Text middleware =============== This is the simplest method to export information from MORSE. The data gathered by components configured to use this "middleware" will be stored in simple text files. Currently this middleware is only used to output information, so it is only available for sensors. File names used in MORSE have the following format: ``[robot_name]_[component_name].txt``. Each file will have a header stating the name of the robot and the sensor, as well as the position of the sensor with respect to the center of the robot. The position is given with the format:: (distance, globalVector(3), localVector(3)) Where ``globalVector`` is a list of 3 elements with the X, Y and Z coordinates of the sensor with respect to the global origin. ``localVector`` gives the coordinates with respect to the position of the robot. After the header there is a blank line, and then the data captured by the sensor is printed with this format:: ==> Data at X,Y,Z: [3.001482 -5.997612 0.036998] yaw,pitch,roll: [0.002257 0.004322 -0.005083] | time 3.08 dx = -0.000040 dy = 0.000089 dz = 0.000492 dyaw = -0.000292 dpitch = -0.000182 droll = 0.002484 - The first line starts with the string '==>', and shows the position and orientation of the robot at the moment of capturing the data. It also indicates the time, measured in seconds, since the simulation was started. - The following lines show the contents of the ``local_data`` dictionary of the sensor, each line containing one (key, value) pair. In the example, the data from the :doc:`Odometry sensor <../sensors/odometry>`. Files ----- - Python: ``$MORSE_ROOT/src/morse/modifiers/text_datastream.py`` .. _text_ds_configuration: Configuration specificities --------------------------- When configuring a component to export its data through the "text" middleware, you can pass the option ``file`` to define the name of the file written by the component. .. code-block :: python foo.add_stream('text', file = '/tmp/my_comp.log')