ROS navigation tutorial :tag:`ros` ================================== This tutorial shows how to use the ROS navigation stack to build a map and make your robot navigate in MORSE. .. note:: All the scripts, nodes and launch files mentioned in this tutorial are available in ``$MORSE_PREFIX/share/morse/examples/tutorials/ros_navigation``. If you wish to directly reuse the ROS nodes, do not forget to add this path to your ``$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH``. Prerequisites ------------- You should be familiar with the basic usage of ROS and how to use TF and the ROS navigation stack. You should also know about launchfiles and topic remapping as well as the robot state publisher. Also experience with RVIZ is also useful. Tutorials on all of those topics can be found on We also assume you know how to use the MORSE Builder API to equip your robot with components. If not, please follow first the :doc:`ROS and MORSE tutorial <../beginner_tutorials/ros_tutorial>`. Environment setup ----------------- You need to have a working installation of ROS and also have the python3-compatible stacks for MORSE-ROS installed. You can find information about this in the :doc:`installation notes <../installation/mw/ros>` .. note:: We base the tutorial on ROS Indigo. The tutorial has also been successfully tested with previous ROS versions down to ROS Fuerte. You may however need to adapt some of the instructions. If you are running Ubuntu, you can simply install the packages ``ros-indigo-pr2-navigation``, ``ros-indigo-pr2-common``, ``ros-indigo-control-msgs`` and ``ros-indigo-viz``. They will install all required dependencies. You also need MORSE installed with ROS support: check that the ``BUILD_ROS_SUPPORT`` CMake option is enabled when building MORSE. Bringing up your robot in RVIZ ------------------------------ Our first step is to get a robot to show up in RVIZ. In this tutorial, we will use the PR2 robot, but any robot (with an URDF file to describe it to RVIZ) would do. Let's create a first simple scenario script: a PR2 in a kitchen environment, a keyboard actuator to move it around, and an :doc:`Odometry sensor <../sensors/odometry>` to get some odometry feedback. First:: $ morse create nav_tutorial $ cd nav_tutorial And edit ````: .. code-block:: python from morse.builder import * # A 'naked' PR2 robot to the scene robot = BarePR2() robot.translate(x=2.5, y=3.2, z=0.0) # An odometry sensor to get odometry information odometry = Odometry() robot.append(odometry) odometry.add_interface('ros', topic="/odom") # Keyboard control keyboard = Keyboard() robot.append(keyboard) # Set the environment env = Environment('tum_kitchen/tum_kitchen') env.set_camera_rotation([1.0470, 0, 0.7854]) .. note:: ``odometry.add_interface('ros', topic='/odom')`` tells MORSE to stream the odometry information on the ``/odom`` topic, using the default serialization method for the pair (odometry, ROS), as defined in `Builder `_. If you do not specify a topic name, one is created automatically (here, it would be ``/robot/odometry``). If you like, you can also add a ``odometry.add_interface('socket')`` to add another output on a socket. Run it by first starting a ROS core (``roscore``) and then ``morse run nav_tutorial``. .. note:: You can move the camera around with WASD + RF (up-down). To rotate it, press Ctrl while moving the mouse. The odometry sensor automatically publishes the TF transformation between the ``/odom`` and ``/base_footprint`` frames, so you actually do not need anything more to display than the ``/base_footprint`` of your robot in RVIZ. Launch RVIZ (``rosrun rviz rviz``), select ``/odom`` as *Fixed frame*, and add a TF display. You should see the frames ``/odom`` and ``/base_footprint`` connected together, on a black background. Move the robot within MORSE with the arrow keys: the transform should update accordingly in RVIZ. We will soon build and add a map, but in the meantime, we want to display the full robot TF tree (it is required by the ROS localization stack to know where the laser scanner is). To do that, we need to publish the TF tree with the ``robot_state_publisher`` module. This module takes the robot joint state (exported by the :doc:`armature_pose sensors <../sensors/armature_pose>` of the arms, head and torso in our case) and the URDF file of our robot as input. First complete the ```` script by replacing the ``BarePR2`` by the ``BasePR2``: .. code-block:: python from morse.builder import * # A PR2 robot to the scene robot = BasePR2() robot.add_interface('ros') robot.translate(x=2.5, y=3.2, z=0.0) [...] .. note:: The ``BasePR2`` PR2 model has predefined actuators and sensors for the arms, torso and head. These are needed to export the full robot joint state. Check the `PR2 Builder script source `_ to know how it is done, or read the :doc:`PR2 documentation <../robots/pr2>` to know which other PR2 models are available. Then, to make our lives easier, we create a new ROS package and a launch file that will start the ``robot_state_publisher`` for us:: $ mkdir morse_2dnav && cd morse_2dnav $ touch manifest.xml $ touch nav.launch $ export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:`pwd`/.. Edit ``manifest.xml`` and copy-paste the code below: .. code-block:: xml morse_2dnav is a sample ROS node used to demo 2D planar navigation in the MORSE simulator. MORSE Team BSD Edit ``nav.launch`` and copy-paste this code: .. code-block:: xml Lastly, build the ``pr2.urdf`` file in your node by running:: rosrun xacro `rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro > pr2.urdf Restart the MORSE simulation and launch your new ROS node with ``roslaunch morse_2dnav nav.launch``. In RVIZ, set the *Fixed frame* to ``/odom``. You should now see the full PR2 TF tree. .. image:: ../../../media/MORSE_ROS-tutorial-1.jpg :align: center .. note:: You can display the robot geometry by adding a *Robot Model* display in RVIZ. Creating a map -------------- The ROS navigation stacks include the powerful ``gmapping`` module that allows us to easily build 2D maps using SLAM techniques. To do so, we first need to add a laser scanner to our PR2 model. Edit ```` to add a SICK sensor, configured to approximate the PR2 Hokuyo laser scanners: .. code-block:: python scan = Hokuyo() scan.translate(x=0.275, z=0.252) robot.append(scan) = False) = 30.0) = 1.0) = 180.0) scan.create_laser_arc() scan.add_interface('ros', topic='/base_scan') We can now build a first map of our environment. Restart the simulation with ``morse run nav_tutorial``. Start your launch file: ``roslaunch morse_2dnav nav.launch``. You can now run the ROS GMapping stack: ``rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=/base_scan _odom_frame:=/odom`` Move around the robot in the simulation using the keyboard to fill the map (displayed in RVIZ). .. image:: ../../../media/MORSE_ROS-tutorial-2.jpg :align: center When you are satisfied, save it with ``rosrun map_server map_saver``. This will create a pair ``map.pgm`` and ``map.yaml`` in your home directory that should be similar to the one provided with the tutorial in ``$MORSE_PREFIX/share/morse/examples/tutorials/ros_navigation/maps/`` Copy the map you have just recorded in your ``morse_2dnav`` node and add the following line to your launch file to start a map server with your map: .. code-block:: xml You do not need the ``gmapping`` node anymore; you can kill it. Using ROS localization ---------------------- The ROS navigation stacks provide a Monte-Carlo based module for localisation estimation called ``amcl``. We can use it to localize our robot in the map. Restart the simulation with the map server enabled. Start the AMCL estimator, passing the laser scans topic as paramter:: $ rosrun amcl amcl scan:=/base_scan Now, open RVIZ. Set the *Fixed Frame* to ``/map``, enable the laser scan display (topic name is ``/base_scan``) to see the simulated laser scans and set an initial pose estimate (*ie* an estimate of the pose of the robot in MORSE) by clicking on the *2D Pose Estimate* button in RVIZ interface. Now, move the robot in the simulator with the arrow keys. You should see the localization of the robot in RVIZ improving with time and displacements. Navigating in the map --------------------- We can finally get the robot to autonomously navigate in our environment. First, add AMCL to the launch file: .. code-block:: xml Then, we need to add a motion controller to our robot. Open your ```` and add: .. code-block:: python motion = MotionXYW() = 'Position') robot.append(motion) motion.add_interface('ros', topic='/cmd_vel') For the navigation, we will use the high-level ``move_base`` ROS module. The *2D Nav Goal* button in RVIZ interface will allow us to easily send navigation goals to our robot. ``move_base`` requires numerous settings to be set. Visit for details. The subdirectory ``morse_move_base`` that you can find in ``$MORSE_PREFIX/share/morse/examples/tutorials/ros_navigation/morse_2dnav`` contains standard values for the parameters. Copy it to to your own ROS node, and add the following new section to your ``nav.launch`` file: .. code-block:: xml Run your launch script with ``roslaunch morse_2dnav nav.launch``. This should bring up all needed nodes and topics. You can now set a navigation goal by clicking the *2D Nav Goal* button. The robot should navigate towards that point on the map. .. note:: You can add a display ``Path`` (with topic ``/move_base/DWAPlannerROS/global_plan``) to display the computed path in RVIZ. If everything worked out fine, it should look something like this: .. image:: ../../../media/morse_ros_navigation.png :align: center