What's new in MORSE 1.1? ======================== General ------- - morse tools has now some options to easily create custom simulations: check 'morse {create|rm|add} --help' for more on that topic! Or have a look to the new :doc:`/quickstart` tutorial. Components ---------- - Modifiers use now a class-base scheme, similarly to datastream input / output (`#330 `_). Actuators +++++++++ - Improve the :doc:`/user/actuators/light` actuator, including more configurable parameters (in particular, the color of light and its energy). A new service 'toggle' allows to control it. - New 3D :doc:`/user/actuators/sound` actuator {play,pause,stop} from local mp3 file. - Add a :doc:`joystick ` actuator allowing to control directly your robot using a joystick. Robots ++++++ - Introduce :doc:`Morsy `, the Morse mascot, now available directly in the simulator. - Introduce :doc:`PatrolBot `, a differential robot developed by MobileRobots. Sensors +++++++ - A new sensor :doc:`/user/sensors/velocity` allows to retrieve properly the velocities of a robot which use a physic controller. - The :doc:`/user/sensors/semantic_camera` performance has been improved. It has a new option 'noocclusion' to disable occlusion testing and get even better performances. - The :doc:`/user/sensors/thermometer` has been reworked to handle multiple fire sources, potentially of different nature - Introduce a new sensor :doc:`/user/sensors/collision` which allows to detect if the robot is in collision with some objects of the environment. - Fix Camera resolutions ratio issue `#371 `_. We now create one Blender scene for each camera in the simulation, with specific render resolution. Builder API ----------- It is now possible to handle loop in builder script (`#357 `_). See :doc:`/user/builder` for documentation about it. API addition ++++++++++++ - `make_ghost` method allows to transform the robot in ``ghost mode`` (transparent and with no associated physics) - `mass` method allows to setup the mass of any component. - `set_log_level` allows to configure easily the level of log of each component. A service with similar name allows to do that at runtime too. (`#337 `_). - `set_speed_camera` allows to change the speed of the viewport camera. - `set_friction` allows to change friction parameter with the ground API changes +++++++++++ - `add_default_interface` has now a smarter behaviour (`#399 `_) Pymorse ------- The Python bindings for MORSE have been completely rewritten and is now much more efficient (based on *asynchat* API). However, it is mostly an internal rewrite, and the interface does not change. Multi-node ---------- Rewrite the :doc:`/user/multinode/socket` client/server (internal). Use JSON instead of unsafe `pickle`. Tools ----- - Remove old Blender 2.4 geolandloader code - Add tools/terrain/blend_dtm.py to build map from a DEM and an Orthoimage