Gripper ======= **Instruct the robot to move towards a given target** Actuator capable of grabbing objects marked with the ``Graspable`` Game Property. Currently it only works using services: **grab** and **release**. When instructed to grab an object, it will check if it is within range, and if so, will parent the grabbed object to itself. .. note:: For objects to be detected and grabbed by the gripper, they must have the following settings in the **Physics Properties** panel: - **Actor** must be checked - **Collision Bounds** must be checked - **Physics Type** must be ``Rigid Body`` This will work even for Static objects .. warning:: This actuator does not simulate the physical interaction of the gripper fingers with the objects it grabs. Its purpose is to abstract the action of taking an object, for human-robot interaction experiments. .. cssclass:: properties morse-section Configuration parameters for Gripper ------------------------------------ You can set these properties in your scripts with ``.properties(=..., =...)``. - ``Angle`` (float, default: ``60.0``) Aperture angle of the radar capable to detecting the graspable objects (in degree) - ``Distance`` (float, default: ``0.5``) Detection distance in meter. Graspable objects further way from the gripper than this distance cannot be held .. cssclass:: fields morse-section Data fields ----------- This actuator reads these datafields at each simulation step: - ``grab`` (bool, initial value: ``False``) Currently not used *Interface support:* - :tag:`socket` as straight JSON deserialization (:py:mod:`morse.middleware.socket_datastream.SocketReader`) - :tag:`yarp` as YarpReader (:py:mod:`morse.middleware.yarp_datastream.YarpReader`) .. cssclass:: services morse-section Services for Gripper -------------------- - ``get_configurations()`` (blocking) Returns the configurations of a component (parsed from the properties). - Return value a dictionary of the current component's configurations - ``get_properties()`` (blocking) Returns the properties of a component. - Return value a dictionary of the current component's properties - ``grab()`` (blocking) Tries to grab an object close to the gripper. - Return value if successful (or if an object is already in hand), the name of the object, else None. - ``release()`` (blocking) Free the grabbed object. Let it fall down after resetting its rotation. Does nothing if no object is held. - Return value True if an object has been released, else False (if no object was held). - ``set_property(prop_name, prop_val)`` (blocking) Modify one property on a component - Parameters - ``prop_name``: the name of the property to modify (as shown the documentation) - ``prop_val``: the new value of the property. Note that there is no checking about the type of the value so be careful - Return value nothing .. cssclass:: examples morse-section Examples -------- The following examples show how to use this component in a *Builder* script: .. code-block:: python from morse.builder import * # adds a default robot (the MORSE mascott!) robot = Morsy() # creates a new instance of the actuator gripper = Gripper() # place your component at the correct location gripper.translate(, , ) gripper.rotate(, , ) robot.append(gripper) # define one or several communication interface, like 'socket' gripper.add_interface() env = Environment('empty') .. cssclass:: files morse-section Other sources of examples +++++++++++++++++++++++++ - `Source code <../../_modules/morse/actuators/gripper.html>`_ - `Unit-test <../../_modules/base/gripper_testing.html>`_ *(This page has been auto-generated from MORSE module morse.actuators.gripper.)*