Source code for morse.sensors.armature_pose

import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("morse." + __name__)
import math
import morse.core.sensor
from import service, async_service, interruptible
from morse.core import blenderapi
from morse.helpers.components import add_property

[docs]class ArmaturePose(morse.core.sensor.Sensor): """ The sensor streams the joint state (ie, the rotation or translation value of each joint belonging to the armature) of its parent armature. .. note:: This sensor **must** be added as a child of the armature you want to sense. See the *Examples* section below for an example. .. example:: robot = ATRV() arm = KukaLWR() robot.append(arm) arm.translate(z=0.9) arm_pose = ArmaturePose() # the sensor is appended to the armature, *not* to the robot arm.append(arm_pose) This component only allows to *read* armature configuration. To change the armature pose, you need an :doc:`armature actuator <../actuators/armature>`. .. important:: To be valid, special care must be given when creating armatures. If you want to add new one, please carefully read the :doc:`armature creation <../../dev/armature_creation>` documentation. .. note:: The data structure on datastream exported by the armature sensor depends on the armature. It is a dictionary of pair `(joint name, joint value)`. Joint values are either radians (for revolute joints) or meters (for prismatic joints) :sees: :doc:`armature actuator <../actuators/armature>` :noautoexample: """ _name = "Armature Pose Sensor" _short_desc = "Returns the joint state of a MORSE armature" def __init__(self, obj, parent=None): """ Constructor method. Receives the reference to the Blender object. The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent. """'%s initialization' % # Call the constructor of the parent class morse.core.sensor.Sensor.__init__(self, obj, parent) self.armature = self._get_armature(self.bge_object) if not self.armature: logger.error("The armature pose sensor has not been parented to an armature! " + \ "This sensor must be a child of an armature. Check you scene.") return logger.debug("Found armature <%s>" % self._armature_actuator = None # Define the variables in 'local_data' for channel in self.armature.channels: self.local_data[] = 0.0'Component <%s> initialized, runs at %.2f Hz' % (, self.frequency)) def _get_armature(self, obj): if hasattr(obj, "channels"): return obj elif not obj.parent: logger.error("Could not find parent armature from armature sensor <%s>!" % return None else: return self._get_armature(obj.parent) def _get_armature_actuator(self): # Get the reference to the class instance of the armature actuator component_dict = blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict if self.armature and in component_dict: self._armature_actuator = component_dict[] else: logger.error("Could not find armature actuator <%s> from armature sensor <%s>!" % (,
[docs] @service def get_joints(self): """ Returns the list of joints of the armature. :return: the (ordered) list of joints in the armature, from root to tip. """ return [ for c in self.armature.channels]
[docs] @service def get_state(self): """ Returns the joint state of the armature, ie a dictionnary with joint names as key and the corresponding rotation or translation as value (respectively in radian or meters). """ joints = {} # get the rotation of each channel for channel in self.armature.channels: joints[] = self.get_joint( return joints
[docs] @service def get_joint(self, joint): """ Returns the *value* of a given joint, either: - its absolute rotation in radian along its rotation axis, or - it absolute translation in meters along its translation axis. Throws an exception if the joint does not exist. :param joint: the name of the joint in the armature. """ if not self._armature_actuator: self._get_armature_actuator() return self._armature_actuator._get_joint_value(joint) # reuse helper functions from armature actuator
[docs] @service def get_joints_length(self): """ Returns a dict with the armature joints' names as key and and the corresponding bone length as value (in meters). """ lengths_dict = {} for channel in self.armature.channels: # find the length of the current channel #head = channel.pose_head #tail = channel.pose_tail diff = channel.pose_head - channel.pose_tail length = math.sqrt(diff[0]**2 + diff[1]**2 + diff[2]**2) lengths_dict[] = length return lengths_dict
[docs] def default_action(self): """ Get the x, y, z, yaw, pitch and roll of the armature, and the rotation angle for each of the segments. """ if not self.armature: return if not self._armature_actuator: self._get_armature_actuator() joints = self.get_state() for k,v in joints.items(): self.local_data[k] = v