Source code for morse.sensors.airspeed

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("morse." + __name__)
from morse.core.sensor import Sensor
from morse.helpers.components import add_data, add_property
from morse.helpers.velocity import linear_velocities
from copy import copy

from math import pow

AIR_DENSITY = 1.225 # kg / m³

[docs]class Airspeed(Sensor): """ Sensor to compute Airspeed - The current implementation is only correct for speed < 1Mach """ _name = "Airspeed" _short_desc = "Mesure airspeed" add_data('diff_pressure', 0.0, "float", 'Diff pressure in Pa') add_property('_type', 'Automatic', 'ComputationMode', 'string', "Kind of computation, can be one of ['Velocity', 'Position']. " "Only robot with dynamic and Velocity control can choose Velocity " "computation. Default choice is Velocity for robot with physics, " "and Position for others") def __init__(self, obj, parent=None): """ Constructor method. """'%s initialization' % # Call the constructor of the parent class Sensor.__init__(self, obj, parent) has_physics = bool(self.robot_parent.bge_object.getPhysicsId()) if self._type == 'Automatic': if has_physics: self._type = 'Velocity' else: self._type = 'Position' if self._type == 'Velocity' and not has_physics: logger.error("Invalid configuration : Velocity computation without " "physics") return if self._type == 'Velocity': self.robot_vel_body = self.robot_parent.bge_object.localLinearVelocity self.airspeed2body = self.sensor_to_robot_position_3d() # rotate vector from body to airspeed frame self.rot_b2a = self.airspeed2body.rotation.conjugated() else: self.pp = copy(self.position_3d)'Component initialized, runs at %.2f Hz', self.frequency)
[docs] def default_action(self): if self._type == 'Velocity': vel = self.rot_b2a * self.robot_vel_body else: vel = linear_velocities(self.pp, self.position_3d, 1 / self.frequency) self.pp = copy(self.position_3d) v_x = vel[0] self.local_data['diff_pressure'] = 0.5 * AIR_DENSITY * v_x * v_x