Modifiers ========= Modifier processing is a specific phase between datastream processing and real component processing. It allows us to apply some generic transformations on the data (for example, convert from one frame convention to another), or to alter the ``qualities`` of data to make them more realistic. List of existing modifiers -------------------------- .. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 1 modifiers/* Adding a modifier to a component -------------------------------- Binding a component to use a modifier is done through the :doc:`MORSE Builder API <../../user/builder>`, using the method :py:meth:`morse.builder.abstractcomponent.AbstractComponent.alter`. For example, to transform coordinates from local Blender frame to some absolute UTM reference frame, you can use the :doc:`UTM conversion modifier <../../user/modifiers/utm>` in this way: .. code-block:: python from morse.builder import * robot = ATRV() gps = GPS() gps.add_stream('socket') gps.alter('UTM') robot.append(gps) env = Environment('empty', fastmode = True)'123456789.0', UTMYOffset=-4242.0, UTMZOffset=421.0) Sometimes, you need to pass some arguments to your modifier, for example to set the standard deviation of your :doc:`gaussian noise <../../user/modifiers/pose_noise>`. In such cases, you can use the following syntax: .. code-block:: python import math from morse.builder import * robot = ATRV() pose = Pose() pose.add_stream('socket') pose.alter('Noise', pos_std = 0.10, rot_std = math.radians(10)) env = Environment('empty', fastmode = True) Creating a new modifier ----------------------- Please see the developer documentation: :doc:`Creating a modifier <../dev/adding_modifier>`.