Create your first simulation :tag:`builder` :tag:`socket` ========================================================= This tutorial will guide you through the creation of a simple simulation where you can control a mobile robot and read data from its sensors. It makes use of MORSE :doc:`Builder API <../../../../user/builder>`: a set of Python functions that allow to define: - The robots to use - The components attached to them - The middleware bindings used for communication - The environment of the simulation During the tutorial, we will write such a Python script that can be executed by MORSE to create your simulation and start it. .. note:: If you want, you can get the script resulting from this tutorial here: ``$MORSE_ROOT/share/morse/examples/tutorials/``, where ``$MORSE_ROOT`` is your installation prefix (typically ``/usr/local/``). Create the script ----------------- Create a new script in your favorite Python editor, and give it an appropriate name. For instance: ````. In order to use the API, you must first import the ``morse.builder`` module: .. code-block:: python from morse.builder import * Then you will make calls to predefined functions to create and configure the components necessary in your scene. MORSE knows three main **components**: the **robots**, the **sensors** and the **actuators** (the robots are mostly supports for sensors or actuators). All these components live in an **environment**, which may be any physics-enabled 3D model. The behaviour of these components can be altered by **modifiers** and their interactions with softwares running *outside* the simulator rely on **middlewares**. Add a robot to the scene ++++++++++++++++++++++++ The robot is the base where we will install other sensors and actuators. .. code-block:: python atrv = ATRV() Here, we simply import a standard ATRV 4-wheeled outdoor robot. The ``atrv`` is known by MORSE, as you can see in the :doc:`component library <../../components_library>`. Append an actuator ++++++++++++++++++ Then, let's add a :doc:`v, omega <../actuators/v_omega>` actuator. This one controls the robot by changing the linear and angular velocity of the movement. .. code-block:: python motion = MotionVW() motion.translate(z=0.3) atrv.append(motion) The ``append`` method *parents* the actuator to the robot. Append a sensor +++++++++++++++ We can now add a :doc:`Pose <../sensors/pose>` sensor, which provides us with the location and rotation of the robot. The data it sends back is the *(x, y, z)* coordinates, and the *(yaw, pitch, roll)* orientation. For any component, you can know what in exported from the documentation page of the component: :doc:`Pose <../sensors/pose>` .. code-block:: python pose = Pose() pose.translate(z=0.83) atrv.append(pose) Configuring the middlewares --------------------------- The simplest way to test MORSE is to use the basic **socket** to access the **data-streams** and **services** provided by the components. This method has no software requirements other than the base MORSE installation. You need to tell MORSE how each of the components attached to a robot will communicate with the outside world. This is done with these instructions: .. code-block:: python pose.add_stream('socket') pose.add_service('socket') motion.add_service('socket') Each of the components can use a different middleware, enabling the use of MORSE in an heterogeneous environment. You can check the :doc:`full list of supported middlewares <../integration>` for reference. Finalising the scene -------------------- Every builder script must finish with an environment description. The parameter for the **Environment** method is the name of a Blender ``.blend`` file you provide (with its full path) or a :doc:`pre-defined one <../../environments>`. The Environment object also provides additional options to place and aim the default camera, by using the methods ``set_camera_rotation`` and ``set_camera_location``. .. code-block:: python env = Environment('indoors-1/indoor-1') env.set_camera_location([5, -5, 6]) env.set_camera_rotation([1.0470, 0, 0.7854]) Now save your script file. Running the simulation ---------------------- Starting the simulation +++++++++++++++++++++++ Simply run:: $ morse run Alternatively, you can choose to open first your simulation in Blender, and start it from there: #. Launch MORSE in *edit* mode, passing your script in argument:: $ morse edit #. Place your mouse inside the 3D view of the scenario #. Press :kbd:`p` to start the Game Engine Control the simulation with services ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Using sockets to connect to robot services is the simplest way to interact with the simulation. You can talk with MORSE through a simple telnet connection. On a separate terminal, type:: $ telnet localhost 4000 Port 4000 is the default port used by MORSE to expose the **services**. The motion controller we have added to the robot export one service, ``set_speed``: to make the robot move in a circle, with linear speed 2 m/s and angular speed -1 rad/s, type this instruction:: id1 atrv.motion set_speed [2, -1] .. note:: the first part of the request, ``id1`` is any identifier you want. It is useful when running *asynchronous services* (*ie*, non-blocking) to get notified of the service termination. .. note:: the internal name of the component is (here, ``atrv.motion``) is displayed in the MORSE log at the end of the simulation initialisation. In the same way, you can query the ``atrv.pose`` sensor for the data it contains:: id2 atrv.pose get_local_data The format of these commands is simple, they are composed of four parts: Try giving the motion controller different speeds, and querying the pose sensor at different locations. Accessing the sensors data streams ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The *Pose* sensor actually permanently export its data as a stream. We can use ``telnet`` as well to monitor it. Since many sensors may output their data-stream on the socket interface, each of them is assigned a port at runtime. You can retrieve this port either by looking at MORSE console output, or with the **simulation services** ``list_streams`` and ``get_stream_port``:: id3 simulation list_streams > id3 SUCCESS ["atrv.pose"] id4 simulation get_stream_port ["atrv.pose"] > id4 SUCCESS 60000 So we know that the pose sensor exports its datastream on the port 60000. Open another ``telnet`` session:: $ telnet localhost 60000 Your screen should be filled pretty quickly with the sensor output. Many actuators also accept a datastream as input to control their behaviour. To exit the simulation, press :kbd:`esc` in the Blender window. What's next? ------------ - You can try to add different components to the robot, by experimenting with the various objects available in the :doc:`MORSE component library <../../components_library>`. This is the main reference of robots, actuators, sensors that are available *out of the box* in MORSE. .. note:: The names you pass to the Builder functions link to the names of the Blender ``.blend`` files that contain the components' meshes. They are provided for each component in the component library. - You can also discover how you can :doc:`extend MORSE <../../contributing>` to add your own sensors, actuators or robots. - If you want to learn more about the MORSE *Builder API*, see the :doc:`builder documentation <../../../../user/builder>`. - Finally, you can go back to the :doc:`list of tutorials <../../tutorials>`.