Source code for base.battery_testing

#! /usr/bin/env python
This script tests the 'data stream' oriented feature of the socket interface.

from morse.testing.testing import MorseTestCase

    # Include this import to be able to use your test file as a regular 
    # builder script, ie, usable with: 'morse [run|exec] <your test>.py
    from morse.builder import *
except ImportError:

import sys
from pymorse import Morse

[docs]def send_pose(s, x, y): s.publish({'x' : x, 'y' : y, 'z' : 0.0, 'yaw' : 0.0, 'pitch' : 0.0, 'roll' : 0.0})
[docs]class BatteryTest(MorseTestCase):
[docs] def setUpEnv(self): robot = ATRV() battery = Battery() battery.add_stream('socket') = 10.0) robot.append(battery) teleport = Teleport() teleport.add_stream('socket') robot.append(teleport) charging_zone = Zone(type = 'Charging') charging_zone.size = [5.0, 5.0, 5.0] charging_zone.translate(x = 10.0, z = 2.0) env = Environment('empty', fastmode = True) env.add_service('socket')
[docs] def test_read_battery(self): """ Test if we can connect to the pose data stream, and read from it. """ with Morse() as morse: bat_stream = morse.robot.battery teleport_stream = morse.robot.teleport bat = bat_stream.get() cur_bat = bat['charge'] morse.sleep(2.0) bat = bat_stream.get() # Can't be really precise as we don't have exact timestamp # about when we get data self.assertAlmostEqual(bat['charge'] - cur_bat, -20.0, delta=0.5) cut_bat = bat['charge'] self.assertEqual(bat['status'], 'Discharging') # Now the battery must be empty morse.sleep(10.0) bat = bat_stream.get() self.assertAlmostEqual(bat['charge'], 0.0, delta=0.001) self.assertEqual(bat['status'], 'Discharging') # Teleport in the charging zone and check the battery charge # grows up send_pose(teleport_stream, 7.0, 0.0) morse.sleep(2.0) bat = bat_stream.get() self.assertAlmostEqual(bat['charge'], 20.0, delta=0.5) self.assertEqual(bat['status'], 'Charging') # Teleport out of the charging zone, the battery charge must # decrease send_pose(teleport_stream, 2.0, 0.0) morse.sleep(2.5) bat = bat_stream.get() self.assertAlmostEqual(bat['charge'], 0.0, delta=0.001) self.assertEqual(bat['status'], 'Discharging')
########################## Run these tests ########################## if __name__ == "__main__": from morse.testing.testing import main main(BatteryTest)