Source code for morse.helpers.transformation

from morse.core import blenderapi
from morse.core import mathutils
from math import sqrt

[docs]class Transformation3d: """ Transformation3d represents a generic 3D transformation. It is used by each component of the simulator to know their position in the world. Blender does not propose such an interface, only some rotation matrix and translation vector. Internally, we store an internal 4x4 matrix, and use it to compute transformation. the euler representation is then calculated on base of matrix (euler ZYX convention) Note : Blender store its matrix in column major mode ... """ def __init__(self, obj): """ Construct a transformation3d. Generate the identify transformation if no object is associated to it. Otherwise, returns the transformation3D between this object and the world reference """ self.matrix = mathutils.Matrix(([1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1])) self.euler = mathutils.Euler([0, 0, 0]) if obj is not None: self.update(obj) # For use only by robots moving along the Y axis self.correction_matrix = mathutils.Matrix(([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0])) @property def x(self): """ Return the translation along the x-axis """ return self.matrix[0][3] @property def y(self): """ Return the translation along the y-axis """ return self.matrix[1][3] @property def z(self): """ Return the translation along the z-axis """ return self.matrix[2][3] @property def yaw(self): """ Returns Euler Z axis, in radian """ return self.euler.z @property def pitch(self): """ Returns Euler Y axis, in radian """ return self.euler.y @property def roll(self): """ Returns Euler X axis, in radian """ return self.euler.x @property def rotation(self): """ Returns the rotation as a unit quaternion """ return self.matrix.to_quaternion() @rotation.setter def rotation(self, value): rmat = value.to_matrix() for i in range(0, 3): self.matrix[i][0:3] = rmat[i][0:3] self.euler = self.matrix.to_euler() @property def rotation_matrix(self): """ Returns the rotation as a 3x3 matrix """ return self.matrix.to_3x3() @property def translation(self): return self.matrix.translation @translation.setter def translation(self, value): self.matrix.translation = value
[docs] def transformation3d_with(self, t3d): """ Compute the transformation between itself and another transformation t3d. In other words, A.transformation3d_with(B) returns inv(A) * B. self is not modified by the call of this function """ res = Transformation3d(None) o2m = self.matrix.copy() o2m.invert() res.matrix = o2m * t3d.matrix res.euler = res.matrix.to_euler() return res
[docs] def distance(self, t3d): """ Compute the 3d distance between two transformations. nor self, nor t3d are modified by the call of this method """ diff_x = self.x - t3d.x diff_y = self.y - t3d.y diff_z = self.z - t3d.z return sqrt(diff_x * diff_x + diff_y * diff_y + diff_z * diff_z)
[docs] def distance_2d(self, t3d): """ Compute the 2d distance between two transformations. nor self, nor t3d are modified by the call of this method """ diff_x = self.x - t3d.x diff_y = self.y - t3d.y return sqrt(diff_x * diff_x + diff_y * diff_y)
[docs] def update(self, obj): """ Update the transformation3D to reflect the transformation between obj (a blender object) and the blender world origin """ self.matrix = obj.worldOrientation.to_4x4() pos = obj.worldPosition for i in range(0, 3): self.matrix[i][3] = pos[i] self.matrix[3][3] = 1 self.euler = self.matrix.to_euler()
[docs] def update_Y_forward(self, obj): """ Update the transformation3D to reflect the transformation between obj (a blender object) and the blender world origin. In this case, the robot moves forwar along the Y axis. Change the values of yaw, pitch, roll for Blender vehicles Robots that use the Blender vehicle constraints move in the direction of the Y axis, contrary to most of the MORSE components that move along the X axis. """ self.matrix = (obj.worldOrientation * self.correction_matrix).to_4x4() pos = obj.worldPosition for i in range(0, 3): self.matrix[i][3] = pos[i] self.matrix[3][3] = 1 self.euler = self.matrix.to_euler()
def __str__(self): """ String representation of a transformation3D """ res = "x : " + str(self.x) res += " y : " + str(self.y) res += " z : " + str(self.z) res += " yaw : " + str(self.yaw) res += " pitch : " + str(self.pitch) res += " roll : " + str(self.roll) return res