Unit-testing in MORSE


Unit-tests (using the standard Python unit-testing framework) can be added to MORSE by creating a test class inheriting from morse.testing.testing.MorseTestCase.

When contributing code to MORSE, we recommend you create unit-tests for the new features in subdirectories of $MORSE_ROOT/testing.

Writing tests

The MorseTestCase

Compared to the standard TestCase class, the morse.testing.testing.MorseTestCase takes care of starting/closing MORSE and initializing it with a specified environment.

This environment is defined by overridding the morse.testing.testing.MorseTestCase.setUpEnv() with a description of the environment using the Builder API. Moreover, you can override the morse.testing.testing.MorseTestCase.setUpMw() and morse.testing.testing.MorseTestCase.tearDownMw() methods if you want to create some specific environment before launching the Morse simulator, and to clean up afterwards.

Complete example

This example creates a new scenario with two robots in an indoor environment, and then checks that the MORSE list_robots control service actually returns both robots.

from morse.testing.testing import MorseTestCase

class BaseTest(MorseTestCase):

    def setUpEnv(self):
        """ Defines the test scenario, using the Builder API.

        # Adding 4 robots
        # no name provided, use the name of the associated variable
        jido = Jido()

        # use explicitly name provided
        robot2 = ATRV('mana')

        # setup the name using explicitly robot3.name
        robot3 = ATRV()
        robot3.name = 'dala'

        # no name provided, use variable name
        atrv = ATRV()

        env = Environment('empty', fastmode = True)

    def test_list_robots(self):
        """ Tests the simulator can return the list of robots

        This test is guaranteed to be started only when the simulator
        is ready.

        # Initialize a socket connection to the simulator
        import socket
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        s.connect(("localhost", 4000))
        sockf = s.makefile()

        # Queries for the list of robots
        s.send(b"id1 simulation list_robots\n")

        result = sockf.readline()
        id, success, robots = result.strip().split(' ', 2)
        self.assertEquals(success, "SUCCESS")

        import ast
        robotsset = set(ast.literal_eval(robots))
        self.assertEquals(robotsset, {'jido', 'mana', 'dala', 'atrv'})

Compiling MORSE to allow testing

To be able to run the test suite, you must have compiled MORSE with the option PYMORSE_SUPPORT enabled. For example:

$ cmake -DPYMORSE_SUPPORT=ON [other options] ..

After doing the initial install, you’ll need to recompile. For example:

$ make install
$ make rebuild_cache

After the installation is complete, you will now be able to run:

$ make test

This will start launching MORSE with a series of unit tests, to check that the creation of scenes and some of the components is running properly on your system.

Windows users can run the winbuild.bat file to build and run the tests automatically.

Running tests

Running MORSE tests

The MORSE tests infrastructure is integrated with cmake, so you can run make test to check that all currently defined unit-tests for MORSE pass. Alternatively, you can use ctest –verbose to have a more verbose output.

If you want to run one specific test, you can do so directly using a Python 3 interpreter. For example, to run base_testing.py, you can call:

$ python3 ${MORSE_SRC_ROOT}/testing/base/base_testing.py

Tests log

The complete log of a test is available in the ${TestName}.log file, created in the current directory, where TestName is the name of your class test (in the previous example, it will create the BaseTest.log file.

Running a test as a standalone application

We can run tests case by invoking:


It is convenient to add the following lines at the end of a test-case:

if __name__ == "__main__":
   import unittest
   from morse.testing.testing import MorseTestRunner
   suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(<Your test class>)
   sys.exit(not MorseTestRunner().run(suite).wasSuccessful())

Thus, you can run your test by simply calling it with the Python VM.