Source code for morse.middleware.ros.jointstate

from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from morse.middleware.sockets.jointstate import fill_missing_pr2_joints
from morse.middleware.ros import ROSPublisher

[docs]class JointStatePublisher(ROSPublisher): """ Publish the data of the posture sensor. """ ros_class = JointState
[docs] def default(self, ci='unused'): js = JointState() js.header = self.get_ros_header() # collect name and positions of jointstates from sensor = list([1:] js.position = list([1:] # for now leaving out velocity and effort #js.velocity = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] #js.effort = [50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50] self.publish(js)
[docs]class JointStatePR2Publisher(ROSPublisher): """ Publish the data of the posture sensor after filling missing PR2 joints. """ ros_class = JointState
[docs] def default(self, ci='unused'): js = JointState() js.header = self.get_ros_header() joints = fill_missing_pr2_joints( del joints['timestamp'] = joints.keys() js.position = joints.values() self.publish(js)