Source code for morse.middleware.moos.motion

import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("morse." + __name__)
import pymoos.MOOSCommClient
from morse.middleware.moos import AbstractMOOS

[docs]class MotionReader(AbstractMOOS): """ Read motion commands and update local data. """
[docs] def initialize(self): AbstractMOOS.initialize(self) # register for control variables from the database self.m.Register("cVelocity") self.m.Register("cYawRate") self.m.Register("cSteer") self.m.Register("cThrottle") self.m.Register("cBrake")
[docs] def default(self, ci='unused'): current_time = pymoos.MOOSCommClient.MOOSTime() # get latest mail from the MOOS comm client messages = self.getRecentMail() new_information = False for message in messages: # look for command messages if (message.GetKey() == "cVelocity") and (message.IsDouble()):['v'] = message.GetDouble() # command linear velocity [m/s] new_information = True elif (message.GetKey() == "cYawRate") and (message.IsDouble()):['w'] = message.GetDouble() # command angular velocity [m/s] new_information = True elif (message.GetKey() == "cSteer") and (message.IsDouble()):['steer'] = message.GetDouble() # command steer angle [deg] new_information = True elif (message.GetKey() == "cThrottle") and (message.IsDouble()):['force'] = message.GetDouble() # command engine force new_information = True elif (message.GetKey() == "cBrake") and (message.IsDouble()):['brake'] = message.GetDouble() # command angular velocity [m/s] new_information = True return new_information