YARP ==== The YARP middleware provides a simple means of sharing data across components in different computers. It is based on the concept of *ports*, which are registered in a *name server* to differentiate between separate channels of communication. Data is shared in the format of bottles, which are nested data structures of various data types. .. note:: Port names used in MORSE have the following format: ``/morse/component_name/[direction]``. The [direction] is ``in`` for actuators, and ``out`` for sensors. Files ----- - Python: ``$MORSE_ROOT/src/morse/middleware/yarp_datastream.py`` .. _yarp_ds_configuration: Configuration specifics ----------------------- When configuring a component to export its data through YARP, you can pass several options to tune the behaviour of the exporter and importer. The ``port`` option allows you to set a name of your choice for the port exported by YARP, instead of using the default name. If it exists, the ``topic`` option will tell the component to connect automatically to the named topic. .. code-block :: python foo.add_stream('yarp', port = '/foo/bar', topic = '/this/interesting/topic') Service interface ----------------- MORSE components providing :doc:`services <../../dev/services>` can expose this interface using YARP ports. .. note:: Services handled with YARP will create two ports, called: ``/ors/services/[component_name]/[service_name]/request`` and ``/ors/services/[component_name]/[service_name]/reply``. Where [service_name] is a string of the form ``[component_name]#[service_method]``. The (ASCII) protocol of the requests is simple:: id component service "[parameters]" - ``id`` is a freely chosen request id. It is mainly useful to identify answers from asynchronous services. - ``component`` is the name of the component you want to invoke the service on. .. note:: Services that control the whole simulator belong to the special component ``simulation``. - ``service``: the name of the request (method) to invoke. - ``parameters``: only required if the request takes one or more arguments in which case it or they must be enclosed in brackets, and surrounded by quotes. MORSE's responses are of the form:: id status [result] - ``id`` the same id the client used to send the request, - ``status``: one of the :py:mod:`morse.core.status` constants - ``result``: a JSON-like result (actually, the representation of the Python result object), if any. Example (sending a request on terminal 1):: $ yarp write /request /ors/services/Motion_Controller/Motion_Controller#goto/request yarp: Port /request active at tcp:// yarp: Sending output from /request to /ors/services/Motion_Controller/Motion_Controller#goto/request using tcp req1 Motion_Controller goto "[5.0, 4.0, 0.0]" Example (receiving a reply on terminal 2):: $ yarp read /reply /ors/services/Motion_Controller/Motion_Controller#goto/reply yarp: Port /reply listening at tcp:// yarp: Receiving input from /ors/services/Motion_Controller/Motion_Controller#goto/reply to /reply using tcp "0 SUCCESS Stop" The YARP service interface is implemented in :py:mod:`morse.middleware.yarp_request_manager`. Known problems -------------- Some blender files will start the simulation fine the first time after opening the file, but stopping the simulation and starting it again will give this error:: def open(self, *args): return _yarp.Contactable_open(self, *args) NotImplementedError: Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function 'Contactable_open'. To correct this, it is necessary to open the Blender file, then in a Text Editor window, select the file ``load_yarp.py``. To the right of the file name, there is a checkbox named ``Register``. Check this checkbox, save the file, and open it again. This will ensure that the script ``load_yarp.py`` is read every time the file is opened, so that yarp is correctly setup before launching the simulation.