Source code for morse.robots.hummer

import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("morse." + __name__)
import morse.core.robot
import PhysicsConstraints

from morse.helpers.components import add_property

[docs]class Hummer(morse.core.robot.Robot): """ This is a generic car like robot. It is driven using steering, power and braking as provided by the :doc:`steer/force actuator <../actuators/steer_force>`. This vehicle uses the Blender `vehicle wrapper <>`_ constraint, to give it a realistic behaviour, including the interaction of the wheels with the ground and suspension. """ _name = 'Hummer car robot' add_property('friction', 200.0, 'friction', 'double', "Wheel's friction to the ground. Determines how fast \ the robot can accelerate from a standstill. Also \ affects steering wheel's ability to turn the vehicle.\ A value of ``0`` gives very low acceleration. Higher \ values permit a higher acceleration. ") def __init__(self, obj, parent=None): # Call the constructor of the parent class'%s initialization' % morse.core.robot.Robot.__init__(self, obj, parent) # # This section runs only once to create the vehicle: # for child in obj.children: if 'wheel1' in wheel1 = child wheel1.removeParent() if 'wheel2' in wheel2 = child wheel2.removeParent() if 'wheel3' in wheel3 = child wheel3.removeParent() if 'wheel4' in wheel4 = child wheel4.removeParent() obj['init'] = 1 physicsid = obj.getPhysicsId() vehicle = PhysicsConstraints.createConstraint(physicsid, 0, 11) obj['cid'] = vehicle.getConstraintId() self.vehicle = PhysicsConstraints.getVehicleConstraint(obj['cid']) # Wheel location from vehicle center wx = 1.3 wy = 1.6 wz = -.5 #wheelAttachDirLocal: #Direction the suspension is pointing wheelAttachDirLocal = [0, 0, -1] #wheelAxleLocal: #Determines the rotational angle where the #wheel is mounted. wheelAxleLocal = [-1, 0, 0] #suspensionRestLength: #The length of the suspension when it's fully #extended: suspensionRestLength = .3 #wheelRadius: #Radius of the Physics Wheel. #Turn on Game:Show Physics Visualization to see #a purple line representing the wheel radius. wheelRadius = .5 #hasSteering: #Determines whether or not the coming wheel #assignment will be affected by the steering #value: hasSteering = 1 # # Front wheels: # logger.debug(dir(wheel1)) #Where the wheel is attached to the car based #on the vehicle's Center wheelAttachPosLocal = [wx, wy, wz] #creates the first wheel using all of the variables #created above: self.vehicle.addWheel(wheel1, wheelAttachPosLocal, wheelAttachDirLocal, wheelAxleLocal, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, hasSteering) #Positions this wheel on the opposite side of the car by using a #negative values for the x position. wheelAttachPosLocal = [-wx, wy, wz] #creates the second wheel: self.vehicle.addWheel(wheel2, wheelAttachPosLocal, wheelAttachDirLocal, wheelAxleLocal, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, hasSteering) # # Rear Wheels: # #Change the hasSteering value to 0 so the rear wheels don't turn #when the steering value is changed. hasSteering = 0 # Adjust the location the rear wheels are attached. wx = 1.3 wy = 2.3 # Set the wheelAttachPosLocal to the new location for rear wheels: # -y moves the position toward the back of the car wheelAttachPosLocal = [wx, -wy, wz] #Creates the 3rd wheel (first rear wheel) self.vehicle.addWheel(wheel3, wheelAttachPosLocal, wheelAttachDirLocal, wheelAxleLocal, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, hasSteering) #Adjust the attach position for the next wheel: # changed to -x to place the wheel on the opposite side of the car # the same distance away from the vehicle's center wheelAttachPosLocal = [-wx, -wy, wz] #create the last wheel using the above variables: self.vehicle.addWheel(wheel4, wheelAttachPosLocal, wheelAttachDirLocal, wheelAxleLocal, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, hasSteering) #The Rolling Influence: #How easy it will be for the vehicle to roll over while turning: #0 = Little to no rolling over # .1 and higher easier to roll over #Wheels that loose contact with the ground will be unable to #steer the vehicle as well. #influence = 0.1 influence = 0.05 self.vehicle.setRollInfluence(influence, 0) self.vehicle.setRollInfluence(influence, 1) self.vehicle.setRollInfluence(influence, 2) self.vehicle.setRollInfluence(influence, 3) #Stiffness: #Affects how quickly the suspension will 'spring back' #0 = No Spring back # .001 and higher = faster spring back #stiffness = 10.0 stiffness = 15 self.vehicle.setSuspensionStiffness(stiffness, 0) self.vehicle.setSuspensionStiffness(stiffness, 1) self.vehicle.setSuspensionStiffness(stiffness, 2) self.vehicle.setSuspensionStiffness(stiffness, 3) #Dampening: #Determines how much the suspension will absorb the #compression. #0 = Bounce like a super ball #greater than 0 = less bounce damping = 10 self.vehicle.setSuspensionDamping(damping, 0) self.vehicle.setSuspensionDamping(damping, 1) self.vehicle.setSuspensionDamping(damping, 2) self.vehicle.setSuspensionDamping(damping, 3) #Compression: #Resistance to compression of the overall suspension length. #0 = Compress the entire length of the suspension #Greater than 0 = compress less than the entire suspension length. #10 = almost no compression compression = 2 self.vehicle.setSuspensionCompression(compression, 0) self.vehicle.setSuspensionCompression(compression, 1) self.vehicle.setSuspensionCompression(compression, 2) self.vehicle.setSuspensionCompression(compression, 3) #Friction: #Wheel's friction to the ground #How fast you can accelerate from a standstill. #Also affects steering wheel's ability to turn vehicle. #0 = Very Slow Acceleration: # .1 and higher = Faster Acceleration / more friction: self.vehicle.setTyreFriction(self.friction, 0) self.vehicle.setTyreFriction(self.friction, 1) self.vehicle.setTyreFriction(self.friction, 2) self.vehicle.setTyreFriction(self.friction, 3)'Component initialized')
[docs] def default_action(self): """ Main function of this component. """ # # This section runs continuously after the initial set up: # Updating Speed, Friction, Braking, Suspension, etc: # pass