Source code for morse.core.wheeled_robot

import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("morse." + __name__)
from abc import ABCMeta
import morse.core.robot
from morse.core import blenderapi
from morse.helpers.components import add_property
from morse.helpers.joints import Joint6DoF
from morse.helpers.controller import PIDController
import math

[docs]class PhysicsWheelRobot(morse.core.robot.Robot): """ Abstract base class for robots with wheels that turn as the robot moves. The wheels must be children of the robot in the Blender file. """ # Make this an abstract class __metaclass__ = ABCMeta add_property('_has_suspension', True, 'HasSuspension', 'bool', 'Determine if the underlaying robot has suspension, \ i.e. wheels can move independently of the body of the \ robot') # Local dictionaries to store references to the wheels _wheel_index = ['FL', 'FR', 'RL', 'RR'] def __init__(self, obj, parent): morse.core.robot.Robot.__init__(self, obj, parent) self._wheels = {} self._wheel_joints = {}
[docs] def get_wheels(self): """ Get pointers to and physicsIds of all objects Compute wheel_radius too """ scene = blenderapi.scene() self._wheel_radius = None caster_wheel_name = self.bge_object.get('CasterWheelName', None) # inherited from the parent robot for index in self._wheel_index: name = "Wheel%sName" % index # Get the actual name of the object from the properties # of the parent robot try: wheel = scene.objects[self.bge_object[name]] self._wheels[index] = wheel"\tWheel %s: %s" % (index, wheel.removeParent() # get wheel radius if not already computed if != caster_wheel_name and not self._wheel_radius: self._wheel_radius = self.get_wheel_radius(self.bge_object[name]) except: pass logger.debug("get_wheels %s" % self._wheels)
[docs] def get_track_width(self): vec = self._wheels['FL'].getVectTo(self._wheels['FR']) return vec[0]
[docs] def get_distance_axle(self): vec = self._wheels['FL'].getVectTo(self._wheels['RL']) return vec[0]
[docs] def get_wheel_radius(self, wheel_name): dims = blenderapi.objectdata(wheel_name).dimensions # average the x and y dimension to get diameter - divide by 2 for radius radius = (dims[0]+dims[1])/4 return radius
[docs]class PhysicsDifferentialRobot(PhysicsWheelRobot): """ Base class for mobile robots using a differential drive motion model. This base class handles the simulation of the physical interactions between differential-drive robots and the ground. """ add_property('_fix_turning', 0.0, 'FixTurningSpeed', 'double', 'Overwrite the value of the distance between wheels in ' 'the computations of the wheel speeds. This effectively ' 'changes the turning speed of the robot, and can be used ' 'to compensate for the slip of the wheels while turning. ' 'If the value 0.0 is used, the real distance between wheels ' 'is used.') def __init__ (self, obj, parent=None): """ Constructor method. """ # Call the constructor of the parent class PhysicsWheelRobot.__init__(self, obj, parent) # get wheel references and ID's self.get_wheels() # construct the vehicle self.build_vehicle() if self._fix_turning != 0.0: self._trackWidth = self._fix_turning logger.warn("Using wheel separation of %.4f" % self._trackWidth) # Force speed at 0.0 at startup self.apply_vw_wheels(0.0, 0.0)
[docs] def build_vehicle(self): """ Apply the constraints to the vehicle parts. """ # chassis ID - main object should be chassis model self._chassis_ID = self.bge_object.getPhysicsId() # get track width self._trackWidth = self.get_track_width() # set up wheel constraints # add wheels to either suspension arms or vehicle chassis if self._has_suspension: self.build_model_with_suspension() else: self.build_model_without_suspension()
[docs] def build_model_without_suspension(self): """ Add all the constraints to attach the wheels to the body """ for index in self._wheels.keys(): self._wheel_joints[index] = Joint6DoF(self._wheels[index], self.bge_object) self._wheel_joints[index].free_rotation_dof('Z') # Add a free rotating wheel if indicated in the robot scene = blenderapi.scene() caster_wheel_name = self.bge_object.get('CasterWheelName', None) if caster_wheel_name and caster_wheel_name != 'None': wheel = scene.objects[caster_wheel_name] joint = Joint6DoF(wheel, self.bge_object) joint.free_rotation_dof('Z')
[docs] def apply_vw_wheels(self, vx, vw): """ Apply (v, w) to the parent robot. """ angle_control = 'Z' # calculate desired wheel speeds and set them if abs(vx) < 0.001 and abs(vw) < 0.001: # stop the wheel when velocity is below a given threshold for index in self._wheels.keys(): self._wheel_joints[index].angular_velocity(angle_control, 0) self._stopped = True else: # this is need to "wake up" the physic objects if they have # gone to sleep apply a tiny impulse straight down on the # object if self._stopped: self.bge_object.applyImpulse( self.bge_object.position, (0.0, 0.0, 0.000001)) # no longer stopped self._stopped = False # Another formula for computing left and right wheel speeds: # v_ws_l = vx - (self._trackWidth / 2.0) * vw v_ws_r = vx + (self._trackWidth / 2.0) * vw # convert to angular speeds w_ws_l = -1.0 * v_ws_l / self._wheel_radius w_ws_r = -1.0 * v_ws_r / self._wheel_radius # set wheel speeds - front and rear wheels have the same speed # Left side wheels self._wheel_joints['FL'].angular_velocity(angle_control, w_ws_l) if 'RL' in self._wheels: self._wheel_joints['RL'].angular_velocity(angle_control, w_ws_l) # Right side wheels self._wheel_joints['FR'].angular_velocity(angle_control, w_ws_r) if 'RR' in self._wheels: self._wheel_joints['RR'].angular_velocity(angle_control, w_ws_r) logger.debug("New speeds set: left=%.4f, right=%.4f" % (w_ws_l, w_ws_r))
[docs]class PhysicsAckermannRobot(PhysicsWheelRobot): """ Base class for mobile robots following the Ackermann steering principle This base class handles the simulation of the physical interactions between Ackermann-like vehicle and the ground. It assumes the vehicle has 4 wheels. To ensure proper (v, w) enforcement, the model relies on some internal PID controller, hence the different properties. """ add_property('_max_steering_angle', 45.0, 'max_steering_angle', 'double', 'The bigger angle possible the vehicle is able to turn \ its front wheel (in degree)') add_property('_vkp', 1.0, 'velocity_p_gain', 'double', 'the proportional gain for linear velocity') add_property('_vkd', 1.0, 'velocity_d_gain', 'double', 'the differiential gain for linear velocity') add_property('_vki', 1.0, 'velocity_i_gain', 'double', 'the integral gain for linear velocity') add_property('_vki_limits', 1.0, 'velocity_integral_limits', 'double', 'limits of the integral term for velocity') add_property('_wkp', 1.0, 'angular_velocity_p_gain', 'double', 'the proportional gain for angular velocity') add_property('_wkd', 1.0, 'angular_velocity_d_gain', 'double', 'the differiential gain for angular velocity') add_property('_wki', 1.0, 'angular_velociy_i_gain', 'double', 'the integral gain for angular velocity') add_property('_wki_limits', 1.0, 'angular_velocity_integral_limits', 'double', 'limits of the integral term for velocity') def __init__ (self, obj, parent=None): """ Constructor method. """ # Call the constructor of the parent class PhysicsWheelRobot.__init__(self, obj, parent) # get wheel references and ID's self.get_wheels() self._max_steering_angle = math.radians(self._max_steering_angle) # construct the vehicle self.build_vehicle() self._axle_distance = self.get_distance_axle() logger.warn("Using wheel separation of %.4f" % self._trackWidth) self.pid_v = PIDController(kp =self._vkp, kd =self._vkd, ki =self._vki, limits_integrator =self._vki_limits) self.pid_w = PIDController(kp =self._wkp, kd =self._wkd, ki = self._wki, limits_integrator = self._wki_limits) # Force speed at 0.0 at startup self.apply_vw_wheels(0.0, 0.0)
[docs] def build_vehicle(self): """ Apply the constraints to the vehicle parts. """ # get track width self._trackWidth = self.get_track_width() # set up wheel constraints # add wheels to either suspension arms or vehicle chassis if self._has_suspension: self.build_model_with_suspension() else: self.build_model_without_suspension()
[docs] def build_model_without_suspension(self): """ Add all the constraints to attach the wheels to the body """ for index in ['FR', 'FL']: self._wheel_joints[index] = self.attach_front_wheel_to_body( self._wheels[index], self.bge_object) for index in ['RR', 'RL']: self._wheel_joints[index] = self.attach_rear_wheel_to_body( self._wheels[index], self.bge_object)
[docs] def attach_front_wheel_to_body(self, wheel, parent): """ Attaches the wheel to the given parent using a 6DOF constraint Set the wheel positions relative to the robot in case the chassis was moved by the builder script or manually in blender """ joint = Joint6DoF(wheel, parent) joint.limit_rotation_dof('Y', -self._max_steering_angle, self._max_steering_angle) joint.free_rotation_dof('Z') return joint # return a reference to the constraint
[docs] def attach_rear_wheel_to_body(self, wheel, parent): """ Attaches the wheel to the given parent using a 6DOF constraint Set the wheel positions relative to the robot in case the chassis was moved by the builder script or manually in blender """ joint = Joint6DoF(wheel, parent) joint.free_rotation_dof('Z') return joint # return a reference to the constraint
[docs] def apply_vw_wheels(self, vx, vw): """ Apply (v, w) on the parent robot. We cannot rely on the theoric ackermann model due to important friction generation by front wheel. So, use a simple PID to guarantee the constraints """ self.pid_v.setpoint = vx vel = self.bge_object.localLinearVelocity computed_vx = self.pid_v.update(vel[0]) self.pid_w.setpoint = vw angular_vel = self.bge_object.localAngularVelocity computed_vw = self.pid_w.update(angular_vel[2]) self._apply_vw_wheels(computed_vx, computed_vw)
def _apply_vw_wheels(self, vx, vw): """ Apply (v, w) to the parent robot. Implement theoric Ackermann model """ velocity_control = 'Z' steering_control = 'Y' # calculate desired wheel speeds and set them if abs(vx) < 0.001 and abs(vw) < 0.001: # stop the wheel when velocity is below a given threshold for index in ['RL', 'RR']: self._wheel_joints[index].angular_velocity(velocity_control, 0) for index in ['FR', 'FL']: self._wheel_joints[index].angular_velocity(steering_control, 0) self._stopped = True else: # this is need to "wake up" the physic objects if they have # gone to sleep apply a tiny impulse straight down on the # object if self._stopped: self.bge_object.applyImpulse( self.bge_object.position, (0.0, 0.0, 0.000001)) # no longer stopped self._stopped = False # speed of rear wheels wx = -1.0 * vx / self._wheel_radius for index in ['RL', 'RR']: self._wheel_joints[index].angular_velocity(velocity_control, wx) logger.debug("Rear wheel speeds set to %.4f" % wx) vel = self.bge_object.localLinearVelocity # Compute angle of steering wheels if abs(vw) > 0.01: radius = vel[0] / vw if abs(radius) < (self._trackWidth / 2): l_angle = math.copysign(self._max_steering_angle, radius) r_angle = math.copysign(self._max_steering_angle, radius) else: cot_l_angle = self._axle_distance / (radius + (self._trackWidth / 2)) cot_r_angle = self._axle_distance / (radius - (self._trackWidth / 2)) l_angle = math.atan(cot_l_angle) r_angle = math.atan(cot_r_angle) logger.debug('virtual angle %f' % (math.atan(self._axle_distance / radius))) else: l_angle = r_angle = 0.0"l_angle %f r_angle %f" % (l_angle, r_angle)) if abs(l_angle) >= self._max_steering_angle or \ abs(r_angle) >= self._max_steering_angle: logger.warning("wz = %f is not applicable at current speed %f\ due to physical limitation" % (vw, vel[0])) current_l_angle = self._wheel_joints['FL'].euler_angle(steering_control) current_r_angle = self._wheel_joints['FR'].euler_angle(steering_control) diff_l_angle = l_angle - current_l_angle diff_r_angle = r_angle - current_r_angle self._wheel_joints['FL'].angular_velocity(steering_control, diff_l_angle) self._wheel_joints['FR'].angular_velocity(steering_control, diff_r_angle) logger.debug("Angle left w %f right w %f" % (diff_l_angle, diff_r_angle))