Adding new service ================== MORSE has a concept of *services*: services are remote procedure calls commonly used to configure or control the simulation's behaviour. Each component can register services that are made publicly available to the outside world through middleware-specific channels. Services can be either *synchronous* or *asynchronous*. Synchronous services block the simulation until they complete. They must be fast to execute to avoid slowing down the simulation. Asynchronous services may span computations on several simulation steps (but each individual cycle must be fast). Exposing methods as services ---------------------------- Most of the time, adding a new service is as easy as adding ``@service`` in front of a function declared within a component. .. note:: Arguments coming from remote callers are passed to services as strings, so be sure to convert your data to the expected type. .. warning:: Do not use ``eval()`` to convert your data from strings to the expected type, as this would cause a serious security threat. Use type specific functions (like ``int()``, ``float()``,...) instead (or pass the data as JSON strings). Lets have a look at ````, the component that allows us to control a human character in the simulation. .. code-block:: python import morse.core.robot from import service class HumanClass(morse.core.robot.Robot): def __init__(self, obj, parent=None): ... @service def move(self, speed, rotation): human = self.bge_object human.applyMovement( [float(speed), 0, 0], True ) human.applyRotation( [0, 0 , float(rotation)], True ) ... By adding the ``@service`` decorator to the ``move`` method, we expose ``move`` as a MORSE service. During the simulation initialization, MORSE registers any services for each instance of the component, maps them to one (or several) middlewares (as specified by the scene description), and starts listening for incoming requests. Each middleware has its own naming scheme for services, but you can expect the services to be available as ``component_name.service_name``. The example below shows a simple Python client that would use the ``HumanClass.move`` service as declared above: .. code-block:: python import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(("localhost", 4000)) s.send("id1 human move [1.0, 1.6]\n") In this example, we assume that ``human`` is the name of the Blender object that instantiates a ``HumanClass``. .. note:: The value of the id (here ``id1``) has no importance at all: it is specific to the implementation of the services with sockets and used only by the client to track requests and responses. Using pymorse, the previous code can be rewritten as: .. code-block:: python from pymorse import Morse with Morse() as morse: morse.rpc('human', 'move', 1.0, 1.6) Returning values ---------------- A service can return any valid Python object (``None``, a string, a dictionary, a complex object, etc.). The serialization is left to the middleware. If the service call fails, you are expected to raise a :class:`morse.core.exceptions.MorseRPCInvokationError` exception (or any custom exception inheriting from it) with a useful error message: .. code-block:: python import morse.core.robot from morse.core.exceptions import MorseRPCInvokationError from import service class HumanClass(morse.core.robot.Robot): def __init__(self, obj, parent=None): ... @service def move(self, speed, rotation): if float(speed) < 0: raise MorseRPCInvokationError("Our human cannot walk at negative speed!") human = self.bge_object human.applyMovement( [float(speed), 0, 0], True ) human.applyRotation( [0, 0, float(rotation)], True ) ... *MORSE* will answer the request with a :data:`morse.core.status.FAILED` status. Free functions -------------- Synchronous services can also be declared outside classes (on free-functions). In this case, the decorator takes one parameter, the (pseudo) component. For instance, :py:mod:`` declares such services. The following example shows the ``list_robots`` service that returns the list of robots declared in the simulation: .. code-block:: python from morse.core import blenderapi from import service @service(component = "simulation") def list_robots(): return [ for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict.keys()] The pseudo-component ``simulation`` is used as a *namespace* for the service: this one is accessible as ``simulation.list_robots``. Asynchronous services --------------------- RPC calls may be used to start the execution of a task that may take a long time to complete. In such cases, **asynchronous services** can be used to initialize and start the task. MORSE automatically notifies the client when the task is completed. Declaring new asynchronous services is slightly more complex: we first need an *initialization method* and secondly, a way to tell when the task is completed. Declaring an initialization method is very similar to synchronous services. For instance, the :doc:`waypoint <../user/actuators/waypoint>` actuator defines an asynchronous ``goto`` service: .. code-block:: python import morse.core.actuator from import async_service class Waypoint(morse.core.actuator.Actuator): def __init__(self, obj, parent=None): ... @async_service def goto(self, x, y, z, tolerance=0.5, speed=1.0): self.local_data['x'] = float(x) self.local_data['y'] = float(y) self.local_data['z'] = float(z) ... The ``@service`` decorator is simply replaced by ``@async_service``. By doing so, MORSE automatically registers a callback that is used to monitor the status of the task and to notify the client upon completion. In this example we simply set a new target position in the actuator using the ``local_data`` dictionary, but any kind of initialization can be done here. However, the work must be done quickly (since the simulator blocks until the initialization method returns). The execution of the task itself takes place at each simulation step in the component's :py:meth:`morse.core.object.Object.default_action` method. Each execution step should remain fast since the simulator also blocks on calls to the ``default_action`` method. When the task is completed, the component must notify it by calling ``self.completed(status, result)``. ``status`` is one of the status value defined in :py:mod:`morse.core.status` (e.g., ``SUCCESS`` or ``FAILED``), ``result`` is any valid Python object. .. note:: As you may have noticed, at a given time, only one asynchronous request can be handled by a component. If a second asynchronous request is received, the behaviour may vary, as explained below. .. note:: Asynchronous services can normally only exist inside components (*i.e.*, they must be declared within a class inheriting from :py:class:`morse.core.abstractobject.AbstractObject`). The section :ref:`manually-registring-services` explains how to overcome this constraint. Interruption policy for asynchronous services --------------------------------------------- As of ``morse-1.4``, only one asynchronous service may run at a given time. You can define the behaviour of the simulator when a second request is received either at the middleware level (*global policy*) or at the individual service level (*local policy*). To set a local policy, simply decorate your services with the ``@interruptible`` and ``@noninterruptible`` decorators (:meth:`` and :meth:``). These decorators must appear *before* the ``@async_service`` decorator. An **interruptible** service is preempted when a new asynchronous service is started by calling the ``interrupt`` method. The ``interrupt`` method is defined in :py:class:`morse.core.abstractobject.AbstractObject` to send back to the caller the status :data:`morse.core.status.PREEMPTED`. It is recommended that you override this behaviour in the component class to ensure the service is actually interrupted (and remember to call the base class' ``interrupt`` method, as shown in the example below). .. code-block:: python import morse.core.actuator class Waypoint(morse.core.actuator.Actuator): def interrupt(self): self.local_data['x'] = self.position_3d.x self.local_data['y'] = self.position_3d.y self.local_data['z'] = self.position_3d.z self.local_data['speed_local'] = 0 morse.core.actuator.Actuator.interrupt(self) .. note:: It is recommended that you always reimplement the ``interrupt`` method even if the default policy is *non-interruptible*, as a caller may choose to manually interrupt the service. A **non-interruptible** service triggers a failure (status :data:`morse.core.status.FAILED`) when someone attempts to start a new asynchronous service. To set a global policy, you need to catch a :py:class:`morse.core.exceptions.MorseServiceAlreadyRunningError` exception when invoking the :meth:`morse.core.request_manager.RequestManager.on_incoming_request` method. This exception has a special member ``service`` that points to the asynchronous service currently running: .. code-block:: python try: is_synchronous, value = self.on_incoming_request(component, service, params) except MorseServiceAlreadyRunningError as e: logger.warning(e.service.__name__ + " is already running!") .. note:: A service with a local policy defined (*i.e.* decorated with either ``@interruptible`` or ``@noninterruptible``) will never trigger a ``MorseServiceAlreadyRunningError`` exception, and thus, **the local policy always overrides the global policy**.