Source code for morse.environments

import sys
import os
import logging
import re
import shutil

def pyprint(code):

if "-c" in sys.argv or \
   "--with-colors" in sys.argv or \
   "--with-reverse-color" in sys.argv:
        # If Pygments is installed, use it to nicely render Python code.
        from pygments import highlight
        from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer
        from pygments.formatters import Terminal256Formatter

[docs] def pyprint(code): print(highlight(code, PythonLexer(), Terminal256Formatter(style="monokai")))
except ImportError: pass from morse.core.exceptions import MorseEnvironmentError logger = logging.getLogger('morse') ## substr = re.compile("@(.*?)@") DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_PATH = "share/morse/data/templates" # no good way to know if a file is binary or not. So use a list of extensions BINARY_FILE_EXT = [".blend"] joinpth = os.path.join # little shortcut... ################### ## Attention! the first file of each of these lists is used to check ## if the component already exist: do not put file in "append" mode ## (like as first entry. BASIC = ["", "scripts/", "src/@env@/", "src/@env@/builder/"] ROBOT = ["src/@env@/robots/", "src/@env@/robots/", "src/@env@/builder/robots/", "src/@env@/builder/robots/", "data/@env@/robots/@name@.blend"] SENSOR = ["src/@env@/sensors/", "src/@env@/sensors/", "src/@env@/builder/sensors/", "src/@env@/builder/sensors/"] ACTUATOR = ["src/@env@/actuators/", "src/@env@/actuators/", "src/@env@/builder/actuators/", "src/@env@/builder/actuators/"] ################### NEW_ROBOT_MSG = [""" A template for a new robot called <{name}> has been added to the <{env}> environment. ---------------------------------------------------------- To complete the equipment of your robot, edit: {prefix}/src/{env}/builder/robots/{name}.py You can also modify its Blender mesh: {prefix}/data/{env}/robots/{name}.blend For advanced usage, you may also edit its internal definition here: {prefix}/src/{env}/robots/{name}.py ---------------------------------------------------------- To use the robot in your simulation script, add the following lines: """, ("""from {env}.builder.robots import {classname} # add a new {name} robot in the simulation {name} = {classname}() #{name}.translate(...) #{name}.add_default_interface('socket') """, 'python'), """---------------------------------------------------------- Happy simulation! """] NEW_ACTUATOR_MSG = [""" A template for a new actuator called <{name}> has been added to the <{env}> environment. ---------------------------------------------------------- Edit {prefix}/src/{env}/actuators/{name}.py to implement the behaviour of your actuator. ---------------------------------------------------------- To use it on your robot, edit your robot description in {prefix}/src/{env}/builder/robots/ and add these lines: """, ("""from {env}.builder.actuators import {classname} # create a new {name} actuator {name} = {classname}() robot.append({name}) """, 'python'), """---------------------------------------------------------- Happy simulation! """] NEW_SENSOR_MSG = [""" A template for a new sensor called <{name}> has been added to the <{env}> environment. ---------------------------------------------------------- Edit {prefix}/src/{env}/sensors/{name}.py to implement the behaviour of your sensor. ---------------------------------------------------------- To use it on your robot, edit your robot description in {prefix}/src/{env}/builder/robots/ and add these lines: """, ("""from {env}.builder.sensors import {classname} # create a new {name} sensor {name} = {classname}() robot.append({name}) """, 'python'), """---------------------------------------------------------- Happy simulation! """] #################################################################
[docs]class Environment(): def __init__(self, morse_prefix, env_name, env_path = None): """ :param morse_prefix" the installation prefix of MORSE :param env_name: the name of the environment we want to modify. :param env_path: the relative or absolute path to the environment. Default to `env_name`. """ self.morse_prefix = morse_prefix self.env = env_name self.path = env_path or env_name self.abspath = os.path.abspath(self.path) self.tpls = joinpth(os.path.normpath(self.morse_prefix), os.path.normpath(DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_PATH)) def _make_safe_name(self, name): tmp = "".join(c for c in name if c.isalnum() or c==' ').rstrip() tmp.replace(" ", "_") if tmp[0].isdigit(): tmp = "_" + tmp return tmp def _substitute_str(self, instr, **kwargs): res = instr for kw in substr.findall(instr): if kw in kwargs: res = res.replace("@%s@" % kw, kwargs[kw]) return res def _configure(self, origin, target, **kwargs): """ Create a temporary file which is the configured version of ``origin``: every @keyword@ present in ``origin`` is replaced by the value passed as named argument. The configured file is saved as ``target`` For instance: test.tpl: print("@text@") -> invokation: _configure("test.tpl", "", text = "Hello World") """ # do not configure binary files if os.path.splitext(target)[1] in BINARY_FILE_EXT: shutil.copy(origin, target) return with open(origin, 'r') as infile: content = infile.readlines() if content and "#APPEND" in content[0]: with open(target, 'a') as outfile: for l in content[1:]: outfile.write(self._substitute_str(l, **kwargs)) else: with open(target, 'w') as outfile: for l in content: outfile.write(self._substitute_str(l, **kwargs))
[docs] def check_writable(self, path): if not os.access(path, os.W_OK): raise MorseEnvironmentError("You do not have write permission " "in <%s>!" % self.path)
[docs] def check_env_exists(self): if not os.access(self.path, os.F_OK): raise MorseEnvironmentError("<%s> (expected in \"%s\") does not " "exist! You may want to create first " "the environment with 'morse create " "<env>'." % (self.env, self.path)) self.check_writable(self.path)
def _install_files(self, files, force = False, **kwargs): firstfile = True for f in files: path, name = os.path.split(f) newpath = self._substitute_str(path, **kwargs) newname = self._substitute_str(name, **kwargs) try: os.makedirs(joinpth(self.path, newpath)) except OSError: # path already exists pass if firstfile and \ not force and \ os.path.exists(joinpth(self.path, newpath, newname)): raise MorseEnvironmentError("A component called <%s> already " "exist. Use 'morse add -f ...' to overwrite." % newname) firstfile = False self._configure(joinpth(self.tpls, path, name + ".tpl"), joinpth(self.path, newpath, newname), **kwargs) def _print_info_msg(self, msg, **kwargs): for part in msg: if isinstance(part, tuple) and part[1] == 'python': part = part[0].format(**kwargs) pyprint(part) else: part = part.format(**kwargs) print(part)
[docs] def create(self, force = False): """ Initializes a new environment content. """ self.check_writable(".") if os.access(self.path, os.F_OK): if force: shutil.rmtree(self.path) else: logger.error("A directory called \"%s\" already " "exists!" % self.path) sys.exit() self._install_files(BASIC, env = self.env)
[docs] def add_component(self, cmpttype, name, force = False): self.check_env_exists() safename = self._make_safe_name(name) if safename != name: logger.warning("Replaced name <%s> by suitable identifier: " "<%s>" % (name, safename)) try: if cmpttype == "robot": ok = self._install_files(ROBOT, force = force, name = safename, classname = safename.capitalize(), env = self.env) self._print_info_msg(NEW_ROBOT_MSG, prefix= self.abspath, name = safename, classname = safename.capitalize(), env = self.env) elif cmpttype == "sensor": desc = input("Enter a short description for sensor <%s>: " % safename) self._install_files(SENSOR, force = force, name = safename, classname = safename.capitalize(), env = self.env, shortdesc = desc) self._print_info_msg(NEW_SENSOR_MSG, prefix= self.abspath, name = safename, classname = safename.capitalize(), env = self.env) elif cmpttype == "actuator": desc = input("Enter a short description for actuator <%s>: " % safename) self._install_files(ACTUATOR, force = force, name = safename, classname = safename.capitalize(), env = self.env, shortdesc = desc) self._print_info_msg(NEW_ACTUATOR_MSG, prefix= self.abspath, name = safename, classname = safename.capitalize(), env = self.env) else: raise MorseEnvironmentError("Unknown component type %s" % cmpttype) except MorseEnvironmentError as mee: logger.error(mee.value)