External Force/Torque

Force and torque generated by the environment

This class will read force and torque as input from an external middleware, and applys them to the associated robot in the global frame.

It allows to simulate impact of the environment on the robot, such as wind, flow, …

Configuration parameters for External Force/Torque

No configurable parameter.

Data fields

This actuator reads these datafields at each simulation step:

  • force (vec3<float>, initial value: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    force along x, y, z
  • torque (vec3<float>, initial value: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    torque around x, y, z

Interface support:

Services for External Force/Torque

  • get_configurations() (blocking)

    Returns the configurations of a component (parsed from the properties).

    • Return value

      a dictionary of the current component’s configurations

  • get_properties() (blocking)

    Returns the properties of a component.

    • Return value

      a dictionary of the current component’s properties

  • set_property(prop_name, prop_val) (blocking)

    Modify one property on a component

    • Parameters

      • prop_name: the name of the property to modify (as shown the documentation)
      • prop_val: the new value of the property. Note that there is no checking about the type of the value so be careful
    • Return value



The following examples show how to use this component in a Builder script:

from morse.builder import *

# adds a default robot (the MORSE mascott!)
robot = Morsy()

# creates a new instance of the actuator
externalforce = ExternalForce()

# place your component at the correct location
externalforce.translate(<x>, <y>, <z>)
externalforce.rotate(<rx>, <ry>, <rz>)


# define one or several communication interface, like 'socket'

env = Environment('empty')

Other sources of examples

(This page has been auto-generated from MORSE module morse.actuators.external_force.)