libmove3d  3.13.0
Classes | Typedefs | Functions


struct  pqp_collision_grid


typedef struct pqp_collision_grid pqp_collision_grid


void pqp_set_tolerance_flag (bool value)
void pqp_set_tolerance_value (double value)
bool pqp_get_tolerance_flag (void)
void pqp_get_tolerance_value (double *value)
void pqp_set_collision_message (unsigned int set)
int pqp_update_BB (p3d_obj *obj)
int pqp_get_obj_pos (p3d_obj *obj, p3d_matrix4 pose)
int pqp_set_obj_pos (p3d_obj *obj, p3d_matrix4 pose, unsigned int update_graphics, int opengl_context)
void pqp_p3d_to_gl_matrix (p3d_matrix4 T, GLfloat mat[16])
p3d_objpqp_get_previous_body (p3d_obj *body)
int pqp_create_pqpModel (p3d_obj *obj)
void p3d_start_pqp ()
int pqp_check_collision_pair_validity ()
int pqp_create_collision_pairs ()
int pqp_is_pure_graphic (p3d_obj *obj)
int pqp_is_pair_always_inactive (p3d_obj *obj1, p3d_obj *obj2)
int pqp_print_collision_pairs ()
int pqp_fprint_collision_pairs (char *filename)
int pqp_is_collision_pair_activated (p3d_obj *o1, p3d_obj *o2)
void p3d_end_pqp ()
int pqp_activate_object_collision (p3d_obj *object)
int pqp_deactivate_object_collision (p3d_obj *obj)
int pqp_activate_object_object_collision (p3d_obj *o1, p3d_obj *o2)
int pqp_deactivate_object_object_collision (p3d_obj *obj1, p3d_obj *obj2)
int pqp_activate_robot_robot_collision (p3d_rob *robot1, p3d_rob *robot2)
int pqp_deactivate_robot_robot_collision (p3d_rob *robot1, p3d_rob *robot2)
int pqp_activate_robot_environment_collision (p3d_rob *robot)
int pqp_deactivate_robot_environment_collision (p3d_rob *robot)
int pqp_activate_robot_object_collision (p3d_rob *robot, p3d_obj *obj)
int pqp_deactivate_robot_object_collision (p3d_rob *robot, p3d_obj *obj)
int pqp_activate_robot_selfcollision (p3d_rob *robot)
int pqp_deactivate_robot_selfcollision (p3d_rob *robot)
int pqp_activate_robot_collision (p3d_rob *robot)
int pqp_deactivate_robot_collision (p3d_rob *robot)
int pqp_activate_object_environment_collision (p3d_obj *obj)
int pqp_deactivate_object_environment_collision (p3d_obj *obj)
int pqp_activate_all_collisions ()
int pqp_deactivate_all_collisions ()
double pqp_triangle_area (p3d_vector3 p1, p3d_vector3 p2, p3d_vector3 p3)
int pqp_is_face_degenerate (p3d_polyhedre *polyhedron, unsigned int face_index)
pqp_triangle * pqp_triangulate_face (p3d_polyhedre *polyhedron, unsigned int face_index, unsigned int *nb_triangles)
int pqp_is_point_in_triangle (p3d_vector2 p, p3d_vector2 a, p3d_vector2 b, p3d_vector2 c)
pqp_triangle * pqp_triangulate_polygon (p3d_vector2 *vertices, int nb_vertices, unsigned int *nb_triangles)
int pqp_draw_triangle (p3d_obj *object, unsigned int index, double red, double green, double blue)
int pqp_draw_model (p3d_obj *object, double red, double green, double blue)
void pqp_draw_all_models ()
int pqp_draw_OBBs (p3d_obj *object, int level)
void pqp_draw_all_OBBs (int level, int opengl_context)
int pqp_top_OBB (p3d_obj *object, double &tx, double &ty, double &tz, double &ax, double &ay, double &az, double &xmin, double &xmax, double &ymin, double &ymax, double &zmin, double &zmax)
void pqp_save_model (p3d_obj *object, const char *filename)
void pqp_orthogonal_vector (p3d_vector3 v, p3d_vector3 result)
void pqp_orthonormal_basis (p3d_vector3 u, p3d_vector3 v, p3d_vector3 w)
int pqp_collision_test (p3d_obj *o1, p3d_obj *o2)
double pqp_distance (p3d_obj *o1, p3d_obj *o2, p3d_vector3 closest_point1, p3d_vector3 closest_point2)
int pqp_robot_selfcollision_test (p3d_rob *robot)
int pqp_robot_environment_collision_test (p3d_rob *robot)
int pqp_robot_robot_collision_test (p3d_rob *robot1, p3d_rob *robot2)
int pqp_robot_robot_collision_test_without_contact_surface (p3d_rob *robot1, p3d_rob *robot2)
int pqp_robot_obj_collision_test (p3d_rob *robot, p3d_obj *obj)
int pqp_obj_environment_collision_test (p3d_obj *obj)
int pqp_robot_all_no_self_collision_test (p3d_rob *robot)
int pqp_robot_all_collision_test (p3d_rob *robot)
int pqp_all_collision_test ()
double pqp_robot_environment_distance (p3d_rob *robot, p3d_vector3 closest_point_rob, p3d_vector3 closest_point_obst)
double pqp_robot_robot_distance (p3d_rob *robot1, p3d_rob *robot2, p3d_vector3 closest_point_rob1, p3d_vector3 closest_point_rob2)
double pqp_robot_robot_weighted_distance (p3d_rob *robot1, p3d_rob *robot2)
int pqp_tolerance (p3d_obj *o1, p3d_obj *o2, double tolerance)
int pqp_colliding_pair (p3d_obj **o1, p3d_obj **o2)
int pqp_print_colliding_pair ()

Detailed Description

The pqp module of BioMove3D is built on top of the PQP library ( It contains collision detection and distance computation functions.

Typedef Documentation

This structure is used to know which object pairs must pass the collision test. Each p3d_obj variable has a pqpID field (see p3d.h). This field is an index in the obj_obj array. For instance, obj_obj[body1->pqpID][body2->pqpID]= 1 means that the collision between body1 and body2 will be tested while obj_obj[body1->pqpID][body2->pqpID]= 0 means that it will not be tested. There is one static pqp_collision_grid declared in p3d_pqp.c. It is initialized with the pqp_create_collision_pairs() function. If objects are deleted (robot bodies or environment obstacles), it must be cleaned and reinitialized. NB: obj_obj is symetric and should be kept symetric. colliding_body1 and colliding_body2 are the two bodies that were reported as colliding in the last collision test. NB: the PQP module uses the p3d_BB of Move3D as a quick pre-test (with the p3d_BB_overlap_ functions). They must be computed before starting PQP (it is done in p3d_col_start) and updated.

Function Documentation

void p3d_end_pqp ( )

Deallocates all the PQP_Models.

void p3d_start_pqp ( )

This function must be called to create all the structures used by detection collision when the activated collision checker is PQP. A variable of type (class) PQP_Model is associated to each p3d_obj of the environment that means obstacles as well as robot bodies. PQP only works with triangles but the function triangulates all the faces that need to be.

int pqp_activate_all_collisions ( )

Activates the collisions between all the body pairs. If two bodies are linked by a joint, the collision test between this two bodies will not be activated.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_activate_object_collision ( p3d_obj object)

Activates the collision tests between a given object and any other object. If the object is linked to another object by a joint, the collision test will not be activated.

objobject to activate collision test with
PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_activate_object_environment_collision ( p3d_obj obj)

Activates the collision test between the given object and the environment. The object can be a robot body or an environment obstacle.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_activate_object_object_collision ( p3d_obj o1,
p3d_obj o2 

Activates the collision test between the two given objects. If the two objects are linked by a joint, the collision test will not be activated.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_activate_robot_collision ( p3d_rob robot)

Activates all the collision tests of the given robot.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_activate_robot_environment_collision ( p3d_rob robot)

Activates all the collision tests between the given robot and the environment obstacles.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_activate_robot_object_collision ( p3d_rob robot,
p3d_obj obj 

Activates the collision test between the given robot and object. If the object is a body of the robot and is linked by a joint to another body of the robot, the collision test between these two bodies will not be activated.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_activate_robot_robot_collision ( p3d_rob robot1,
p3d_rob robot2 

Activates the collision tests between the two given robots.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_activate_robot_selfcollision ( p3d_rob robot)

Activates all the selfcollision tests of the given robot. The collision tests between two bodies that are linked by a joint or that are linked to the same with P3D_FIXED joints are not activated (see pqp_is_pair_always_inactive()).

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_all_collision_test ( )

Performs all the collision tests for the current robot. Returns 1 in case of collision, 0 otherwise.

int pqp_check_collision_pair_validity ( )

Checks if the number of bodies used in the pqp_collision_grid is valid.

1 if the number of bodies used in the pqp_collision_grid is valid, 0 otherwise
int pqp_colliding_pair ( p3d_obj **  o1,
p3d_obj **  o2 

Copies in o1 and o2 the addresses of the two objects that were reported as colliding during the last collision test. This function must be called after a positive collision test.

int pqp_collision_test ( p3d_obj o1,
p3d_obj o2 

Checks the collision between two p3d_obj variables. Returns 1 if there is a collision, 0 otherwise. This is the direct interface to PQP collision test function.

int pqp_create_collision_pairs ( )

Allocates the array used to know which collisions have to be tested. All the collision tests are enabled, except for the ones between two bodies linked by a joint, that are all disabled.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_create_pqpModel ( p3d_obj obj)

Creates the PQP model of the given object (obstacle or robot body). The object pqpID is set to -1 by the function. NB: pqpPose will be the pose of the first p3d_poly (pol[0]) of the object. i.e. at the beginning pqpPose= pol[0]->pos0 and, at any time, the current positions of the vertices of pol[0] are pqpPose * pol[0]->poly->vertices. For the other p3d_poly, the current positions of the vertices are pqpPose * inv(pol[0]->pos0) * pol[i]->poly->vertices.

objpointer to the object
PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_deactivate_all_collisions ( )

Deactivates the collisions between all the body pairs.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_deactivate_object_collision ( p3d_obj obj)

Deactivates the collision tests between the given object and any other object.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_deactivate_object_environment_collision ( p3d_obj obj)

Deactivates the collision test between the given object and the environment. The object can be a robot body or an environment obstacle.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_deactivate_object_object_collision ( p3d_obj obj1,
p3d_obj obj2 

Deactivates the collision tests between the two given objects.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_deactivate_robot_collision ( p3d_rob robot)

Deactivates all the collision tests of the given robot.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_deactivate_robot_environment_collision ( p3d_rob robot)

Deactivates all the collision tests between the given robot and the environment obstacles.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_deactivate_robot_object_collision ( p3d_rob robot,
p3d_obj obj 

Deactivates the collision test between the given robot and the obstacle.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_deactivate_robot_robot_collision ( p3d_rob robot1,
p3d_rob robot2 

Deactivates the collision tests between the two given robots.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_deactivate_robot_selfcollision ( p3d_rob robot)

Deactivates all the selfcollision tests of the given robot.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
double pqp_distance ( p3d_obj o1,
p3d_obj o2,
p3d_vector3  closest_point1,
p3d_vector3  closest_point2 

This function computes the distance between two p3d_obj variable. In case there is collision between the bodies, it returns 0. It copies in closest_point1 and closest_point2, the positions of the closest points on body 1 and body 2 respectively. This is the direct interface to PQP distance computation function.

void pqp_draw_all_models ( )

Draws the PQP models (triangles) of the all the environment objects (obstacles and robot bodies). Use this function in an OpenGL display function.

void pqp_draw_all_OBBs ( int  level,
int  opengl_context 

Draws the OBBs (Oriented Bounding Boxes), computed by PQP, of all the environment objects (obstacles and robot bodies) at the given level in the OBB tree hierarchy. Use this function in an OpenGL display function.

int pqp_draw_model ( p3d_obj object,
double  red,
double  green,
double  blue 

Draws the PQP model (triangles) of the given object. Use this function in an OpenGL display function.

1 in case of success, !0 otherwise
int pqp_draw_OBBs ( p3d_obj object,
int  level 

Draws the OBBs (Oriented Bounding Boxes), computed by PQP, of the given object at the given level in the OBB tree hierarchy. Use this function in an OpenGL display function.

int pqp_draw_triangle ( p3d_obj object,
unsigned int  index,
double  red,
double  green,
double  blue 

Draws a triangle of the object's PQP model. Use this function in an OpenGL display function.

objectpointer to the object
indexindex of the triangle in the triangle array of the PQP model
redred component of the color that will be used to display the triangle
greengreen component of the color that will be used to display the triangle
blueblue component of the color that will be used to display the triangle
PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_fprint_collision_pairs ( char *  filename)

Prints, in a file, for each pair of bodies, if the collision between the two bodies will be tested.

filenamename of the file to write in
PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_get_obj_pos ( p3d_obj obj,
p3d_matrix4  pose 

Gets the pose of an object.

objpointer to the object
posea 4x4 matrix that will be filled with the current object pose
PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
p3d_obj* pqp_get_previous_body ( p3d_obj body)

Finds (if it exists) the previous body of the body given in argument, in the kinematic chain it belongs to. This is used to skip the collision tests between two bodies that are linked by a joint.

bool pqp_get_tolerance_flag ( void  )

Gets the value of the tolerance flag.

void pqp_get_tolerance_value ( double *  value)

Gets the value of the tolerance.

int pqp_is_collision_pair_activated ( p3d_obj o1,
p3d_obj o2 

Returns wether or not the collision will be tested between two objects.

1 if the collision test between the two objects is activated, 0 otherwise
int pqp_is_face_degenerate ( p3d_polyhedre *  polyhedron,
unsigned int  face_index 

A face is degenerate if it has duplicate vertices. Another case is when a face is not planar. NB: The 'return' corresponding to the case where a face is non planar has been commented because some 3D modellers (like Blender) can create models with non planar faces. This should not be an issue for the triangulation function.

1 if the face is degenerate, 0 otherwise
int pqp_is_pair_always_inactive ( p3d_obj obj1,
p3d_obj obj2 

Tests if the collision tests between the two objects must always be deactivated. This occurs in different situations:

  • when the two objects are linked by a joint
  • when they are linked to a same body with fixed joints
  • when they are associated to the same joint (same field jnt)
  • when the pqpUnconcatObj of the current object verifies one of the above conditions
    1 if the pair is always inactive, 0 otherwise
int pqp_is_point_in_triangle ( p3d_vector2  p,
p3d_vector2  a,
p3d_vector2  b,
p3d_vector2  c 

Tests if a 2D-point is inside a triangle or not.

pthe coordinates of the point
athe coordinates of the triangle's first vertex
bthe coordinates of the triangle's second vertex
cthe coordinates of the triangle's third vertex
1 if the point is inside the triangle, 0 otherwise
int pqp_is_pure_graphic ( p3d_obj obj)

Tests if the object has non graphic polyhedra.

1 if the object is only graphic, 0 otherwise
int pqp_obj_environment_collision_test ( p3d_obj obj)

Tests all the collisions between the given object and the environment obstacles. Returns 1 in case of collision, 0 otherwise.

void pqp_orthogonal_vector ( p3d_vector3  v,
p3d_vector3  result 

Computes a vector that is orthogonal to the vector v and normalizes it. The function returns an arbitrary choice for the orthogonal vector.

void pqp_orthonormal_basis ( p3d_vector3  u,
p3d_vector3  v,
p3d_vector3  w 

Computes the vectors v and w such as (u,v,w) is a direct orthonormal base. The function returns an arbitrary choice.

void pqp_p3d_to_gl_matrix ( p3d_matrix4  T,
GLfloat  mat[16] 

Converts a p3d pose matrix to an OpenGL one.

Tthe input p3d_matrix4
mata float array that will be filled
int pqp_print_colliding_pair ( )

Prints the names the two objects that were reported as colliding during the last collision test. This function must be called after a positive collision test.

int pqp_print_collision_pairs ( )

Displays, for each pair of bodies, if the collision between the two bodies will be tested.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
int pqp_robot_all_collision_test ( p3d_rob robot)

Performs all the collision tests (robot-robot, robot-environment and robot self-collisions) for the given robot only. Returns 1 in case of collision, 0 otherwise.

int pqp_robot_all_no_self_collision_test ( p3d_rob robot)

Performs all the collision tests (robot-robot, robot-environment) for the given robot only. Returns 1 in case of collision, 0 otherwise.

int pqp_robot_environment_collision_test ( p3d_rob robot)

Tests all the collisions between the given robot and the environment obstacles. Returns 1 in case of collision, 0 otherwise.

double pqp_robot_environment_distance ( p3d_rob robot,
p3d_vector3  closest_point_rob,
p3d_vector3  closest_point_obst 

Computes the minimal distance between the robot and the environment obstacles.

robotpointer to the robot
closest_point_robwill be filled with the closest point on the robot (given in world coordinates)
closest_point_obstwill be filled with the closest point on the closest obstacle (given in world coordinates)
the distance in case of success, 0 in case of failure or if there is a collision
int pqp_robot_obj_collision_test ( p3d_rob robot,
p3d_obj obj 

Tests the collisions between the given robot and the given object (that can be a body of the robot). Returns 1 in case of collision, 0 otherwise.

int pqp_robot_robot_collision_test ( p3d_rob robot1,
p3d_rob robot2 

Tests all the collisions between the bodies of the two given robots. Returns 1 in case of collision, 0 otherwise.

int pqp_robot_robot_collision_test_without_contact_surface ( p3d_rob robot1,
p3d_rob robot2 

Tests all the collisions between the bodies of the two given robots without testing collision between bodies whose flag contact_surface is set to 1 (TRUE). Returns 1 in case of collision, 0 otherwise.

double pqp_robot_robot_distance ( p3d_rob robot1,
p3d_rob robot2,
p3d_vector3  closest_point_rob1,
p3d_vector3  closest_point_rob2 

Computes the minimal distance between two robots.

robot1pointer to the first robot
robot2pointer to the second robot
closest_point_rob1will be filled with the closest point on the first robot (given in world coordinates)
closest_point_rob2will be filled with the closest point on the second robot (given in world coordinates)
the distance in case of success, PQP_ERROR in case of failure or if there is a collision
double pqp_robot_robot_weighted_distance ( p3d_rob robot1,
p3d_rob robot2 

Computes a weighted distance between two robots. If robot r1 and r2 have bodies (b1_1, b1_2, b1_3,...) and (b2_1, b2_2, b2_3,...) with weights (w1_1, w1_2, w1_3,...) and (w2_1, w2_2, w2_3,...) (field distance_weight in p3d_obj), the computed distance will be: d= w1_1*w2_1*dist(b1_1,b2_1) + w1_1*w2_2*dist(b1_1,b2_2) + w1_1*w2_3*dist(b1_1,b2_3) + ... w1_2*w2_1*dist(b1_2,b2_1) + w1_2*w2_2*dist(b1_2,b2_2) + w1_2*w2_3*dist(b1_2,b2_3) + ... where dist(a,b) is the distance between the closest points of a and b.

robot1pointer to the first robot
robot2pointer to the second robot
the distance in case of success, 0 in case of failure or if there is a collision
int pqp_robot_selfcollision_test ( p3d_rob robot)

Tests all the self-collisions of the given robot. Return 1 in case of collision, 0 otherwise.

void pqp_save_model ( p3d_obj object,
const char *  filename 

Saves the PQP model (triangles) of the given object in a file.

void pqp_set_collision_message ( unsigned int  set)

Enables/disables the display of messages about collisions.

setmessages about collision will be displayed if set > 0, they will not if set = 0
int pqp_set_obj_pos ( p3d_obj obj,
p3d_matrix4  pose,
unsigned int  update_graphics,
int  opengl_context 

Sets the pose of an object.

objpointer to the object
posea 4x4 matrix that containts the desired object pose
update_graphicsset to 1 to change what must be changed to ensure that Move3D will display the object with its new position (this update can take some time; do it only when it is really needed)
PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise

Modifies the positions of the vertices of the p3d_polyhedres of the object so that Move3D will display the object with its new position: (See pqp_create_pqpModel() function to understand the following transformations)

void pqp_set_tolerance_flag ( bool  value)

Sets the value of the tolerance flag.

void pqp_set_tolerance_value ( double  value)

Sets the value of the tolerance.

int pqp_tolerance ( p3d_obj o1,
p3d_obj o2,
double  tolerance 

This function returns 1 if the distance between the two bodies is <= tolerance, 0 otherwise. In most query calling this function is faster than calling pqp_distance() and then comparing the result to tolerance.

int pqp_top_OBB ( p3d_obj object,
double &  tx,
double &  ty,
double &  tz,
double &  ax,
double &  ay,
double &  az,
double &  xmin,
double &  xmax,
double &  ymin,
double &  ymax,
double &  zmin,
double &  zmax 


double pqp_triangle_area ( p3d_vector3  p1,
p3d_vector3  p2,
p3d_vector3  p3 

Computes and returns the area of the triangle (p1p2p3). It uses Hero of Alexandria formula.

p1coordinates of triangle first vertex
p2coordinates of triangle second vertex
p3coordinates of triangle third vertex
the computed area
pqp_triangle* pqp_triangulate_face ( p3d_polyhedre *  polyhedron,
unsigned int  face_index,
unsigned int *  nb_triangles 

Triangulates the face of index k in the face array of a p3d_polyhedre. The computed triangles (indices of vertices in the vertex array of the polyhedron) are returned while the number of computed triangles (that must be the vertex number of the face minus 2) is copied in nb_triangles.

pointer to the computed array of triangles in case of success, NULL otherwise
pqp_triangle* pqp_triangulate_polygon ( p3d_vector2 *  vertices,
int  nb_vertices,
unsigned int *  nb_triangles 

Triangulates the polygon whose vertices are given in the corresponding array. The number of vertices is given in nb_vertices. Returns a pointer to an array of triangles (indices, in the array of vertices, of the triangle vertices). The number of triangles is written in nb_triangles and must be (nb_vertices-2). If the triangulation fails, the function returns NULL and nb_triangles is set to 0. The used algorithm is the "ear-cut algorithm".

verticesthe array of polygon vertex coordinates
nb_verticesthe number of vertices of the polygon (size of the vertex array)
nb_trianglesa pointer to an integer that will be filled with the number of triangles of the triangulation
pointer to an array of pqp_triangle that are the result of the triangulation
int pqp_update_BB ( p3d_obj obj)

Updates the value of the object BB (p3d_BB) from its PQP model. This function is meant to be used only for environment objects as the BBs of the robot bodies are already updated by Move3D.

PQP_OK in case of success, PQP_ERROR otherwise
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