libmove3d  3.13.0
Public Attributes
localpath Struct Reference

List of all members.

Public Attributes

p3d_localpath_type type_lp
char * localplanner_name
p3d_lm_specific specific
struct localpathprev_lp
struct localpathnext_lp
int valid
int lp_id
int sdk_id
double length_lp
double range_param
int * ikSol
int nbActiveCntrts
int * activeCntrts
double(* length )(struct rob *, struct localpath *)
struct localpath *(* copy )(struct rob *, struct localpath *)
struct localpath *(* extract_sub_localpath )(struct rob *, struct localpath *localpathPt, double l1, double l2)
struct localpath *(* extract_by_param )(struct rob *, struct localpath *localpathPt, double l1, double l2)
void(* destroy )(struct rob *, struct localpath *)
configPt(* config_at_distance )(struct rob *, struct localpath *, double)
configPt(* config_at_param )(struct rob *, struct localpath *, double)
double(* stay_within_dist )(struct rob *, struct localpath *, double, whichway, double *)
double(* cost )(struct rob *, struct localpath *)
struct localpath *(* simplify )(struct rob *, struct localpath *, int *)
int(* write )(FILE *, struct rob *, struct localpath *)

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