MAVLINK ======= MAVLink is a very lightweight, header-only message marshalling library for micro air vehicles. It can pack C-structs over serial channels with high effiency and send these packets to the ground control station. It is extensively tested on the PX4, PIXHAWK, APM and Parrot AR.Drone platforms and serves as the communication backbone for the MCU/IMU communication as well as for Linux interprocess and ground link communication. To use this binding with Morse, you need at least pymavlink >= 1.1.62. .. note:: As mavlink messages have strong semantics about used frames, the middleware part deals with ENU -> aeronautical frames, so mavlink messages have the expected semantics. Files ----- - Python: ``$MORSE_ROOT/src/morse/middleware/`` .. _mavlink_ds_configuration: Configuration specifics ----------------------- When configuring a component to export its data through mavlink, you can pass several options to tune the behaviour of the exporter and importer. The option ``device`` allows you to configure the link which is used to exchange data trough Mavlink. Valid configurations are currently: - 'udpout:host:port' - 'udpin:host:port' - 'tcp:host:port' .. note :: Unlike many other middlewares, in Mavlink, multiple sensors / actuators can use the same device. .. code-block :: python foo.add_stream('mavlink', device = 'udpout:localhost:14550')