IMUNoise ======== This modifier allows to simulate Gaussian noise for accelerometer and gyroscope sensors of an IMU. No bias is modeled so far. .. cssclass:: properties morse-section Configuration parameters for IMUNoise ------------------------------------- You can set these parameters in your scripts with ``.alter('IMUNoise', =..., =...)``. - ``gyro_std`` (dict, default: ``{'x': 0.5, 'y': 0.5, 'z': 0.5}``) Standard deviation for noise applied to angular velocities as dictionary with x,y,z as floats - ``accel_std`` (dict, default: ``{'x': 0.5, 'y': 0.5, 'z': 0.5}``) Standard deviation for noise applied to linear accelerations as dictionary with x,y,z as floats .. cssclass:: files morse-section Sources of examples ------------------- - `Source code <../../_modules/morse/modifiers/imu_noise.html>`_ - `Unit-test <../../_modules/base/imu_noise_testing.html>`_ *(This page has been auto-generated from MORSE module morse.modifiers.imu_noise.)*