Source code for morse.actuators.ptu

import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("morse." + __name__)
from math import radians, sin, cos, asin, atan2, sqrt
from morse.core import blenderapi
from morse.core.actuator import Actuator
from morse.core import status
from import service
from import async_service
from import interruptible
from morse.helpers.morse_math import normalise_angle, rotation_direction
from morse.helpers.components import add_data, add_property

[docs]class PTU(Actuator): """ This actuator reads the rotation values for pan and tilt, and applies them to the pan-tilt unit that must be set as children of this actuator. Angles are expected in radians. Unlike most other actuators, the Pan-Tilt unit is composed not only of an Empty object, but it also includes two meshes. These are the **PanBase** and the **TiltBase** that must also be imported when using this actuator. These meshes will rotate to produce the effect of a real Pan-Tilt unit. .. note:: When mounting a camera or stereo unit on top of the Pan-Tilt unit, make sure to parent the camera to the **PTU** object. This component can be configured to be operated manually as well as through data from a middleware. When using manual mode, the pan and tilt segments can be rotated using the following keys: - :kbd:`Page Up` tilt up - :kbd:`Page Down` tilt down - :kbd:`Home` pan left - :kbd:`Insert` pan right Code samples ------------ - `Scenario with a PTU from the component unit-test <../../_modules/base/ptu_testing.html#PTUTest.setUpEnv>`_ :tag:`builder` - `Datastream usage, from the component unit-test <../../_modules/base/ptu_testing.html#PTUTest.test_datastream>`_ :tag:`pymorse` :tag:`datastream` - `Service usage, from the component unit-test <../../_modules/base/ptu_testing.html#PTUTest.test_set_service>`_ :tag:`pymorse` :tag:`service` """ _name = "Pan-Tilt Unit" _short_desc = "A generic actuator to control pan-tilt supports" add_data('pan', 0.0, 'float', "Pan value, in radians") add_data('tilt', 0.0, 'float', "Tilt value, in radians") # Initialises a couple of properties. They can be changed by Builder scripts add_property('_speed', 1.0, 'Speed', 'float', "Rotation speed, in rad/s") add_property('_tolerance', radians(0.3), 'Tolerance', 'float') add_property('_is_manual_mode', False, 'Manual', 'boolean', "If true, the PTU can only move via the keyboard.") def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):'%s initialization' % # Call the constructor of the parent class Actuator.__init__(self, obj, parent) # Get the references (based on their name) to the childen object and # store a transformation3d structure for their position for child in self.bge_object.childrenRecursive: if 'PanBase' in self._pan_base = child self._pan_orientation = child.localOrientation elif 'TiltBase' in self._tilt_base = child self._tilt_orientation = child.localOrientation # Any other objects children of the PTU are assumed # to be mounted on top of it for child in self.bge_object.children: if not 'PanBase' in child.setParent(self._tilt_base) # Check the bases were found, or exit with a message try:"Using pan base: '%s'" %"Using tilt base: '%s'" % except AttributeError: logger.error("PTU is missing the pan and/or tilt bases. Module will not work!") return # Variables to store current angles self._current_pan = 0.0 self._current_tilt = 0.0'Component initialized') @interruptible @async_service def set_pan_tilt(self, pan, tilt): """ Move the platine to a given target position, represented by an angle couple. :param pan: Target pan angle, in radian :param tilt: Target tilt angle, in radian """ logger.debug("Service 'set_pan_tilt' setting angles to %.4f, %.4f" % (pan, tilt)) self.local_data['pan'] = pan self.local_data['tilt'] = tilt
[docs] @service def get_pan_tilt(self): """ Returns the current angles for the pan and tilt segments. :return: a couple of float, representing respectively the pan and the tilt of the platine, in radian. """ return self._current_pan, self._current_tilt
@interruptible @async_service def look_at_point(self, x, y, z): """ Move the platine to look towards a given point. The point is expected to be given in the world reference :param x: x coordinate of the target point (in meter) :param y: y coordinate of the target point (in meter) :param z: z coordinate of the target point (in meter) """ self._aim_camera_at_point(x, y, z) @interruptible @async_service def look_at_object(self, obj_name): """ Move the platine to look in the direction of the given object. :param obj_name: the (Blender) name of an object present in the scene """ scene = blenderapi.scene() try: obj = scene.objects[obj_name] except KeyError: logger.error("Object '%s' not found in scene.\ Can not look at it" % obj_name) return False logger.debug ("Found object '%s'" % obj) self._aim_camera_at_point(obj.worldPosition[0], obj.worldPosition[1], obj.worldPosition[2]) def _aim_camera_at_point(self, x, y, z): """ Turn the unit to face a given point in space Receive the coordinates of the point to look at, given in world coordinates. Fill local_data with the corresponding pan and tilt to aim in that direction. Use the formulas at """ goal_pos = [0, 0, 0] # Get the postitions with respect to the PTU goal_pos[0] = x - self.position_3d.x goal_pos[1] = y - self.position_3d.y goal_pos[2] = z - self.position_3d.z logger.debug("target = [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f]" % (x, y, z)) logger.debug("goal_pos = [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f]" % (goal_pos[0], goal_pos[1], goal_pos[2])) distance = sqrt(goal_pos[0] ** 2 + goal_pos[1] ** 2 + goal_pos[2] ** 2) theta = asin(goal_pos[2] / distance) phi = atan2(goal_pos[1], goal_pos[0]) logger.debug("Theta = %.4f | Phi = %.4f" % (theta, phi)) # Get the current rotation of the parent robot parent_pan = self.robot_parent.position_3d.euler.z parent_tilt = self.robot_parent.position_3d.euler.y # Adjust the rotation with respect to the parent self.local_data['pan'] = phi - parent_pan self.local_data['tilt'] = -theta + parent_tilt
[docs] def default_action(self): """ Apply rotation to the platine unit """ # Reset movement variables ry, rz = 0.0, 0.0 if self._is_manual_mode: return try: normal_speed = self._speed / self.frequency # For the moment ignoring the division by zero # It happens apparently when the simulation starts except ZeroDivisionError: pass self._current_pan = self._pan_orientation.to_euler().z self._current_tilt = self._tilt_orientation.to_euler().y logger.debug("PTU: pan=%.4f, tilt=%.4f" % (self._current_pan, self._current_tilt)) # Get the angles in a range of -PI, PI target_pan = normalise_angle(self.local_data['pan']) target_tilt = normalise_angle(self.local_data['tilt']) logger.debug("Targets: pan=%.4f, tilt=%.4f" % (target_pan, target_tilt)) if (abs(target_pan - self._current_pan) < self._tolerance and abs(target_tilt - self._current_tilt) < self._tolerance): self.completed(status.SUCCESS) # Determine the direction of the rotation, if any ry = rotation_direction(self._current_tilt, target_tilt, self._tolerance, normal_speed) rz = rotation_direction(self._current_pan, target_pan, self._tolerance, normal_speed) # Give the rotation instructions directly to the parent # The second parameter specifies a "local" movement self._pan_base.applyRotation([0.0, 0.0, rz], True) self._tilt_base.applyRotation([0.0, ry, 0.0], True)