Setting up an interactive scene for human-robot interaction =========================================================== This add-on creates the new menu ``Morse Utils`` in Blender's ``Logic Editor`` window. It helps you make your scene an interactive environment when running a human-robot interaction scenario. See :doc:`MORSE add-ons introduction <../available_addons>` for help to install this add-on. Objects ------- To set up the object, just select it and press the Button ``Morse Object``. A dialogue window will appear with a bunch of items. See :doc:`passive objects <../others/passive_objects>`. In addition you can also set the ``mass`` and ``collision bounds`` of the object. Drawers ------- Select the drawer and press ``Morse Drawer``. The items are: - **Drawer**: Description or name. - **Description**: A short description or name. Will be displayed in :doc:`manipulation mode <../others/human>` of the human avatar. - **End Frame**: Determines the end of the animation in Frames. Default Animation Rate is 24 Frames per second. - **Open**: Check if the drawer's initial state is open. - **Generate Action**: Generate simple animations along a (global) axis. If set to ``No``, you have to animate the drawer manually and assign this action to the actuators ``Open`` and ``Close``. Doors ----- Making Doors interactable is a bit different. Again assign the needed properties with the dialogue window: - **Door**: The side where the door's hinge is. - **Description**: A short description or name. Will be displayed in :doc:`manipulation mode <../others/human>` of the human avatar. - **Open**: Check if the drawer's initial state is open. In addition you have to set the door's origin to the hinge. To do so, set the ``3D Cursor`` to where the hinge is. This can be done via ``3D View -> Properties -> 3D Cursor`` (toggle ``Properties`` with ``N``). Alternatively use ``Tab`` to enter ``Edit Mode``, select ``Vertices/Edges`` so that their center is the hinge and press ``Shift - S``. Select ``Cursor to Selected`` and leave ``Edit Mode``. With the ``3D Cursor`` set, hit ``Ctrl - Shift - Alt - C`` or ``3D View -> Tool Shelf -> Object Tools -> Origin`` (toggle ``Tool Shelf`` with ``T``) and choose ``Origin to 3D Cursor``. Mechanical and Electric Devices ------------------------------- Simulated devices need a switch to turn them on and off. Select the switch and run the ``Morse Switch`` dialogue. Select the device in the ``Switch`` Dropdown menu. In Blender Versions < 2.61 you have to manually type the name. Change ``On`` for the devices initial state. The effect the device has at runtime is up to you. However there is a preset for lights which can only be used for ``Lamp`` Objects. The ``Energy`` equals Blender's Lamp Units.