* kcd_get_cur_handle ( void  )

Get the current collision handle.

The current kcd collision handle.
int kcd_get_is_moved ( int  mo_id)

returns whether or not the movable object must be tested for collision again (whether or not it moved more recently than the latest collision test)

mo_idmo_id-th movable (!) object
TRUE if mo_id-th movable object moved recently, FALSE otherwise
int kcd_get_nof_mos ( )

Get the number of movable objects known by KCD.

used to test all different movable objects for collision
int kcd_grp_env_is_act ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  grp_id 

Returns if there is a test of collision between a group of movable objects and the environment.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
grp_id,:The index of the movable objects group.
TRUE if a group of movable objects is activated with the environment, FALSE otherwise
grp_id1 == -1 return the activation of the set of movable objects without group.
int kcd_grp_is_act ( int  grp_id)

Returns if given group of movable object is activated.

Returns TRUE if given group is activated, FALSE otherwise
grp_id == -1 represents all the movable objects that are not in any group.
grp_id < total number of groups
int kcd_grp_pair_is_act ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  grp_id1,
int  grp_id2 

Returns if there is a test of collision between two groups of movable objects.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
grp_id1,:The index of the first movable objects group.
grp_id2,:The index of the second movable objects group.
TRUE if given pair of group of movable objects exists and is activated, FALSE otherwise
grp_id1 == -1 return the activation of the set of movable objects without group.
kcd_init_min_vol_of_obj_detail ( double  one_dim)

sets smallest undividable volume for a bounding box before initialization of OBB(-tree)s and AABB hierarchy (to be called before definition of an environment)

one_dimthe smalllest undividable volume is a cube or a square with sizes of length one_dim
int kcd_mo_belongs_to_group ( int  mobj_id)

see id a mo belongs to a group

mobj_idid of the movable object
TRUE if movable object belongs to a group FALSE otherwise
int kcd_mo_collides ( int  mobj_id,
int  with_report,
double *  min_dist_estimate,
int *  nearest_obstacle 

looks only for collision between given mo and static objects

with_report parameter determines the report
does not look for collision with other robots and mo-s
verify utility of if(!(kcd_get_is_moved(kcd_ext_o)) )
int kcd_mo_collides_mo ( int  mov_obj_id1,
int  mov_obj_id2 

tests two movable objects for collision (NO_REPORT), returns TRUE if two movable objects collide, FALSE otherwise

Does not verify for definition of collision pair between given movable objects, it just calls kcd_mo_vs_mo with with_report set to NO_REPORT

WAS: int kcd_body_hits_body(int mo1, int mo2),
int kcd_mo_env_is_act ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id 

Returns if there is a test of collision or a distance computation between a movable object and the environment..

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id,:The index of the movable object.
TRUE if given pair of movable object and environment exists and is activated, FALSE otherwise
Returns TRUE even if the collision between its group and the environment is deactivate and so even if no collision test is done.
int kcd_mo_is_act ( int  mo_id)

Returns if given movable object is activated.

Returns TRUE if given movable object is activated, FALSE otherwise
void kcd_mo_moved ( int  kcd_obj_id,
int  is_moved 

keeps track of status of a movable object since the latest call to KCD collision test

kcd_obj_idkcd_obj_id-th object (static or movable) given by user in the current scene
is_movedTRUE if object moved since last call to a collision test ( FALSE if not )
sets flag to is_moved allowing the collision test to avoid testing unmoved movable objects does nothing when kcd_obj_id-th object is a static one
int kcd_mo_pair_is_act ( kcd_col_handle handlePt,
int  kcd_id1,
int  kcd_id2 

Returns if there is a test of collision or a distance computation between two movable objects.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
kcd_id1,:The index of the first movable object.
kcd_id2,:The index of the second movable object.
TRUE if given pair of movable objects exists and is activated, FALSE otherwise
Returns TRUE even if the collision between their groups are deactivate and so even if no collision test is done.
int kcd_mo_vs_mo ( int  mo1,
int  mo2,
int  with_report,
double *  min_dist_estimate,
int *  nearest_obstacle 

tests two movable objects for collision

This function has a different functionality depending on the with_report parameter (see also kcd_api.h)

mo1id of the first movable object
mo1id of the second movable object
with_reportwill decide how the mo's are tested
*min_dist_estimatedepending on with_report this returns nothing, an exact or estimated distance
writtes the found result in the report
nearest_obstacle contains bugs
void kcd_remember_scene ( int  kcd_scene_id)

Select a scene with the kcd_scene_id.

kcd_scene_idwhen the user defined several scenes, this function selects the data created by KCD for the scene for which kcd_end_scene() has returned the kcd_env_id identifier
this function does not recompute the data structures but re-uses the earlier initialization
int kcd_report_get_cor_mo ( int  kcd_obj_id)

get for a given kcd_obj_id the corresponding mo_id or so_id

kcd_obj_idis the id of the object in the list of all the KCD objects
if it is a movable object a mo_id is return, this mo_id can be used to retrieve the information written in the reports of KCD
int kcd_robot_collides ( int  robot_id,
int  with_report,
double *  min_dist_estimate,
int *  nearest_obstacle 

looks only for collision between given robot and static objects

with_reportsee documentation
*min_dist_estimate shortest distance found
does not look for self-collision, for collision with other robots
int kcd_robot_collides_itself ( int  robot_number,
int  with_report,
double *  min_dist,
int *  near_obs 

Group of movable objects tests for autocollision.

  • returns TRUE if given robot is self-colliding
  • the with_report parameter determines the report made
  • verifies only those pairs of group elements for which a collision pair was defined
int kcd_robot_collides_mo ( int  robot_id,
int  mo_id 

returns TRUE if given robot collides with given movable object

  • does not verify for definition of collision pair between given movable object and an element of the given group.
  • does not test self-collision of robot
int kcd_robot_collides_robot ( int  robot_number1,
int  robot_number2,
int  with_report 

returns TRUE if given groups of movable objects collide,

does not test self-collision, verifies only those pairs of group elements for which a collision pair was defined
int kcd_robot_vs_mo ( int  robot_id,
int  mo_id,
int  with_report,
double *  min_dist_estimate,
int *  nearest_obstacle 

tests a group of movable objects against a movable object

This function has a different functionality depending on the with_report parameter (see also kcd_api.h)

robot_idthe group_id of the movable objects
mo_idid of the other movable object
with_reportwill decide how the mo's are tested
*min_dist_estimatedepending on with_report this returns nothing, an exact or estimated distance
void kcd_set_cur_handle ( kcd_col_handle handlePt)

Put a new collision handle as the current collision handle.

handlePt,:The kcd collision handle.
void kcd_set_min_vol_of_obj_detail ( double  one_dim)

sets smallest undividable volume for a bounding box (must be larger than the initial value), stores original value used at initalization, uses the smallest undividable volume in collision test functions

one_dimthe smalllest undividable volume is a cube or a square with sizes of length one_dim
void kcd_set_relative_error ( double  value)

sets the value of kcd_epsilon in kcd, only usefull for exact distances

kcd_set_relative_error(double epsilon)

epsilona value that has to be an percentage (0 <= epsilon < 100)
the given value will be divided by 100, kcd uses the parameter as a value between 0 and 1
works only with the DISTANCE EXACT option
void kcd_set_tolerance ( double  epsilon)

sets tolerance value to epsilon

epsilonthe size of the security distance
void kcd_sub_handle_into ( kcd_col_handle src_handlePt,
kcd_col_handle dest_handlePt 

Merge two kcd collision handle (subtraction of collision tests)

Note: It is an "dest and not src" opperation between all flags.

The number of movable object must be the same in both handle.
src_handlePt,:The source kcd collision handle.
dest_handlePt,:The kcd collision handle that must store the sum.
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