Builder Overview ================ Here is a quick overview of what you can do with the Builder API: +-------------+---------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | | | | | Component | General | Middleware specific | | | | | +-------------+---------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | | | | | Robot | - location = (x,y,z) : absolute | - add_default_interface('name') | | | - rotation_euler = (x,y,z) : absolute | - make_external() | | | - scale = (x,y,z) | | +-------------+ - translate(x,y,z) : relative +---------------------------------+ | | - rotate(x,y,z) : relative | | | Sensor | - append(component) | - add_stream('name') | | | - frequency(hz) | - add_service('name') | +-------------+ - level(level) | - add_interface('name') | | | - properties() | | | Actuator | - alter(modifier) | | | | | | +-------------+---------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | | | | | Zone | - translate(x, y, z) | | | | - properties() | | | | - size (read-write) | | | | | | +-------------+---------------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | | | | Environment | see :py:class:`morse.builder.environment.Environment` | | | | +-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ For full documentation on the Builder API, see :doc:`Build your simulations `. You will also find detailed documentation in the :py:mod:`morse.builder` page.