Adding support for a new middleware to MORSE ============================================ Adding a datastream manager --------------------------- When you want to add a new middleware to MORSE, you must first create a 'datastream' manager. Basically, its role is to make the link between components and a datastream handler. From an implementation point of view, it must be a subclass of the :py:class:`morse.core.datastream.DatastreamManager`. In addition to reimplementing the ``__init__`` and ``__del__`` methods, you may want to override the :py:meth:`morse.core.datastream.DatastreamManager.register_component` method which actually includes the registration logic. However, in general, the default implementation should be adequate. You can find some examples of overriding in :py:meth:`morse.middleware.socket_datastream.Socket.register_component` where we store additional information to cater for different services. If you need to run some general datastream/middleware code once per simulation loop, you can also override the :py:meth:`morse.core.datastream.DatastreamManager.action`` method. Module Organisation ------------------- To match the MORSE organisation, we expect the following file hierarchy: - in morse.middleware, a file ```` which contains the datastream manager for your middleware. - in morse.middleware.your_middleware, a set of files implementing different datastream handlers (see :doc:`adding_datastream_handler`) for different messages. It is recommended that you abstract generic handling of your middleware into two base classes (Publisher and Reader). The builder part ---------------- To facilitate the use of your middleware, you can add some entries in :py:mod:``. In particular, you need to add an entry for your datastream manager in :py:data:``, and add the necessary entries for the different datastream handlers in :py:data:``.