How to efficiently add complex bounding boxes to your objects ============================================================= It is often important to simplify the bounding box of complex objects (ie, replace a complex ``Triangle Mesh`` by a set of simpler boxes or spheres for instance) to maintain the performances of the MORSE physics engine (Bullet). Here is the "how-to". Let's consider your object is named for instance ``RollingChair``. .. image:: ../../../media/object_grouping.png :align: center #. Append a ``_mesh`` suffix to its name (for instance ``RollingChair_mesh``). #. In the Physics properties panel, disable the physics for this object (``No Collision``). #. Create plain boxes and put them around your object to shape the bounds. Name them after your object, appending a suffix (like ``RollingChair_bb_xx``, cf image above). #. Apply scaling (:kbd:`Ctrl-a`) on each boxes. #. Create a new ``Empty`` and name it after your object (in our example ``RollingChair``). Place the empty at the origin of your object (it will correspond to the position of the object in MORSE). #. Parent all bounding boxes + the original object mesh to this empty (select all object, ending with the empty, and press :kbd:`Shift+M`). #. In the Physics properties, set the empty to be a ``RigidBody``. Set here as well properties like the mass and the translation/rotation damping. #. Set the physics properties for all other boxes **belonging to the bounding box** to ``RigidBody``, not forgetting to set the radius to be smaller than the box. All the boxes must have their ``Collision bounds`` set to ``Box`` and ``Compound`` must be selected. Let other physics properties to their defaults. #. All the bounding boxes can be set as well to ``Invisible`` in the same Physics panel. Check the :doc:`passive objects<../others/passive_objects>` doc for details on creation of objects in general.