Morse Component object model

The following diagram is a partial view of the class hierarchy currently used in MORSE.


The morse.core.abstractobject.AbstractObject contains the logic for handling services (service). It also contains an ordered dictionary local_data, which is used to communicate between Morse’s layers. It is necessary to use an OrderedDict and not a standard dict because some middleware serialization depends on data being in a fixed order (and it is is not possible with dict).

The morse.core.object.Object contains the logic for real objects. They own a reference to their associated Blender object morse.core.object.Object.bge_object, and contain the basic logic about their position.

The morse.core.sensor.Sensor and morse.core.actuator.Actuator classes are specializations of the morse.core.object.Object class. They add some arrays to store their modifiers, implement datastream handlers, and override the base class’ action method. See this document to learn what happens when these method are called.