libmove3d  3.13.0
00001 #ifndef _LOCALPATH_DEF_H
00002 #define _LOCALPATH_DEF_H
00004 #include "../localpath/flat/include/struct_flat.h"
00006 #include "softMotion/softMotionStruct.h"
00007 #endif
00008 #include "../localpath/include/p3d_localPathGroup.h"
00010 #define NB_COORD_TRAILER  5
00011 #define NB_COORD_REEDS_SHEPP 4
00012 #define NB_COORD_HILFLAT 4
00014 #define NB_JNT_TRAILER      3
00015 #define NB_JNT_HILFLAT      2
00016 #define NB_JNT_REEDS_SHEPP  1
00018 /* Index of each coordinate in array numdof of struct flat_trailer */
00019 #define TRAILER_DOF_X     0
00020 #define TRAILER_DOF_Y     1
00021 #define TRAILER_DOF_THETA 2
00022 #define TRAILER_DOF_PHI   3
00023 #define TRAILER_DOF_DC_DS 4
00025 /* Index of each coordinate in array numdof of struct lm_hilflat */
00026 #define HILFLAT_DOF_X     0
00027 #define HILFLAT_DOF_Y     1
00028 #define HILFLAT_DOF_THETA 2
00029 #define HILFLAT_DOF_CURV   3
00032 //#define SOFTMOTION_DOF    7
00033 #define NB_PARAMS_SOFTMOTION 6
00034 /* Number of params from .p3d that include Number of kinematic constraints  \
00035 initialized with p3d files (Jmax, Amax and Vmax) \
00036 for linear and angular motion*/
00038 /* Maximun number of multigraph, you can change it if you want */
00039 #define MAX_MULTILOCALPATH_NB 10
00040 #endif
00042 #ifdef LIGHT_PLANNER
00043 #define MAX_CARRIED_OBJECTS 10
00044 #endif
00046 typedef enum {
00048  LINEAR,
00050  TRAILER,
00052  HILFLAT,
00054  DUBINS,
00056  SOFT_MOTION,  /* XB */
00058 #endif
00059   NBLP_TYPE
00060 } p3d_localpath_type;
00063 //typedef enum {
00064 //  REEDS_SHEPP,
00065 //  LINEAR,
00066 //  MANHATTAN,
00067 //  TRAILER,
00069 //  HILFLAT,
00071 //  DUBINS,
00072 //#ifdef MULTILOCALPATH
00073 //  SOFT_MOTION,    /* XB */
00074 //  MULTI_LOCALPATH,  // Call softMotion planner and softmotion call the specific planner ...
00075 //#endif
00076 //  NBLP_TYPE
00077 //} p3d_localpath_type;
00079 extern int P3D_NB_LOCAL_PLANNER;
00083 /* types of Reeds and Shepp curve parts */
00084 #define rs_type  int
00085 #define RIGHT    1
00086 #define LEFT     2
00087 #define STRAIGHT 3
00089 #define whichway int
00090 #define BACKWARD  -1
00091 #define FORWARD   1
00095 typedef struct s_stay_within_dist_data {
00096   double vmax;   /* maximum linear speed for the joint */
00097   double wmax;   /* maximum angular speed for the joint */
00098   p3d_point p;   /* position of the joint */
00099   struct s_stay_within_dist_data * prev; /* previous joint */
00100   double vmax0;   /* maximum linear speed before the joint */
00101   double wmax0;   /* maximum angular speed before the joint */
00103 } p3d_stay_within_dist_data;
00105 /* structure de chemin de Reeds et Shepp sur les trois premieres
00106    variables de configuration et lineaires sur les autres */
00107 typedef struct rs_data{
00108   configPt q_init;    /* config init sur la courbe   */
00109   configPt q_end;     /* config fin  sur la courbe   */
00110   double centre_x;        /* centre du cercle correspondant */
00111   double centre_y;        /* en x et y si c'est le cas (sinon 0) */
00112   double radius;          /* rayon du disque */
00113   whichway dir_rs;            /* sens = 1/-1 pour avant/arriere  */
00114   double val_rs;          /* valeur de la portion de courbe */
00115   rs_type type_rs;            /* type = 1/2/3 pour droite/gauche/segment */
00116   struct rs_data *next_rs; /* pointeur sur portion suivante  */
00117   struct rs_data *prev_rs; /* pointeur sur portion precedente */
00118 } p3d_rs_data, *pp3d_rs_data;
00120 /* structure de chemin lineaire */
00121 typedef struct lin_data{
00122   configPt q_init;    /* config init sur la courbe   */
00123   configPt q_end;     /* config fin  sur la courbe   */
00124 } p3d_lin_data, *pp3d_lin_data;
00126 /* structure de chemin Manhattan */
00127 typedef struct manh_data{
00128   configPt q_init;    /* config init sur la courbe   */
00129   configPt q_end;     /* config fin  sur la courbe   */
00130   configPt crit_q_init;    /* critere sens depend de cette  config init sur la courbe originale   */
00131   configPt crit_q_end;     /* critere sens depend de cette   config fin  sur la courbeo riginale   */
00132   double val_manh;         /* valeur de la portion de courbe */
00133 } p3d_manh_data, *pp3d_manh_data;
00135 typedef struct sub_trailer_data{
00136   configPt q_init; /* init config on sub local path   */
00137   configPt q_end; /* end config on sub local path   */
00138   double  v; /* projection of q_end on Gamma_init */
00139   double length;    /*length of the sub local path between q_init and q_end*/
00140   double alpha_0;    /* third derivative of alpha at beginning */
00141   double alpha_1;    /* third derivative of alpha at end */
00142   double  u_start;   /* parameter beginning of localpath on combination */
00143   double  u_end;     /* parameter end of localpath on combination */
00144   double gamma_1_min; /*the min of the first derivation of the curve*/
00145   double v_1_rob_max;/*maximal linear acceleration of robot on all the sub path*/
00146   double v_1_rem_max;/*maximal linear acceleration of trailer on all the sub path*/
00147   double w_1_rob_max;/* max angular acceleration of robot along sub path */
00148   double w_1_rem_max;/* max angular acceleration of trailer along sub path */
00149   double phi_max;/*the max of phi on all the way*/
00150   double phi_min;/*the min of phi on all the way*/
00151   double phi_1_tot;/*this is the kind of integral of phi_2 on the path*/
00152 }p3d_sub_trailer_data, *pp3d_sub_trailer_data;
00155 typedef struct trailer_data{
00156   p3d_sub_trailer_data *init_cusp;
00157   p3d_sub_trailer_data *cusp_end;
00158   int symmetric;
00159 } p3d_trailer_data, *pp3d_trailer_data;
00161 typedef struct sub_hilflat_data{
00162   configPt q_init; /* init config on sub local path   */
00163   configPt q_end; /* end config on sub local path   */
00164   double  v; /* projection of q_end on Gamma_init */
00165   double length;    /*length of the sub local path between q_init and q_end*/
00166   double  u_start;   /* parameter beginning of localpath on combination */
00167   double  u_end;     /* parameter end of localpath on combination */
00168   double gamma_1_min; /*the min of the first derivation of the curve*/
00169   double v_1_rob_max; /*maximal linear acceleration of robot on
00170                         all the sub path*/
00171   double w_1_rob_max; /*maximal angular acceleration of robot
00172                         on all the sub path*/
00173   double theta_1_tot;/*this is the kind of integral of theta' along the path*/
00174 } p3d_sub_hilflat_data, *pp3d_sub_hilflat_data;
00177 typedef struct hilflat_data{
00178   p3d_sub_hilflat_data *init_cusp;
00179   p3d_sub_hilflat_data *cusp_end;
00180   int symmetric;
00181 } p3d_hilflat_data, *pp3d_hilflat_data;
00184 /* Soft Motion interpolation */
00185 // typedef struct softMotion_data_FREEFLYER{
00186 //   double   J_max_lin;   /* Initialized with p3d files */
00187 //      double   A_max_lin;   /* Initialized with p3d files */
00188 //      double   V_max_lin;   /* Initialized with p3d files */
00189 //      double   J_max_ang;   /* Initialized with p3d files */
00190 //      double   A_max_ang;   /* Initialized with p3d files */
00191 //      double   V_max_ang;   /* Initialized with p3d files */
00192 //      Gb_v3    poseLinInit;
00193 //      Gb_v3    poseLinEnd;
00194 //      Gb_v3    velLinInit;
00195 //      Gb_v3    velLinEnd;
00196 //      Gb_v3    poseAngInit;
00197 //      Gb_v3    poseAngEnd;
00198 //      Gb_v3    velAngInit;
00199 //      Gb_v3    velAngEnd;
00200 //      SM_MOTION motion;
00201 //      double   motionTime; //Duration of motion = range_param
00202 // } p3d_softMotion_data_FREEFLYER, *pp3d_softMotion_data_FREEFLYER;
00203 //
00204 // typedef struct softMotion_data_joint{
00205 //      double*   J_max;   /* Initialized with p3d files */
00206 //      double*   A_max;   /* Initialized with p3d files */
00207 //      double*   V_max;   /* Initialized with p3d files */
00208 //      double*   velInit;
00209 //      double*   velEnd;
00210 //      SM_MOTION_MONO* motion;
00211 //      double   motionTime; //Duration of motion = range_param
00212 // } p3d_softMotion_data_joint, *pp3d_softMotion_data_joint;
00214 typedef struct softMotion_data_specific{
00215         double*   J_max;   /* Initialized with p3d files */
00216         double*   A_max;   /* Initialized with p3d files */
00217         double*   V_max;   /* Initialized with p3d files */
00218         double*   velInit;
00219         double*   velEnd;
00220         double*   accInit;
00221         double*   accEnd;
00222         SM_MOTION_MONO* motion;
00223         double   motionTime; //Duration of motion = range_param
00224 } p3d_softMotion_data_specific, *pp3d_softMotion_data_specific;
00226 /* Soft Motion interpolation */
00227 typedef struct softMotion_data{
00228         int isPlanned;        /* TRUE motion is planned else FALSE */
00229         int isPTP;            /* TRUE is point to point motion else FALSE */
00230         int nbJoints;
00231         int nbDofs;
00232         p3d_group_type gpType;
00233         configPt q_init;      /* config init     */
00234         configPt q_end;       /* config end      */
00235         configPt q_endp1;     /* config end+1    */
00236         p3d_softMotion_data_specific* specific;
00237   double kinematic_cost; /* cost in ]0 1] that controls speed, acceleration and jerk */ 
00238 } p3d_softMotion_data, *pp3d_softMotion_data;
00240 /* data relative to softMotion local method and stored in p3d_rob */
00241 typedef struct lm_softMotion{
00242         int nbJoints;
00243         int nbDofs;
00244         pgp_specific_str specific;
00245 } softMotion_str, *psoftMotion_str;
00246 #endif
00248 /* pointeur sur les structues specifiques a chaque methode locale */
00249 typedef union lm_specific {
00250   pp3d_rs_data rs_data;
00251   pp3d_lin_data lin_data;
00252   pp3d_manh_data manh_data;
00253   pp3d_trailer_data trailer_data;
00254   pp3d_hilflat_data hilflat_data;
00256   pp3d_softMotion_data softMotion_data; /* XB */
00257 #endif
00258 } p3d_lm_specific, *pp3d_lm_specific;
00260 /* data structure that encodes a local path */
00261 typedef struct localpath{
00262   /*
00263    *  fields
00264    */
00265   p3d_localpath_type     type_lp;  /* type de methode locale */
00266   char *localplanner_name;         /* name of local planner that
00267                                       built this local path */
00268   p3d_lm_specific specific; /* pointeur vers les donnees specifiques
00269                                a chaque type de chemin local */
00272         //p3d_lm_specific mgSpecific[MAX_MULTIGRAPH_NB]; /* pointeur vers les donnees specifiques
00273         //a chaque type de chemin local pour chaque multigraph*/
00274         struct localpath* mlpLocalpath[MAX_MULTILOCALPATH_NB];
00275         int mlpID; /* ID of graph to which the localpath is associated */
00276         configPt q_init;
00277         int mlpGpIsActive[MAX_MULTILOCALPATH_NB];
00278 #endif
00280   struct localpath* prev_lp; /* the local paths can be put in a list */
00281   struct localpath* next_lp;
00282   int  valid;             /* TRUE if no collision */
00283   int  lp_id;             /* index of loc path in p3d_traj */
00284   int  sdk_id;         /* id of localpath in SDK */
00285   double length_lp;       /* store length of local path */
00286   double range_param;     /* parameter range: [0,range_param] */
00287   int* ikSol;             /* witch solutions of constraint are used*/
00288   int nbActiveCntrts;     /*The number of active constraints in the localpath*/
00289   int* activeCntrts;      /*The ids of active constraints in the localpath*/
00291 #if defined(LIGHT_PLANNER)
00292         int isCarryingObject;
00293         struct rob* carriedObject[MAX_CARRIED_OBJECTS]; 
00294 #endif
00296   /*
00297    *  methods associated to the local path *
00298    */
00299   /*computes length of local path */
00300   double (*length)(struct rob *, struct localpath*);
00301   /*copy the local path */
00302   struct localpath* (*copy)(struct rob*, struct localpath*);
00303   /* extract from a local path a sub local path starting from length
00304      l1 and ending at length l2 */
00305   struct localpath* (*extract_sub_localpath)(struct rob *,
00306                                              struct localpath *localpathPt,
00307                                              double l1, double l2);
00308   /* extract from a local path a sub local path starting from parameter
00309      u1 and ending at parameter u2 */
00310   struct localpath* (*extract_by_param)(struct rob *,
00311                                         struct localpath *localpathPt,
00312                                         double l1, double l2);
00313   /* destroy the localpath */
00314   void (*destroy)(struct rob*, struct localpath*);
00315   /* computes the configuration at given distance along the path */
00316   configPt (*config_at_distance)(struct rob*,
00317                                  struct localpath*,
00318                                  double);
00319   /* computes the configuration for a given parameter along the path */
00320   configPt (*config_at_param)(struct rob*,
00321                               struct localpath*,
00322                               double);
00323   /* from a configuration on a local path, this function computes an
00324      interval of parameter on the local path on which all the points
00325      of the robot move by less than the distance given as input.
00326      The interval is centered on the configuration given as input. The
00327      function returns the half length of the interval */
00328   double (*stay_within_dist)(struct rob*,
00329                              struct localpath*,
00330                              double, whichway, double*);
00331   /* compute the cost of a local path */
00332   double (*cost)(struct rob*, struct localpath*);
00333   /* function that simplifies the sequence of two local paths: valid
00334      only for RS curves */
00335   struct localpath* (*simplify)(struct rob*,
00336                                 struct localpath*,
00337                                 int*);
00338   int (*write)(FILE *, struct rob*, struct localpath*);
00339 } p3d_localpath , *pp3d_localpath;
00341 /* data relative to RS local method and stored in p3d_rob */
00342 typedef struct lm_reeds_shepp{
00343   double     radius;    /* rayon de braquage */
00344   int        numdof[NB_COORD_REEDS_SHEPP]; /* degrees of freedom on which
00345                            RS method applies (x, y, theta, z) (z is optional
00346                            if its value is -1, we don't use it) */
00347   int numjnt      ;     /* the number of the main joint */
00348   int nb_other_jnt;     /* number of other joints which are free */
00349   int *other_jnt;       /* other joints that are free */
00350 } lm_reeds_shepp_str, *plm_reeds_shepp_str;
00352 /* data relative to the trailer and stored in p3d_rob */
00353 typedef struct flat_trailer{
00354   int numdof[NB_COORD_TRAILER];  /* respective coord of x, y, theta,
00355                                     phi, dc_ds */
00356   int numjnt[NB_JNT_TRAILER];    /* respective the number of the main
00357                                     joint of the trailer joint and of
00358                                     the dc_ds joint*/
00359   int nb_other_jnt;              /* number of other joints which are free */
00360   int *other_jnt;                /* other joints that are free */
00361   FLAT_STR *flat_str;
00362 } flat_trailer_str, *pflat_trailer_str;
00364 /* data relative to RS local method and stored in p3d_rob */
00365 typedef struct lm_hilflat{
00366   int        numdof[NB_COORD_HILFLAT]; /* degrees of freedom on
00367                            which hilare flat method applies (x, y,
00368                            theta, curv) (z is optional if its value is
00369                            -1, we don't use it) */
00370   int numjnt[NB_JNT_HILFLAT];     /* joint ids */
00371   int nb_other_jnt;     /* number of other joints which are free */
00372   int *other_jnt;       /* other joints that are free */
00373 } hilflat_str, *philflat_str;
00376 /* pointer to a local planner function */
00377 typedef pp3d_localpath (*ptr_to_localplanner)(struct rob*, configPt, configPt, int*);
00379 typedef pp3d_localpath (*ptr_to_softMotion_localplanner)(struct rob*, configPt, configPt, configPt, int*);
00381 /* Array of pointers to localplanner functions. The indices of the array
00382  are the elements of the p3d_localpath_type enumeration. */
00384 extern ptr_to_localplanner array_localplanner[];
00386 extern char * array_localplanner_name[];
00388 typedef int (*ptr_to_softMotion_groupplanner)(struct rob*, int , p3d_group_type , p3d_softMotion_data*, int*);
00390 extern ptr_to_softMotion_groupplanner  array_softMotion_groupplanner[];
00391 extern char * array_group_name[];
00392 #endif
00393 #endif
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