What's new in MORSE 0.5.x? ========================== General ------- - MORSE 0.5 requires Blender >= 2.59 and < 2.62 (because of some changes in the matrices handling - support for Blender >= 2.62 is expected for next release) - Lots of cleaning (middleware empties have been removed) - The command line ``morse run {scene.blend|scene.py}`` now works as expected (*i.e.*, starts the simulation as soon as Blender opens). Optional arguments can be added and are passed to the script - Unit-testing support for MORSE (cf doc: dev/testing). Added a target to the build file ('make test'). GUI --- - First version of a graphical user interface to add components to a scene - Plugin for loading DTM/IGN data has been ported to Blender 2.5/Python 3.2 Middlewares ----------- - Support of ROS services. Partial support for ROS actions (cf commit 02fda) - The long-standing issue with the socket server (bug #162) has been solved. It is now possible to listen to a socket stream without prior initialization. Builder API ----------- - New export script (available as Blender add-on) to export a MORSE Blender scene to the MORSE Builder format. - Added support for multi-node configuration in the builder API - Added support for static, passive objects - Many examples and tutorials have been converted to the Builder API. Components ---------- - Static objects have a redefined set of options to make them active or not, graspable or not, etc. See :doc:`../user/others/passive_objects`) - New components that can be created from the Builder API, such as: - Infrared sensor - Battery sensor - Light switch actuator - Camera images can now be vertically flipped via the ``vertical_flip`` property Multi-node ---------- - New abstract API for multi-node implementation. The current socket-based and HLA implementation now use it - This allows for having a single builder script to be used on all nodes. The configuration of each node is done using the environment variable ``MORSE_NODE`` HRI --- Much work has been done in this domain: - New human avatar with a much improved behaviour/animation. It is controllable from mouse + keyboard or Kinect (experimental) - The avatar features a 'manipulation mode' where objects can be picked and dropped, and special objects like drawers and cupboards can be opened. - The human avatar can be easily added via the Builder API (instantiate the 'Human' class)