Source code for morse.actuators.rotorcraft_waypoint

import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("morse." + __name__)

from morse.core import blenderapi
from morse.core.mathutils import Vector, Matrix
from math import radians, degrees, sin, cos, fabs, copysign
from morse.helpers.morse_math import normalise_angle
from morse.helpers.components import add_data, add_property

import morse.core.actuator
from import service, async_service, interruptible
from morse.core import status

[docs]class RotorcraftWaypoint(morse.core.actuator.Actuator): """ This controller will receive a 3D destination point and heading and make the robot move to that location by changing attitude. This controller is meant for rotorcrafts like quadrotors. """ _name = "Rotorcraft Waypoint motion controller" _short_desc = "Motion controller using force and torque to move a rotorcraft to a waypoint." add_data('x', 0.0, 'float', "waypoint x coordinate in meters") add_data('y', 0.0, 'float', "waypoint y coordinate in meters") add_data('z', 0.0, 'float', "waypoint z coordinate in meters") add_data('yaw', 0.0, 'float', "desired heading angle in radians") add_data('tolerance', 0.2, 'float', "waypoint tolerance in meters") add_property('_h_pgain', radians(6), 'HorizontalPgain', 'float', 'proportional gain for the outer horizontal position [xy] loop') add_property('_h_dgain', radians(8), 'HorizontalDgain', 'float', 'derivative gain for the outer horizontal position [xy] loop') add_property('_v_pgain', 8, 'VerticalPgain', 'float', 'proportional gain for the altitude loop') add_property('_v_dgain', 8, 'VerticalDgain', 'float', 'derivative gain for the altitude loop') add_property('_yaw_pgain', 12.0, 'YawPgain', 'float', 'proportional gain for yaw control of the inner loop') add_property('_yaw_dgain', 6.0, 'YawDgain', 'float', 'derivative gain for yaw control of the inner loop') add_property('_rp_pgain', 9.7, 'RollPitchPgain', 'float', 'proportional gain for roll/pitch control of the inner loop') add_property('_rp_dgain', 2, 'RollPitchDgain', 'float', 'derivative gain for roll/pitch control of the inner loop') add_property('_max_bank_angle', radians(30), 'MaxBankAngle', 'float', 'limit the maximum roll/pitch angle of the robot. This \ effectively limits the horizontal acceleration of the robot') add_property('_remain_at_destination', True, 'RemainAtDestination', 'bool', "If true (default), the robot actively attempts to \ remain at the waypoint once reached. This is especially \ useful for flying robots that would otherwise typically fall.") add_property('_target', 'wp_target', 'Target', 'string', 'name of a blender object in the scene. When specified, \ this object will be placed at the coordinates given to \ the actuator, to indicate the expected destination of \ the robot. Make sure that this object has NO_COLLISION') def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):'%s initialization' % # Call the constructor of the parent class morse.core.actuator.Actuator.__init__(self, obj, parent) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self._destination = self.robot_parent.bge_object.worldPosition self._wp_object = None # set desired position to current position self.local_data['x'] = self._destination[0] self.local_data['y'] = self._destination[1] self.local_data['z'] = self._destination[2] self.local_data['yaw'] = self.robot_parent.position_3d.yaw"inital wp: (%.3f %.3f %.3f)", self._destination[0], self._destination[0], self._destination[0]) self._pos_initalized = False # Make new reference to the robot velocities (mathutils.Vector) self.robot_w = self.robot_parent.bge_object.localAngularVelocity # get the robot inertia (list [ix, iy, iz]) robot_inertia = self.robot_parent.bge_object.localInertia self.inertia = Vector(tuple(robot_inertia))"robot inertia: (%.3f %.3f %.3f)" % tuple(self.inertia)) self.nominal_thrust = self.robot_parent.bge_object.mass * 9.81"nominal thrust: %.3f", self.nominal_thrust) self._attitude_compensation_limit = cos(self._max_bank_angle) ** 2 # current attitude setpoints in radians self.roll_setpoint = 0.0 self.pitch_setpoint = 0.0 self.yaw_setpoint = 0.0 self.thrust = 0.0 #previous attitude error self.prev_err = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Initially (ie, before receiving a waypoint), # the robot is in 'Arrived' state self.robot_parent.move_status = "Arrived" # Identify an object as the target of the motion try: wp_name = self._target if wp_name != '': scene = blenderapi.scene() self._wp_object = scene.objects[wp_name]"Using object '%s' to indicate motion target", wp_name) except KeyError as detail: self._wp_object = None"Not using a target object")"Component initialized, runs at %.2f Hz ", self.frequency)
[docs] @service def setdest(self, x, y, z, yaw, tolerance=0.2): """ Set a new waypoint and returns. The robot will try to go to this position, but the service caller has no mean to know when the destination is reached or if it failed. In most cases, the asynchronous service 'goto' should be preferred. :param x: x coordinate of the waypoint (meter) :param y: y coordinate of the waypoint (meter) :param z: z coordinate of the waypoint (meter) :param yaw: orientation of the waypoint (radian) :param tolerance: distance considered to decide that the waypoint has been reached (meter) :return: True (if the robot is already moving, the previous target is replaced by the new one) except if the destination is already reached. In this case, returns False. """ distance, gv, lv = self.robot_parent.bge_object.getVectTo([x, y, z]) if distance - tolerance <= 0:"Robot already at destination (distance = {})." " I do not set a new destination.".format(distance)) return False self.local_data['x'] = x self.local_data['y'] = y self.local_data['z'] = z self.local_data['yaw'] = yaw self.local_data['tolerance'] = tolerance self.robot_parent.move_status = "Transit" return True
@interruptible @async_service def goto(self, x, y, z, yaw, tolerance=0.2): """ Go to a new destination. The service returns when the destination is reached within the provided tolerance bounds. :param x: x coordinate of the waypoint (meter) :param y: y coordinate of the waypoint (meter) :param z: z coordinate of the waypoint (meter) :param yaw: orientation of the waypoint (radian) :param tolerance: distance considered to decide that the waypoint has been reached (meter) """ self.local_data['x'] = x self.local_data['y'] = y self.local_data['z'] = z self.local_data['yaw'] = yaw self.local_data['tolerance'] = tolerance self.robot_parent.move_status = "Transit"
[docs] @service def get_status(self): """ Return the current status (Transit or Arrived) """ return self.robot_parent.move_status
[docs] def default_action(self): """ Move the object towards the destination. """ robot = self.robot_parent self._previous_destination = self._destination if self._pos_initalized: self._destination = Vector((self.local_data['x'], self.local_data['y'], self.local_data['z'])) else: self._destination = self.robot_parent.bge_object.worldPosition self.local_data['x'] = self._destination[0] self.local_data['y'] = self._destination[1] self.local_data['z'] = self._destination[2] self.local_data['yaw'] = self.robot_parent.position_3d.yaw self._pos_initalized = True # Do nothing at all if: # - we were not ask to actively remain at the last wp # - we already are at destination # - no new destination has been received. if not self._remain_at_destination and \ robot.move_status == "Arrived" and \ self._destination == self._previous_destination: return #logger.debug("Robot %s move status: '%s'",, robot.move_status) # Place the target marker where the robot should go if self._wp_object: self._wp_object.worldPosition = self._destination self._wp_object.worldOrientation = Matrix.Rotation(self.local_data['yaw'], 3, 'Z') # current angles to horizontal plane (not quite, but approx good enough) roll = self.position_3d.roll pitch = self.position_3d.pitch yaw = self.position_3d.yaw # current position and velocity of robot pos_blender = robot.bge_object.worldPosition vel_blender = robot.bge_object.worldLinearVelocity pos_error = self._destination - pos_blender # zero velocity setpoint for now vel_error = -vel_blender logger.debug("pos current: (% .3f % .3f % .3f) setpoint: (% .3f % .3f % .3f)", pos_blender[0], pos_blender[1], pos_blender[2], self._destination[0], self._destination[1], self._destination[2]) logger.debug("velocity: (% .3f % .3f % .3f)", vel_blender[0], vel_blender[1], vel_blender[2]) # simple PD controller on horizontal position command_world_x = self._h_pgain * pos_error[0] + self._h_dgain * vel_error[0] command_world_y = self._h_pgain * pos_error[1] + self._h_dgain * vel_error[1] # setpoints in body frame self.roll_setpoint = sin(yaw) * command_world_x - cos(yaw) * command_world_y self.pitch_setpoint = cos(yaw) * command_world_x + sin(yaw) * command_world_y self.yaw_setpoint = self.local_data['yaw'] # saturate max roll/pitch angles if fabs(self.roll_setpoint) > self._max_bank_angle: self.roll_setpoint = copysign(self._max_bank_angle, self.roll_setpoint) if fabs(self.pitch_setpoint) > self._max_bank_angle: self.pitch_setpoint = copysign(self._max_bank_angle, self.pitch_setpoint) # wrap yaw setpoint self.yaw_setpoint = normalise_angle(self.yaw_setpoint) logger.debug("roll current: % 2.3f setpoint: % 2.3f", degrees(roll), degrees(self.roll_setpoint)) logger.debug("pitch current: % 2.3f setpoint: % 2.3f", degrees(pitch), degrees(self.pitch_setpoint)) logger.debug("yaw current: % 2.3f setpoint: % 2.3f", degrees(yaw), degrees(self.yaw_setpoint)) # compute thrust # nominal command to keep altitude (feed forward) thrust_attitude_compensation = max(self._attitude_compensation_limit, cos(roll) * cos(pitch)) thrust_ff = self.nominal_thrust / thrust_attitude_compensation # feedback to correct altitude thrust_fb = self._v_pgain * pos_error[2] + self._v_dgain * vel_error[2] self.thrust = max(0, thrust_ff + thrust_fb) # Compute attitude errors # # e = att_sp - att = attitude error roll_err = normalise_angle(self.roll_setpoint - roll) pitch_err = normalise_angle(self.pitch_setpoint - pitch) yaw_err = normalise_angle(self.yaw_setpoint - yaw) err = Vector((roll_err, pitch_err, yaw_err)) # derivative we = (err - self.prev_err) * self.frequency #we = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) #logger.debug("yaw rate error: %.3f", we[2]) kp = Vector((self._rp_pgain, self._rp_pgain, self._yaw_pgain)) kd = Vector((self._rp_dgain, self._rp_dgain, self._yaw_dgain)) #torque = self.inertia * (kp * err + kd * we) t = [] for i in range(3): t.append(self.inertia[i] * (kp[i] * err[i] + kd[i] * we[i])) # scale with thrust torque = Vector((t[0], t[1], t[2])) * self.thrust / self.nominal_thrust logger.debug("applied torques: (% .3f % .3f % .3f)", torque[0], torque[1], torque[2]) force = Vector((0.0, 0.0, self.thrust)) logger.debug("applied thrust force: %.3f", force[2]) self.prev_err = err.copy() # directly apply local forces and torques to the blender object of the parent robot robot.bge_object.applyForce(force, True) robot.bge_object.applyTorque(torque, True) # Vectors returned are already normalized wp_distance, global_vector, local_vector = self.bge_object.getVectTo(self._destination) #logger.debug("GOT DISTANCE: xyz: %.4f", wp_distance) # If the target has been reached, change the status if wp_distance - self.local_data['tolerance'] <= 0: robot.move_status = "Arrived" #Do we have a running request? if yes, notify the completion self.completed(status.SUCCESS, robot.move_status) #logger.debug("TARGET REACHED") #logger.debug("Robot %s move status: '%s'",, robot.move_status) else: robot.move_status = "Transit"