Source code for base.base_testing

#! /usr/bin/env python
This script tests some of the base functionalities of MORSE.

import sys
from morse.testing.testing import MorseTestCase

# Include this import to be able to use your test file as a regular 
# builder script, ie, usable with: 'morse [run|exec]
    from morse.builder import *
except ImportError:

[docs]class BaseTest(MorseTestCase):
[docs] def setUpEnv(self): """ Defines the test scenario, using the Builder API. """ # Adding 4 robots # no name provided, use the name of the associated variable jido = Jido() # use explicitly name provided robot2 = ATRV('mana') # setup the name using explicitly robot3 = ATRV() = 'dala' # no name provided, use variable name, old school style atrv = ATRV() env = Environment('empty', fastmode = True)
[docs] def test_list_robots(self): """ Tests the simulator can return the list of robots This test is guaranteed to be started only when the simulator is ready. """ # Initialize a socket connection to the simulator import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(("localhost", 4000)) sockf = s.makefile() # Queries for the list of robots s.send(b"id1 simulation list_robots\n") result = sockf.readline() id, success, robots = result.strip().split(' ', 2) self.assertEquals(success, "SUCCESS") import ast robotsset = set(ast.literal_eval(robots)) self.assertEquals(robotsset, {'jido', 'mana', 'dala', 'atrv'}) sockf.close() s.close()
[docs] def test_socket_request_parser_resilience(self): """ Tests that the socket request parser is resilient to useless whitespaces. """ # Initialize a socket connection to the simulator import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(("localhost", 4000)) sockf = s.makefile() queries = [b"id1 simulation list_robots\n", b"id1 simulation list_robots\n", b"id1\tsimulation\tlist_robots\n", b"id1 \t simulation \t list_robots\n", b" id1 simulation list_robots \n"] for q in queries: s.send(q) result = sockf.readline() id, success, robots = result.strip().split(' ', 2) self.assertEquals(success, "SUCCESS") sockf.close() s.close()
########################## Run these tests ########################## if __name__ == "__main__": from morse.testing.testing import main main(BaseTest)