ROS === Installation ------------ Please follow the instructions in the :doc:`installation procedure <../installation/mw/ros>`. Generation of ROS-node and topics --------------------------------- The ROS middleware creates one ROS-node called "morse" and one ROS topic for every sensor and every actuator. The names of the ROS-topics are generated in the following way: ``/``. For instance, if you have an odometry sensor called "odometry" on a robot called "atrv", the ROS Odometry messages will be published on ``/atrv/odometry``. .. _ros_ds_configuration: Configuration specificities --------------------------- When configuring a component to export its data through ROS, you can pass the option ``topic`` to define the name of the topic exported by the component. .. code-block :: python foo.add_stream('ros', topic = '/robot/myTopic') Similarly, you can set a custom ``frame_id`` and ``child_frame_id``: .. code-block :: python foo.add_stream('ros', frame_id = '/world', child_frame_id = '/footprint')