Source code for morse.middleware.pocolibs.sensors.viman

import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("morse." + __name__)
import time
import re
from morse.core import blenderapi
from morse.helpers.transformation import Transformation3d
from morse.helpers import passive_objects
from morse.middleware.pocolibs_datastream import *
from viman.struct import *

object_config_file = "objectList_cfg"

def _fill_world_matrix(obj, t3d):
    """ Fill the world matix part of the structure

    This function receives the Blender rotation matrix and position of an object
    It calls a module function to fill out data structure of type VimanThetaMat

    obj.thetaMatOrigin.nx = t3d.matrix[0][0]
    obj.thetaMatOrigin.ox = t3d.matrix[1][0] = t3d.matrix[2][0]
    obj.thetaMatOrigin.px = t3d.x

    obj.thetaMatOrigin.ny = t3d.matrix[0][1]
    obj.thetaMatOrigin.oy = t3d.matrix[1][1]
    obj.thetaMatOrigin.ay = t3d.matrix[2][1] = t3d.y = t3d.matrix[0][2]
    obj.thetaMatOrigin.oz = t3d.matrix[1][2] = t3d.matrix[2][2]
    obj.thetaMatOrigin.pz = t3d.z

def _fill_robot_matrix(obj, robot, obj_3dpose):
    """ Fill the world matix part of the structure

    This function receives the Blender rotation matrix and position of an object
    It calls a module function to fill out data structure of type VimanThetaMat
    robot3d = robot.position_3d

    t3d = robot3d.transformation3d_with(obj_3dpose)

    obj.thetaMatRobot.nx = t3d.matrix[0][0]
    obj.thetaMatRobot.ox = t3d.matrix[1][0] = t3d.matrix[2][0]
    obj.thetaMatRobot.px = t3d.x

    obj.thetaMatRobot.ny = t3d.matrix[0][1]
    obj.thetaMatRobot.oy = t3d.matrix[1][1]
    obj.thetaMatRobot.ay = t3d.matrix[2][1] = t3d.y = t3d.matrix[0][2]
    obj.thetaMatRobot.oz = t3d.matrix[1][2] = t3d.matrix[2][2]
    obj.thetaMatRobot.pz = t3d.z

[docs]class VimanPoster(PocolibsDataStreamOutput): _type_name = "VimanObjectPublicArray" _type_url = ""
[docs] def initialize(self): PocolibsDataStreamOutput.initialize(self, VimanObjectPublicArray) # Initialise the object self.obj = VimanObjectPublicArray() self.scene_object_list = [] #If provided, read the list of ARToolkit tags to fill the list of objects #to export. self.scene_object_list += self._read_object_list() #Complete the list with the objects already tracked by the semantic cam. if 'passiveObjectsDict' in blenderapi.persistantstorage(): self.scene_object_list += [obj['label'] for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().passiveObjectsDict.values()] if not self.scene_object_list: logger.error("No VIMAN object to track. Make sure some objects have " +\ "the game property 'Object' defined. Disabling poster for now.") return None # Init the data structures used by this poster self.obj.nbObjects = len(self.scene_object_list) i = 0 for object in self.scene_object_list:"Adding " + object + " to the objects tracked by VIMAN") self.obj.objects[i].name = bytes(str(object), 'utf-8') i += 1
def _read_object_list(self): """ Open the file specified in the object_config_file variable Read the list of component names""" scene_object_list = []"Reading '%s' config file for VIMAN poster" % object_config_file) try: fp = open(object_config_file, "r") for line in fp: match ='object (\w+)', line) if match is not None: scene_object_list.append( logger.debug("\t- %s" % fp.close() except IOError as detail: logger.debug(detail)"ARToolkit tag library not found. Skipping it.") return [] return scene_object_list
[docs] def default(self, ci): seen_objects = [obj['name'] for obj in['visible_objects']] parent = self.component_instance.robot_parent i = 0 for object_id in self.scene_object_list: try: t = time.time() tacq_sec = int(t) tacq_usec = int((t - tacq_sec) * 1000) self.obj.objects[i].tacq_sec = tacq_sec self.obj.objects[i].tacq_usec = tacq_usec if object_id in seen_objects: obj = passive_objects.obj_from_label(object_id) position_3d = Transformation3d(obj) logger.debug("VIMAN " + object_id + "(" + + ") is visible at " + str(position_3d)) self.obj.objects[i].found_Stereo = 1 _fill_world_matrix(self.obj.objects[i], position_3d) _fill_robot_matrix(self.obj.objects[i], parent, position_3d) else: self.obj.objects[i].found_Stereo = 0 except KeyError as detail: logger.debug("WARNING: Object %s not found in the scene" % detail) i += 1 self.write(self.obj)