libmove3d  3.13.0
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/home/slemaign/softs-local/BioMove3D-git/bio/BioEnergy/bio_nmode.c File Reference

Methods for using the Normal modes as given by the Sander program of AMBER suite. More...

#include "P3d-pkg.h"
#include "Move3d-pkg.h"
#include "Graphic-pkg.h"
#include "Bio-pkg.h"
#include "Util-pkg.h"
#include "include/bio_nmode.h"
#include "include/bio_2amber.h"
#include "include/amb_eln.h"
#include "include/bio_allocations.h"


#define USE_METHOD_2   1


void set_displacement_along_CD (double alph, double *angle, int nbOfJoints, double *angle_d, double *outAngle)
void SubstractFromTheLigandAtomIndexesTheNumberOfAtomsOfMainProtein (torsion *initialTorsions, int nbAtomsOfMainProtein)
void bio_flex_molecule_nmodes (double alpha, int firstJoint, int lastJoint)
void get_coordinates_Prot (double *x_coo)
void get_coordinates_Lig (int nbAtomsOfMainProtein, double *x_coo)
int ReadNormalModesFromFile (FILE *fmat, displacement *dis)
void ComputeNMDisplacementsMethod2 (displacement *normalModesDirections, double *amplitudes, double *newAngles)
int InitializeNormalModes (explorationType whichExplorationModeToInitialize, void(*AlertTheUserMethod)(char *, char *, char *), int(*QuestionTheUserMethod)(char *, int))
 Should be called before using any other public method.
void get_collective_degrees (displacement *inDis, vector *inVec, torsion *inTor, double **outColDeg)
int SetCurrentEigenVector (int eignV)
void bio_flex_molecule (double alpha)
int dof5SliderMoved (int sliderNb, double sliderValue)
void bio_set_num_collective_degrees (int n)
int bio_get_num_collective_degrees (void)
int bio_infer_q_from_coldeg_conf (p3d_rob *robPt, configPt *q, double *coldeg_q, int n_coldeg)
void get_displacement (double *vec_x, int nvec, int natom, displacement *dis)
void GetAtomsPositionsFromLinearVectorToNx3matrix (double *coordinatesVector, int nbAtoms, vector *atomPositions)
void GetTorsionAnglesFromCartesianCoordinates (vector *atomPositions, torsion *tor, double *value)
int ComputeTotalNumberOfAtoms ()
int GetFirstAndLastJointOfMainProteinAndLigand (int *firstJointProtein, int *lastJointProtein, int *firstJointLigand, int *lastJointLigand)
void GetFirstAndLastJointOfMainProtein (int *firstJoint, int *lastJoint)
void GetFirstAndLastJointOfLigand (int *firstJoint, int *lastJoint)
int ComputeNumberOfAtomsOfMainProtein ()
int ComputeNumberOfAtomsOfLigand ()
int GetTotalNumberOfJoints ()
explorationType GetCurrentExplorationMode ()
void SetCurrentExplorationMode (explorationType newExplorationType)


displacementnormalModesDirections = NULL
vectorvecPt = NULL
torsiontorPt = NULL
double ** currentColectiveDegrees
double * proteinColectiveDegrees [TOTAL_NO_EIGENVECTORS+1]
double * ligandColectiveDegrees [TOTAL_NO_EIGENVECTORS+1]
void(* AlertTheUser )(char *title, char *text1, char *text2)
int(* QuestionTheUser )(char *question, int defaultBtn)
int internalFirstJointProtein = 0
int internalLastJointProtein = 0
int internalFirstJointLigand = 0
int internalLastJointLigand = 0

Detailed Description

Methods for using the Normal modes as given by the Sander program of AMBER suite.

Function Documentation

int InitializeNormalModes ( explorationType  whichExplorationModeToInitialize,
void(*)(char *, char *, char *)  AlertTheUserMethod,
int(*)(char *, int)  QuestionTheUserMethod 

Should be called before using any other public method.

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