Source code for morse.core.request_manager

import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("morse." + __name__)
import os
import sys
import uuid
from functools import partial
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from morse.core.exceptions import *
from morse.core import status, blenderapi

[docs]class RequestManager(object): """ Basic Class for all request dispatchers, i.e., classes that implement a *request service*. A request service offers typically 2 things: - the ability for a component (a robot, a sensor or the simulator as a whole) to expose a RPC method (typically for remote configuration or debug), - an interface with a specific middleware to serialize the RPC call and communicate with the outside world. Components can register such a service with the 'register_service' method. Please check its documentation for details. To implement a concrete RequestManager (for a new middleware, for instance), the following methods must be overloaded: - :py:meth:`initialization`: perform here middleware specific initialization - :py:meth:`finalization`: perform here middleware specific finalization - :py:meth:`post_registration`: put here all middleware specific code that must be executed when a new service is registered. - :py:meth:`on_service_completion`: this method is called when a 'long term' request completes. You should implement here a way to notify your clients. - :py:meth:`main`: this method is called at each step of the simulation. You should read there incoming requests and write back results. When a new request arrives, you must pass it to :py:meth:`on_incoming_request` that dispatch or invoke properly the request. Subclasses are also expected to overload the special :py:meth:`__str__` method to provide middleware specific names. """ # Make this an abstract class __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__ (self): """ Constructor method. """ # This map holds the list of all registered services # It associates a tuple (component,service) to a tuple # (rpc_callback, is_async) self._services = {} # This hold the mapping request id <-> result for asynchronous # requests. # Keys are request ids, values are either 'None' for pending # requests or a tuple (True|False, result|error_msg) for # completed service calls. # It is updated on each call to :py:meth:`_update_pending_calls` self._completed_requests = {} # Holds a mapping request_id -> (component, service) self._pending_requests = {} if not self.initialization(): raise MorseServiceError("Couldn't create the service manager! Initialization failure")
[docs] @abstractmethod def initialization(self): """This method is meant to be overloaded by middlewares to perform specific initializations. Must return True is the initialization is successful, False in other cases. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def finalization(self): """This method is meant to be overloaded by middlewares to perform specific finalizations. Must return True is the finalization is successful, False in other cases. """ pass
def __str__(self): """ Should be overloaded by subclasses to help debug request handling for each middleware implementation. """ return "Generic request manager"
[docs] @abstractmethod def post_registration(self, component_name, service_name, is_async): """ This method is meant to be overloaded by middlewares that have specific initializations to do when a new service is exposed. :param string component_name: name of the component that declare this service :param string service_name: Name of the service (if not overloaded in the @service decorator, should be the Python function name that implement the service) :param boolean is_async: If true, means that the service is asynchronous. :return: True if the registration succeeded. :rtype: boolean """ pass
[docs] def register_async_service(self, component_name, callback, service_name = None): """ Allows a component to register an asynchronous RPC method. A asynchronous method can last for several cycles without blocking the simulator. The callback method must take as first parameter a callable that must be used to set the results of the service upon completion. For example, consider the following sample of asynchronous service:: def complex_computation(result_setter, param1, param2): do_computation_step() #should stay short, but can last several simulation steps if computation_done: result_setter(computation_results) request_manager.register_async_service("computer", complex_computation) As soon as the 'result_setter' is called with the results of the service, the clients of this service are notified via their middlewares. See :py:meth:`register_service` for detailed documentation of parameters. """ self.register_service(component_name, callback, service_name, True)
[docs] def register_service(self, component_name, callback, service_name = None, asynchronous = False): """ Allows a component to register a synchronous RPC method that is made publicly available to the outside world. :param string component_name: name of the component that declare this service :param callable callback: the method name to invoke on incoming request. If service_name is not defined, it will also be used as the public name of the service. If asynchronous is false (synchronous service), the method is expected to return immediately. In this case, its return value is immediately send back to the original caller. :param boolean asynchronous: if true, the service is asynchronous: it can last for several cycles without blocking the communication interface. See :py:meth:`register_async_service` for details. :param service_name: if defined, service_name is used as public name for this RPC method. """ if hasattr(callback, '__call__'): service_name = service_name if service_name else callback.__name__ self._services[(component_name, service_name)] = (callback, asynchronous) if self.post_registration(component_name, service_name, asynchronous): + ": " + \ ("Asynchronous" if asynchronous else "Synchronous") + \ " service '" + service_name + "' for component '" + \ component_name + "' successfully registered") else: + ": Did not register service <%s> " % service_name + \ "(could not complete the post-registration step).") else: logger.error(str(self) + ": Error while registering a new service: " + str(callback) + \ " is not a callable object.")
[docs] def services(self): """ Returns the list of all components and services registered with this request manager. :return: a dictionary of {components:[services...]} listing all services registered with this request manager. """ services = {} for component, service in self._services.keys(): services.setdefault(component, []).append(service) return services
[docs] def on_incoming_request(self, component, service, params): """ This method handles incoming requests: it figures out who registered the service, checks if the service returns immediately or must be started and only later checked for termination, invokes the service, and returns the service result (for service that returns immediately). If something goes wrong while trying to call the method, a :py:class:`morse.core.exceptions.MorseRPCInvokationError` is raised. If everything goes well, the method return a tuple: ``(True, return_value)`` or ``(False, request_id)``. The first item tells if the service is a synchronous (short-term) service (value is ``True``) or an asynchronous service (``False``). For asynchronous services, the returned request id should allow to track the completion of the service. Upon completion, :py:meth:`on_service_completion` is invoked. """"Incoming request " + service + " for " + component + "!") #Unique ID for our request request_id = uuid.uuid1() try: method, is_async = self._services[(component, service)] except KeyError: raise MorseMethodNotFoundError("The request " + service + " has not been registered in " + str(self)) if is_async: # Creates a result setter functor: this functor is used as # callback for the asynchronous service. result_setter = partial(self._completed_requests.__setitem__, request_id) try: # Invoke the method with unpacked parameters # This method may throw MorseRPCInvokationError if the # service initialization fails. method(result_setter, *params) if params else method(result_setter) # Store the component and service associated to this service # (for instance, for later interruption) self._pending_requests[request_id] = (component, service) except AttributeError as e: raise MorseRPCTypeError(str(self) + ": wrong parameter type for service " + service + ". " + str(e)) except TypeError as e: # Check if the type error comes from a wrong # of args. # We perform this check only after an exception is # thrown to avoid loading the inspect module by default. import inspect, traceback logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) if not params: raise MorseRPCNbArgsError(str(self) + ": parameters expected for service " + service + "! " + str(e)) elif len(params) != (len(inspect.getargspec(method)[0]) - 2): # -2 because of self and callback raise MorseRPCNbArgsError(str(self) + ": wrong # of parameters for service " + service + ". " + str(e)) else: raise MorseRPCTypeError(str(self) + ": wrong parameter type for service " + service + ". " + str(e)) logger.debug("Asynchronous request '" + str(request_id) + "' successfully started.") return False, request_id else: #Synchronous service. #Invoke the method"Synchronous service -> invoking it now.") try: values = method(*params) if params else method() #Invoke the method with unpacked parameters except AttributeError as e: raise MorseRPCTypeError(str(self) + ": wrong parameter type for service " + service + ". " + str(e)) except TypeError as e: # Check if the type error comes from a wrong # of args. # We perform this check only after an exception is # thrown to avoid loading the inspect module by default. # TODO: Does it make sense? import inspect, traceback logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) if not params: raise MorseRPCNbArgsError(str(self) + ": parameters expected for service " + service + "! " + str(e)) if len(params) != (len(inspect.getargspec(method)[0]) - 1): # -1 because of 'self' raise MorseRPCNbArgsError(str(self) + ": wrong # of parameters for service " + service + ". " + str(e)) else: raise MorseRPCTypeError(str(self) + ": wrong parameter type for service " + service + ". " + str(e)) # If we are here, no exception has been raised by the # service, which mean the service call is successful. Good. values = (status.SUCCESS, values)"Done. Result: " + str(values)) return True, values
[docs] def abort_request(self, request_id): """ This method will interrupt a running asynchronous service, uniquely described by its request_id """ component_name, service_name = self._pending_requests[request_id] for component in blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict.values(): if == component_name:"calling interrupt on %s" % str(component)) component.interrupt() return # if not found, search in the overlay dictionnary for overlay in blenderapi.persistantstorage().overlayDict.values(): if == component_name:"calling interrupt on %s" % str(overlay)) overlay.interrupt() return
def _update_pending_calls(self): """This method is called at each simulation steps and check if pending requests are completed or not. On completion, it calls the :py:meth:`on_service_completion` method. """ if self._completed_requests: for request, result in list(self._completed_requests.items()): if result: logger.debug(str(self) + ": Request " + str(request) + " is now completed.") del self._pending_requests[request] del self._completed_requests[request] self.on_service_completion(request, result)
[docs] @abstractmethod def on_service_completion(self, request_id, result): """ This method is called when a asynchronous request completes. Subclasses are expected to overload this method with code to notify the original request emitter. :param uuid request_id: the request id, as return by :py:meth:`on_incoming_request` when processing an asynchronous request :param result: the service execution result. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def main(self): """ This is the main method of the RequestManagerClass: it reads external incoming requests, dispatch them through the :py:meth:`on_incoming_request` method, and write back answers. Subclasses are expected to overload this method. """ pass
[docs] def process(self): """This method is the one actually called from the MORSE main loop. It simply updates the list of pending requests (if any) and calls the main processing method. """ self._update_pending_calls() self.main()