libmove3d  3.13.0
Commands for the description of joint.

The description of a joint can be done with p3d_add_desc_jnt <type> <x> <y> <z> <axe x>=""> <axe y>=""> <axe z>=""> {() ... } <parameters> <indice prev="" joint>=""> [{() ... }] or p3d_add_desc_xyz_jnt <type> <x> <y> <z> <Rx> <Ry> <Rz> {() ... } <parameters> <indice prev="" joint>=""> [{() ... }]. But these functions became complex. An other way is to define this joint between a p3d_beg_desc_jnt <type> and p3d_end_desc.

This definition can be done in the files: .p3d, .macro (and .sce for multi-robots version).

The following functions are defined:

Start the definition of a new joint for the type ::p3d_type_joint: <type>: Type is ::p3d_type_joint (with the M3D_ or P3D_ beginning):

It ends with p3d_end_desc

Finish the description began by p3d_beg_desc_jnt <type>.

Define the previous joint <number>, the default value is 0, the ::P3D_BASE joint.

Funtions to set the position of one joint.

p3d_set_pos_axe <x> <y> <z> <axe x> <axe y> <axe z>

Define the initial position of the joint by its orientation, like p3d_add_desc_jnt <type> <x> <y> <z> <axe x>=""> <axe y>=""> <axe z>=""> {() ... } <parameters> <indice prev="" joint>=""> [{() ... }].

p3d_set_pos_axe_dh <a> <alpha> <r> <theta>

Define the initial position of the joint folowing Denavit & Hartenberg parameters, like p3d_set_pos_axe_dh <alpha> <r> <theta>.

p3d_set_pos_xyz <x> <y> <z> <Rx> <Ry> <Rz>

Define the initial position of the joint by three rotations, like p3d_add_desc_xyz_jnt <type> <x> <y> <z> <Rx> <Ry> <Rz> {() ... } <parameters> <indice prev="" joint>=""> [{() ... }].

p3d_set_pos_mat <M(0,0)> <M(0,1)> ... <M(3,2)> <M(3,3)>

Define the initial position of the joint by its matrice.


Flag to show that the initial position of the joint (defined either by p3d_set_pos_axe <x> <y> <z> <axe x>=""> <axe y>=""> <axe z>="">, p3d_set_pos_xyz <x> <y> <z> <Rx> <Ry> <Rz>, p3d_set_pos_dh_subsection or p3d_set_pos_mat <M(0,0)> <M(0,1)> ... <M(3,2)> <M(3,3)>) is defined relativly to the previous joint initial position. If p3d_set_pos_relative is not define. The initial position is the absolute position in the environment.

Funtions to set the values of the degree of freedom of one joint.

p3d_set_dof <value_1> <value_2> ... <value_n>

Function to set the initial values of the degree of freedom, all the degree of freedom must be defined.

p3d_set_dof_pos0 <value_1> <value_2> ... <value_n>

Function to set the initial values of the degree of freedom, corresponding to the initial position of the joint.

p3d_set_dof_vmin <value_1> <value_2> ... <value_n>

Funtions to set the initial minimal bounds for the values of the degree of freedom of one joint. All the degree of freedom must be defined.

p3d_set_dof_vmax <value_1> <value_2> ... <value_n>

Funtions to set the initial maximal bounds for the values of the degree of freedom of one joint. All the degree of freedom must be defined.

p3d_set_dof_vmin_rand <value_1> <value_2> ... <value_n>

Funtions to set the initial minimal bounds for random sampling of the values of the degree of freedom of one joint. All the degree of freedom must be defined.

p3d_set_dof_vmax_rand <value_1> <value_2> ... <value_n>

Funtions to set the initial maximal bounds for random sampling of the values of the degree of freedom of one joint. All the degree of freedom must be defined.

p3d_set_is_user <flag_1> ... <flag_n>

Funtions to define if the degree of freedom are visible to the user or not. All the degree of freedom must be defined.

Funtions to set parameters to the joint

p3d_set_param <value_1> <value_2> ... <value_n>

Defined parameter used by the joint (currently, no joint use this).

p3d_set_name <name>

Define the name of the joint

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