YARP can be installed either by hand, or with the aid of robotpkg.


YARP has a number of dependencies, and all of these packages must be installed in accordance the instructions they provide, in the following order:

  • ACE (>=5.6.3, required for YARP)
  • SWIG (2.0.4, required to compile the Python bindings)
  • YARP version (>=2.2.5) (warning, there is a known issue with yarp-2.3.0, don’t try to use MORSE with this version. The issue has been fixed with yarp-2.3.1).
  • YARP Python bindings

Instructions to build the YARP-Python bindings are here.

Compiling the YARP Python bindings will create two files: yarp.py and _yarp.so. To be able to use the yarp module within Python, you must copy these files to your Python lib directory (/usr/lib/python3.2/site-packages/) or at some place reachable from your PYTHONPATH environment variable.


The name of the installation directory may be different depending on your Linux distribution. If you use Ubuntu or similar distributions, replace the directory name of python3.2/site-packages with python3/dist-packages. Make sure you use the actual path used in your computer for all Python 3 libraries.


To properly use simulated cameras with yarp < 2.3.2, you need to apply the patch from patches/yarp.i.diff.

Packages manager

Probably the the easiest way to install YARP is to use robotpkg (see robotpkg homepage for more information). Follow the instructions on installing robotpkg. Then add the environment variable ROBOTPKG_BASE to your shell. Then to install YARP:

$ cd $ROBOTPKG_BASE/robotpkg/middleware/yarp
$ make update

Afterwards, install the morse specific bindings for Python:

$ cd $ROBOTPKG_BASE/robotpkg/simulation/morse-yarp
$ make update

This should take care of installing the required files yarp.py and _yarp.so in the correct location.