Source code for morse.builder.sensors

import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("morse.builder." + __name__)
import math
from morse.builder.creator import SensorCreator, bpymorse
from morse.builder.blenderobjects import *

[docs]class Accelerometer(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.accelerometer.Accelerometer" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) mesh = Cube("AccelerometerCube") mesh.scale = (.04, .04, .02) mesh.color(.3, .9, .6) self.append(mesh)
[docs]class ArmaturePose(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.armature_pose.ArmaturePose"
[docs]class Attitude(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.attitude.Attitude"
[docs]class Barometer(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.barometer.Barometer"
[docs]class Battery(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.battery.Battery" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) mesh = Cylinder("BatteryCylinder") mesh.scale = (.01, .01, .04) mesh.color(.2, .2, .2) self.append(mesh) = 0.05)
[docs]class CompoundSensor(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.compound.CompoundSensor" def __init__(self, sensors, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) self.sensors = sensors
[docs] def after_renaming(self): # Ensures this is called only when all components have been (automatically) renamed. = ",".join([str(s) for s in self.sensors]))
[docs]class GPS(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.gps.GPS" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) mesh = Sphere("GPSSphere") mesh.scale = (.04, .04, .01) mesh.color(.5, .5, .5) self.append(mesh)
[docs]class Gyroscope(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.gyroscope.Gyroscope" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) mesh = Sphere("GyroscopeSphere") mesh.scale = (.04, .04, .01) mesh.color(.8, .4, .1) self.append(mesh)
[docs]class IMU(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.imu.IMU" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) mesh = Cube("IMUCube") mesh.scale = (.04, .04, .02) mesh.color(.3, .9, .6) self.append(mesh)
[docs]class Magnetometer(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.magnetometer.Magnetometer"
[docs]class Odometry(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.odometry.Odometry" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) mesh = Cylinder("OdometryCylinder") mesh.scale = (.02, .02, .02) mesh.color(.5, .5, .5) self.append(mesh)
[docs]class Pose(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.pose.Pose" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) mesh = Cube("PoseCube") mesh.scale = (.04, .04, .02) mesh.color(.8, .3, .1) self.append(mesh)
[docs]class Proximity(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.proximity.Proximity" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) mesh = Cylinder("ProximityCylinder") mesh.scale = (.02, .02, .02) mesh.color(.5, .5, .5) self.append(mesh) = 30.0, Track = "Robot_Tag") self.frequency(12)
[docs]class PTUPosture(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.ptu_posture.PTUPosture"
[docs]class SearchAndRescue(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.search_and_rescue.SearchAndRescue" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) mesh = Cylinder("SearchAndRescueCylinder") mesh.scale = (.15, .04, .04) mesh.color(.2, .8, .6) mesh.rotate(y = math.pi / 2) self.append(mesh) self.frequency(6) = 2.0, Abilities = "1,2") # add Radar freq: 3 Hz, prop: Injured, angle: 60.0, distance: 10.0 bpymorse.add_sensor(type="RADAR", name="Radar") obj = bpymorse.get_context_object() sensor =[-1] sensor.angle = 60.0 sensor.distance = 10.0 sensor.use_pulse_true_level = True self._set_sensor_frequency(sensor, 20) = "Injured" # link it to the Python controller controller =[-1] = sensor)
[docs] def properties(self, **kwargs): # We may be use it before the definition of radar # But angle and distance can only be defined by user, in case # where we are sure that Radar is well defined try: radar =["Radar"] if 'Angle' in kwargs: radar.angle = kwargs['Angle'] if 'Distance' in kwargs: radar.distance = kwargs['Distance'] if 'Freq' in kwargs: radar.freq = kwargs['Freq'] except KeyError: pass, **kwargs)
[docs]class StereoUnit(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.stereo_unit.StereoUnit" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) mesh = Cube("StereoUnitCube") mesh.scale = (.025, .24, .01) mesh.color(.8, .8, .8) self.append(mesh)
[docs]class Thermometer(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.thermometer.Thermometer" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) mesh = Cylinder("ThermometerCylinder") mesh.scale = (.02, .02, .04) mesh.color(0, .6, .5) self.append(mesh)
# abstract class
[docs]class LaserSensorWithArc(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.laserscanner.LaserScanner"
[docs] def get_ray_material(self): if 'RayMat' in bpymorse.get_materials(): return bpymorse.get_material('RayMat') ray_material = bpymorse.create_new_material() ray_material.diffuse_color = (.9, .05, .2) ray_material.use_shadeless = True ray_material.use_raytrace = False # ? is it needed ? ray_material.use_cast_buffer_shadows = False # ? is it needed ? ray_material.use_cast_approximate = False # ? is it needed ? ray_material.use_transparency = True ray_material.transparency_method = 'Z_TRANSPARENCY' ray_material.alpha = 0.3 = 'RayMat' # link material to object as: Arc_XXX.active_material = ray_material return ray_material
[docs] def create_laser_arc(self): """ Create an arc for use with the laserscanner sensor The arc is created using the parameters in the laserscanner Empty. 'resolution and 'scan_window' are used to determine how many points will be added to the arc. """ scene = bpymorse.get_context_scene() laserscanner_obj = self._bpy_object # Delete previously created arc for child in laserscanner_obj.children: if"Arc_"): scene.objects.unlink( child ) # Read the parameters to create the arc properties = resolution = properties['resolution'].value window = properties['scan_window'].value # Parameters for multi layer sensors try: layers = properties['layers'].value layer_separation = properties['layer_separation'].value layer_offset = properties['layer_offset'].value except KeyError as detail: layers = 1 layer_separation = 0.0 layer_offset = 0.0 logger.debug ("Creating %d arc(s) of %.2f degrees, resolution %.2f" % \ (layers, window, resolution)) mesh = bpymorse.new_mesh( "ArcMesh" ) # Add the center vertex to the list of vertices verts = [ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ] faces = [] vertex_index = 0 # Set the vertical angle, in case of multiple layers if layers > 1: v_angle = layer_separation * (layers-1) / 2.0 else: v_angle = 0.0 # Initialise the parameters for every layer for layer_index in range(layers): start_angle = -window / 2.0 end_angle = window / 2.0 # Offset the consecutive layers if (layer_index % 2) == 0: start_angle += layer_offset end_angle += layer_offset logger.debug ("Arc from %.2f to %.2f" % (start_angle, end_angle)) logger.debug ("Vertical angle: %.2f" % v_angle) arc_angle = start_angle # Create all the vertices and faces in a layer while arc_angle <= end_angle: # Compute the coordinates of the new vertex new_vertex = [ math.cos(math.radians(arc_angle)), math.sin(math.radians(arc_angle)), math.sin(math.radians(v_angle)) ] verts.append(new_vertex) vertex_index += 1 # Add the faces after inserting the 2nd vertex if arc_angle > start_angle: faces.append([0, vertex_index-1, vertex_index]) # Increment the angle by the resolution arc_angle = arc_angle + resolution v_angle -= layer_separation mesh.from_pydata( verts, [], faces ) mesh.update() # Compose the name of the arc arc_name = "Arc_%d" % window arc = bpymorse.new_object( arc_name, mesh ) = mesh # Remove collision detection for the object = 'NO_COLLISION' arc.hide_render = True # Link the new object in the scene arc ) # Set the parent to be the laserscanner Empty arc.parent = laserscanner_obj # Set the material of the arc arc.active_material = self.get_ray_material() return arc
[docs] def after_renaming(self): arc = [child for child in self._bpy_object.children if"Arc_")] if not arc: self.create_laser_arc()
[docs]class Hokuyo(LaserSensorWithArc): """ A laser scanner configured to mimick the Hokuyo sensor. See :doc:`the laser scanners general documentation <../sensors/laserscanner>` for details. """ _blendname = "sick" _name = "Hokuyo" _short_desc = "Hokuyo laser scanner" def __init__(self, name=None): LaserSensorWithArc.__init__(self, name) mesh = Cylinder("HokuyoCylinder") mesh.scale = (.04, .04, .08) mesh.color(0, 0, 0) self.append(mesh) # set components-specific properties = False, laser_range = 30.0, scan_window = 270.0, resolution = 0.25) # set the frequency to 10 Hz self.frequency(10)
[docs]class Sick(LaserSensorWithArc): """ A laser scanner configured to mimick the SICK sensor. See :doc:`the laser scanners general documentation <../sensors/laserscanner>` for details. """ _blendname = "sick" _name = "SICK" _short_desc = "SICK laser scanner" def __init__(self, name=None): LaserSensorWithArc.__init__(self, name) # set components-specific properties = False, laser_range = 30.0, scan_window = 180.0, resolution = 1.0) # set the frequency to 10 Hz self.frequency(10) # append sick mesh, from MORSE_COMPONENTS/sensors/sick.blend self.append_meshes(['SickMesh'])
[docs]class SickLDMRS(LaserSensorWithArc): """ A laser scanner configured to mimick the SICK LD-MRS sensor. See :doc:`the laser scanners general documentation <../sensors/laserscanner>` for details. """ _blendname = "sick" _name = "SICK LD-MRS" _short_desc = "SICK LD-MRS laser scanner" def __init__(self, name=None): LaserSensorWithArc.__init__(self, name) # set components-specific properties = False, laser_range = 30.0, scan_window = 100.0, resolution = 0.25, layers = 4, layer_separation = 0.8, layer_offset = 0.125) mesh = Cube("SickMesh") mesh.scale = (.05, .0825, .044) mesh.color(1., 1., .9) self.append(mesh) # set the frequency to 4 Hz self.frequency(4)
[docs]class Infrared(LaserSensorWithArc): """ A laser scanner configured to mimick a infra-red proximity sensor. See :doc:`the laser scanners general documentation <../sensors/laserscanner>` for details. """ _name = "Infrared Proximity Sensor" _short_desc = "Infra-red (IR) proximity sensor." def __init__(self, name=None): LaserSensorWithArc.__init__(self, name) mesh = Cube("InfraredCube") mesh.scale = (.02, .02, .02) mesh.color(.8, .8, .8) self.append(mesh) # set components-specific properties = True, laser_range = 2.0, scan_window = 20.0, resolution = 1.0) # set the frequency to 10 Hz self.frequency(10)
[docs]class Velocity(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.velocity.Velocity" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) mesh = Sphere("VelocitySphere") mesh.scale = (.04, .04, .01) mesh.color(.5, .5, .5) self.append(mesh)
[docs]class VideoCamera(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.video_camera.VideoCamera" _blendname = "camera" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) = Camera("CameraRobot") = "CameraRobot" self.append( = 256, cam_height = 256, cam_focal = 35.0, capturing = True, Vertical_Flip = True) # set the frequency to 20 Hz self.frequency(20) # add toggle capture action (`Space` key) bpymorse.add_sensor(type="KEYBOARD") obj = bpymorse.get_context_object() sensor =[-1] sensor.key = 'SPACE' bpymorse.add_controller(type='LOGIC_AND') controller =[-1] bpymorse.add_actuator(type='PROPERTY') actuator =[-1] actuator.mode = 'TOGGLE' = 'capturing' = sensor, actuator = actuator) # looking in +X SensorCreator.rotate(self, x=math.pi/2, z=math.pi/2) # append CameraMesh with its textures self.mesh = self.append_meshes(['CameraMesh'], "camera")[0] self.rotate(z=math.pi)
[docs] def rotate(self, x=0, y=0, z=0): SensorCreator.rotate(self, x=y, y=z, z=x)
[docs] def hide_mesh(self, hide=True): """ Hide the camera mesh Can be used to hide a third person camera attached to a robot. """ self.mesh.hide_render = hide
[docs]class DepthCamera(VideoCamera): _classpath = "morse.sensors.depth_camera.DepthCamera" _blendname = "camera" def __init__(self, name=None): VideoCamera.__init__(self, name), cam_far=20.0, retrieve_depth=True, Vertical_Flip=False)
[docs]class DepthCameraAggregator(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.depth_camera_aggregator.DepthCameraAggregator" def __init__(self, name=None): SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) self.master = None self.cameras_ = []
[docs] def set_master(self, master): self.master = master
[docs] def append(self, cam): self.cameras_.append(cam) SensorCreator.append(self, cam)
@property def cameras(self): return self.cameras_
[docs]class Velodyne(DepthCamera): _classpath = "morse.sensors.depth_camera.DepthCameraRotationZ" _blendname = "velodyne" def __init__(self, name=None): DepthCamera.__init__(self, name) self.mesh = self.append_meshes(['VelodyneMesh'])[0] self.mesh.rotation_euler.x = math.pi / 2 self.mesh.rotation_euler.y = -math.pi / 2 self.mesh.scale = [1.1]*3
[docs]class VLP16_180(DepthCameraAggregator): _blendname = "velodyne" def __init__(self, name=None): DepthCameraAggregator.__init__(self, name) for i in range(3): cam = DepthCamera("cam%i"%i) """ cam_focal = 27.7 => hfov ~= 60.0. As cam_height is half the cam_width, vfov ~= 30.0, so each pixel represent around 0.117° Hence, the keep_list is a reasonnably fair approximation of the real angle of VLP16 """, cam_height=256, cam_focal = 27.7, keep_list=str([1, 17, 34, 51, 68, 85, 102, 120, 137, 154, 171, 188, 205, 222, 239, 255]), keep_resolution=True) cam.rotate(x=(i-1) * math.pi / 3) cam.frequency(10) cam.hide_mesh() self.append(cam) # self.append_meshes(['VelodyneMesh']) self.set_master(1)
[docs] def after_renaming(self):, master_camera = self.cameras[self.master].name)
VelodyneZB = Velodyne # morse 1.1 compatible
[docs]class SemanticCamera(VideoCamera): _classpath = "morse.sensors.semantic_camera.SemanticCamera" _blendname = "camera" def __init__(self, name=None): VideoCamera.__init__(self, name)
[docs]class VelodyneRayCast(LaserSensorWithArc): _classpath = "morse.sensors.laserscanner.LaserScannerRotationZ" _blendname = "velodyne" def __init__(self, name=None): LaserSensorWithArc.__init__(self, name) # set components-specific properties = True, laser_range = 50.0, scan_window = 31.500, resolution = 0.5) # append velodyne mesh, from MORSE_COMPONENTS/sensors/velodyne.blend arc = self.create_laser_arc() # Select only arc (active) bpymorse.select_only(arc) # Rotate Arc to scan vertically arc.rotation_euler = (math.radians(90), math.radians(12), 0) bpymorse.apply_transform(rotation=True) self.append_meshes(['VelodyneMesh'])
[docs]class Clock(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.clock.Clock"
[docs]class Kinect(CompoundSensor): """ Microsoft Kinect RGB-D camera, implemented as a pair of depth camera and video camera. See the general documentation for :doc:`video cameras <../sensors/video_camera>` and :doc:`depth cameras <../sensors/depth_camera>` for details. """ _name = "Kinect" _short_desc="Microsoft Kinect RGB-D sensor" def __init__(self, name="Kinect"): # meta sensor composed of 2 cameras (rgb and depth) CompoundSensor.__init__(self, [], name) mesh = Cube("KinectMesh") mesh.scale = (.02, .1, .02) mesh.color(.8, .8, .8) self.append(mesh) self.video_camera = VideoCamera('rgb') = 128, cam_height=128) self.depth_camera = DepthCamera('depth')'morse.sensors.depth_camera.DepthVideoCamera') = 128, cam_height=128, Vertical_Flip=True) self.append(self.video_camera) self.append(self.depth_camera) # TODO find Kinect spec for cameras positions self.video_camera.location = (.06, +.08, .04) self.depth_camera.location = (.06, -.08, .04) self.sensors = [self.video_camera, self.depth_camera]
[docs] def add_stream(self, *args, **kwargs): # Override AbstractComponent method self.video_camera.add_stream(*args, **kwargs) self.depth_camera.add_stream(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def profile(self): # Override AbstractComponent method self.video_camera.profile() self.depth_camera.profile()
[docs] def frequency(self, frequency): # Override AbstractComponent method # XXX frequency() is called in SensorCreator, while the # sub-objects are not yet created. Through, it is not too bad, # as the different sub-objects have specific default frequency. if hasattr(self, 'video_camera'): self.video_camera.frequency(frequency) self.depth_camera.frequency(frequency)
[docs]class Collision(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.collision.Collision" def __init__(self, name=None): """ Sensor to detect objects colliding with the current object. Doc: """ SensorCreator.__init__(self, name) obj = bpymorse.get_context_object() # Sensor, Collision Sensor, detects static and dynamic objects but # not the other collision sensor objects. = 'SENSOR' # Specify a collision bounds type other than the default = True obj.scale = (0.02,0.02,0.02) # replace Always sensor by Collision sensor sensor =[-1] sensor.type = 'COLLISION' # need to get the new Collision Sensor object sensor =[-1] sensor.use_pulse_true_level = True # FIXME doesnt seems to have any effect sensor.use_material = False # we want to filter by property, not by material # Component mesh (eye sugar) mesh = Cube("CollisionMesh") mesh.color(.8, .2, .1) self.append(mesh)
[docs] def properties(self, **kwargs):, **kwargs) if 'only_objects_with_property' in kwargs: try: sensor =[-1] = kwargs['only_objects_with_property'] except KeyError: pass
[docs]class RadarAltimeter(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.radar_altimeter.RadarAltimeter"
[docs]class Airspeed(SensorCreator): _classpath = "morse.sensors.airspeed.Airspeed"